As i mentioned, i was not intended to be a work horse. Yes one can easily
fit a hitch on it and pull something. I built it cause i am a cat operator and
love cats, especially hydrostatic ones for there maneuverability.
It is dirt cheap as it is an ongoing project that runs but needs a few things
to finish for perfection.
I built it mostly for fun rides

If someone really want it perfect, those are the things to address; the orange paint on cab peels-off some places, from being painted aluminum. Took good care of sanding and cleaning the aluminum before the primer but...
The track "retract" function's hydraulic ram should be changed for the next
bigger diameter size as it is a bit short on pull power, to narrow the tracks
down. An hydraulic cylinder is always stronger extending then retracting.
The rubber belts (tracks), will need replacing in a year or two.
The rims (they are car space saver spare tires), touch on the track guides making a rolling noise. Very easily fixed with a grinder, on rim edges,
and, as i said, 4 of the 8 tires remain to be filled with foam.