Unemployed Veg. Peddler
Had a young laying chicken about a month old get out of the chicken tractor today. Went inside to get a fishing net and still could not catch it. Went back in so it would settle down and when I came back out, no small chicken, looked all over around the area including underneath all vehicles and anyplace it could hide but nothing. Wrote it off as being captured by a passing animal as my dogs were inside.
Drove about twelve miles to pick up some chicken fencing then went into town and made one stop after about another twelve miles and then made another stop. Went inside and got a call from the gf that there was a chirping under the pickup. She went outside and there was the chick. It apparently jumped up in the undercarriage and was there the whole time. Captured it and took it home.
Drove about twelve miles to pick up some chicken fencing then went into town and made one stop after about another twelve miles and then made another stop. Went inside and got a call from the gf that there was a chirping under the pickup. She went outside and there was the chick. It apparently jumped up in the undercarriage and was there the whole time. Captured it and took it home.