You gotta bleed sometimes...


Gone But Not Forgotten
To get to the best berries. These are being flash froze for winter treats and will be vac sealed to keep them nice. I had already picked enough to do 2 cookie sheets before lunch and went back out and got in after the tough ones. They are everywhere and still growing more. The ever bearing strawberries are producing some of the sweetest nice big berries also. I do think a lot of these raspberries are the biggest I ever picked. I was worried they would shade the strawberries too much but they all seem happy the way they are planted. The puncture wounds on the arms will be worth it for a nice cobbler when the snow is flying.


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i hear 'ya, muley. i was my Parent's berry-picking bitch when i was there. ow, if a jaggerbush snagged u. my very non-domestic Mom would make pie, 4 some reason.
I love the dang things. They sure like where we put them. I have never seen explosive growth and fruit like this. Our old ones produced but between the kids and the birds we did not have many to make stuff with.
First picking made 22 cups and the neighbor took 2 cups. We flash froze them and vac sealed 10 two cup bags. Today her and the wife picked 2 more cookie sheets full and there are more to pick but the heat is intense. There are still berries just forming as well as a lot that need to ripen. Going to be a bumper year for sure.:clap: