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Wireless Music Systems


Jeanclaude Spam Banhammer
I'll start off by stating that my local radio stations are awful. If you're into Britney or arena rock, you'd be happy here. I am not, so I listen to digital music from my cable service and XM streaming on my laptop.

I like gadgets, so I'm looking for a good wireless interface I can use to run internet music as well as my mp3 library through a boombox. I can then listen to good stuff while working in the garage, basement, etc.

I've been reading the online reviews of some of these products, and people are all over the map with this technology. I'm sure some of the bad reviews are from people who are techno-challenged, and some of the good reviews are from those who may be either lucky or easily pleased. One concern I have is compatibility with Vista, which I'm running on my new laptop (I like the OS so far). Any thoughts or recommendations on these wireless music gadgets?