Young chicken goes for a ride!

Seeing as how I've kinda taken over this thread, I might as well continue. I made quite a bit of progress on the coop today.

First pic is a shot of the back along with the roof that is now installed. Then looking at the rear corner. Next two are of the roosting posts (sorry, I didn't realize they needed rotated). Next is the front with the acrylic window installed. Front and opposite side. Finally a better shot of the roof.

I went tonight and picked up the rest of the lumber for the run and for the trim for the corners and the along the roof. This puts me right at $1000 in this stupid thing. That doesn't include labor as I work for cheap - at least when I'm working for myself:whistling:


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I originally planned on building six 8 x 12 chicken tractors, one almost done and chickens in it. Another was framed and in the building as the chicks got to big and did not have time to finish it when it was used. The third has the wheels and frame done.

The picture of trailer posted is the third acquisition of this type, the first was 250 and the second 200. The first was used as a chicken trailer before and was ready to go. It also came with some feeding and watering accessories including a very old chick waterier that has the glass base, have not seen one of those since a kid growing up on the farm. It also came with close to 100 feet of cattle fencing that had the chicken wire attached.

This is by far the ugliest of the three. Had better get to work on the rest of the chicken tractors as I ordered 175 Cornish Cross this evening that the local farm supply store has coming in, 100 this next week and 75 the next week. This to go along with the 100 or so of three different ages out there now. Also have ten hens and seventy some pullets which includes the one that went for the ride.
The one that went for the ride. By the way the tractors that I am building run 600-700 each. Plus a whole lotta time. I also have 30 guineas coming in July.


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Geez reddog - I thought you was a veggie peddler. Sounds like you found a new farm venture!

Got a plucker built yet or do you have a processing plant near by? I built a plucker last summer.
No time to builder a plucker. Next week planning on ordering a plucker and scalder and associated equipment. I can max out a 1000 birds here a year with out any inspections, if I go that high it will get the cost of the equipment down to about four bucks a bird. The chickens is something that I have wanted to do for a long time. Heck I even enjoy cleaning the coop. Must be something to do with old age.
Pretty much got the coop finished. They've been using it for a week now. Started using it last Sunday. First few nights we had to catch all 13 of them and put them to "bed." Then Thursday night 3 of them was already in the coop when it came bed time. Then the last 3 nights 8 of the 13 went in on their own. Seems to be the larger (older?) white ones are the more stubborn or stupid ones and won't go into the coop. The ones that go in on their own are also the ones using the roosting post. When we are catching the white ones they are all nustled down on the roosting pole watching us out the window. When I go out in the morning to open the door, it doesn't take them long to come flying down the ramp. Now I just need to get the 12-volt door opener/closer wired up.


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Well the last 3 nights we've been stuck at 10 chickens going into the coop on their own. Always the same 3. Our 2 largest white (Monica isn't sure what the breed was, their names are Jumbo and Nugget) and another white one with long tail feathers. Jumbo and Nugget are actually meat chickens and if they don't start finding their way in to the coop, they are about to become dinner.:yum:
We lost 2 of our chickens on Saturday. We had our black lab out of her kennel running loose while we were outside working. We went in the house to eat dinner. When I came back out I saw her full boar running around the house and one of the white chickens hauling ass and squaking like crazy.:yum: I yelled at Oreo and made her stop and immediately told her to go to her cage which she does and I locked the door. The white chicken was no where to be found. But I found a white one and a tan one that Oreo had already caught. My son buried those. Didn't see the white chicken that she was chasing. When I let them out of the coop Sunday morning the chicken was inside. She must have come back and snuck in the coop when it started getting dark before we closed the door. We either need to finish covering the rung with wire or learn to clip the birds wings.

Note to self, need to get the automatic door wired up so I don't have to go out there at 6:30 on Sunday morning and open their damn door.:unsure:
Depending on how strong your dogs prey drive is a shock collar might work. My lab/pit totally ignores the chickens. He was scared of them after a few strategic shocks but now he knows that they are fine if he ignores them. He's really happy when he gets a cracked egg. ;)