• Please be sure to read the rules and adhere to them. Some banned members have complained that they are not spammers. But they spammed us. Some even tried to redirect our members to other forums. Duh. Be smart. Read the rules and adhere to them and we will all get along just fine. Cheers. :beer: Link to the rules: https://www.forumsforums.com/threads/forum-rules-info.2974/

Wheres Tommo?

Hey folks, I got another short email from Tommo.

Hi Bob,

I'm doing well and my team are working harder than ever, the insurgents are sure keeping us busy over here! I still have not got my Snow trac to my home town, my brother has it stored at his place for when he can find the time to travel down to where i live and drop it off? I'm itching to restore it! Photo's will appear as soon as the Snow Trac appears.

Regards to all the gang and please send them my regards and as soon as time permits i will join in again. It will be interesting to see what people have been doing with there projects?

Best regards to you all.


Ok ! Enough is enough !!!:horsepoop: So its been 3 months since a really good update on this guy . This guy is more elusive than a clean pair of my underwear !!!

I personally think he has crossed over the Mexican Border, evading the authority's and is making his way toward my place to screw with my Yetti snowcat.:myopinion:

Give us and update !!! Is your Snot Trac still rusting away at your ex brothers house ?
Did You ever find a pair of black silk stockings, Bob S. wanted in size XXXL with the open fly front ???
Are you still keeping your little pointed head down like we told you to ???
Are you ready to give up and realize that a Kristi KT7 will ALWAYS be better than a "Plain Jane Snow Trac" ???

So what do you plan to call that Snot Trac of yours ???
OHHHH !!! I know !!! How about the "English Banger":yum: :yum: . Oh :D that was a good one !!!!:yankchain: :yankchain: :yum:

Enquirering minds want to know !!!!!
So another month and no Tommo :confused: . I think I hurt his feelings :horsepoop: .
TOMMO I'm sorry , come back ......
I only meant the things I said :yankchain: . Bob still needs his stockings !!!
Hope all is well .
Your friends at FF
BigAl said:
So anybody heard from him
Its been quite a while since I have
Nope I have not heard from him, not even via regular email.

Hopefully he is OK and just busy with life and a new baby. Seems like the last we heard of him he had survived the ambush in Bagdhad where his driver was badly injured but they both got out of the mess.
B_Skurka said:
Nope I have not heard from him, not even via regular email.

Hopefully he is OK and just busy with life and a new baby. Seems like the last we heard of him he had survived the ambush in Bagdhad where his driver was badly injured but they both got out of the mess.

Wasn’t Ice Queen in regular contact with him ? I sure hope and pray that he is safe and enjoying his new baby .
Hope Tommo is ok, I haven't heard from him for ages, he didn't make it to the Great Dorset Steam Fair. We still haven't had an update on that snowtrac or the new baby (not so new now, either of them). Bob have you heard from him lately?
Ask and yea shall receive . . . this arrived overnight from Alan "Tommo" Thompson!

I am ok, my team was hit pretty bad about a month and half ago with some deaths (4) and badly injured guys, half my team was taken out so at the moment i have been busy with life over here and getting to grips with the 'Life goes on along with the job' attitude and keeping the team focused on training the new guys who have replaced the dead etc. I will be home in March for another 3 weeks and have been driven mad with house moving which should have been done 5 months ago!

My Brother has not spoken to me for such a long time with reference to when he will bring the ST 4 to my home! He tells me he paid the full amount and that the man he got it from was happy to hang on to it for has long as it takes has it was not in the way. He then said he had collected it and was with him! He then said he was coming down on 2 occasions and did not show and gave me some sob story! I did not hear from him over the Christmas period when i was home last, which was strange. I have not contacted him because i think he never did pay for the ST4 like he said he did and the man has since gotten rid of it, but i cant be sure until i confront my Brother face to face over this matter!

I think the story goes like this, He put a deposit on the ST4 and was given a time frame to collect it but kept asking for a little longer and giving the bloke some excuses and in the end the bloke said pay or i sell the ST4 and you loose deposit? I will find out whether i have lost my ST4 for good or it is still sitting there which i can't see! I feel i have lost out Bob? Still he owes me the money at the end of the day! Problems with Brothers uh??

So what about the gang then! I have been so busy with life in Baghdad and my team and the fact i have had it up to here with the ST4 scenario that i have not sat down and been on the web site for a long time. I will see what is happening and try to catch up with all the reading to find out what you have all been doing etc.

Bob, take care and i'll keep you informed has to whether i own an ST 4 or whether my brother is skating on thin ice!

Best regards


Glad to hear the old bloke is alive! One way or another we can get him a Snow Trac. If non are available on that little island then I know there will be some here on this big chunk of land!
Hi all,

Sorry for the long delay and not joining in with you folks. My life is in the fast lane over here and i have had many problems along the way with my team of guy's! Life in Baghdad is not good and the insurgents seem to have the upper hand and gaining in 'Technical now how' day by day! We are being kept busy and i am looking forward to getting back home at the end of March so i can try to move on from the last few months that have been hell in one way or another for me.

I wont go into any more details with the ST4 but when i'm home i will see what i have or dont have as the case might be? If i dont have one then i will start the process of looking for one again until i do find one!

My little boy is now 1 year old and the eldest is 4 in June and growing fast and will start school in September of this year, where does life go!

Hope you are all well and you have been busy restoring your loved ones! 'Dont tell wife i said that'! Looking forward to siting down for a few spare hours and reading Al's resto progress and looking at the pic's etc.

Well folk's i'll try to get
back into the way i was before on the forum but it is very hard at the moment for me to devote time sat at the computor, we now how long we end up sat reading all the threads!

Take care and hope to be back soon.

Tommo, good to see you back, things here have changed a lot, there are lots of new members with sub-standard (non-Snow Trac) machines and they need a good whoopin from you! Take care, and be safe until you get home (then you'll have a wife to deal with and we can't help you with that).
Hope all goes well for you and that you will find that you have a snowtrac when you arrive back in England If you have problems retrieving it, let me know and I can arrange some transport. If no snowtrac, well we will all have to start looking for one for you. Keep in touch so we know that you are safe.
Hi Snow queen,

I'm ok and will see what the score is when i arrive home and will let you all know whether i do or don't own a Snow Trac!!

If i need your Big stuff to give me a hand i'll get in touch, thanks.

regards to all

Tommo, lovely to hear from you first hand, and so pleased to hear that you are ok. I don't necessarily need the 'big stuff' to fetch a snowtrac, I have a flatbed Ivor Williams trailer that the snowtrac fits on, this is what I took the wheelhorse down on, to Mith, and brought back a ton of straw for a friend, not as expensive on diesel as the 'big stuff', it is towed by my Discovery - no problem. Mad, manic woman in Wales, will travel!!
I got this from Tommo this morning, so he is still alive and well in Iraq, I don't know the background to this, but am passing it on:

This poem was written by a terminally ill young girl in a New York Hospital .

It was sent by a medical doctor - Make sure to read what is in the closing statement AFTER THE POEM.


Have you ever watched kids

On a merry-go-round?

Or listened to the rain

Slapping on the ground?

Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight?

Or gazed at the sun into the fading night?

You better slow down.

Don't dance so fast.

Time is short.

The music won't last.

Do you run through each day

On the fly?

When you ask How are you?

Do you hear the reply?

When the day is done

Do you lie in your bed

With the next hundred chores

Running through your head?

You'd better slow down

Don't dance so fast.

Time is short.

The music won't last.

Ever told your child,

We'll do it tomorrow?

And in your haste,

Not see his sorrow?

Ever lost touch,

Let a good friendship die

Cause you never had time

To call and say,"Hi"

You'd better slow down.

Don't dance so fast.

Time is short.

The music won't last.

When you run so fast to get somewhere

You miss half the fun of getting there.

When you worry and hurry through your day,

It is like an unopened gift....

Thrown away.

Life is not a race.

Do take it slower

Hear the music

Before the song is over.

And another message from Tommo:
Hi Bob,

Yes i'm still in Baghdad and will be home on the 25th June for 3 weeks for the usual leave with the family etc! I will be doing lots of flying 'Little bird helicopters' and running triathlons which i do for my mine sport, good fun. The ST4 is still know where to be seen and my brother has not got in contact with me on my last few leaves and he did know i was home! If he still as it i will be in total amazement!!

So how is life with you and the family and the ST4 gang? I don't get the time to sit and read the long and vast forum on our site so am behind on what's going on! Al should have got his TUB finished by now? Bloody good restoration he has done from what i saw of his photo case on the forum.

I will keep my eyes open for an ST4 again and hopefully get a bargain in the process?

Take care and regards to the crew


Hi to Ice Queen, Big Al, Mith, Melensdad, Snowcat operations and anyone else who remembers me?

I have been away from the site since 2007 and boy how time has flown! I am still not the proud owner of an ST4 but now have a very rare 1964 Ford Thames 400E Royal Navel ambulance and it is the only one in the UK in full Navel livery on the road (SORN). I am looking at swapping the Thames 400E for a UK ST4.

If anyone knows of a good one in the UK or in the EU I will be very interested.

Please let me know how you all are and if anyone has moved on or left the site etc etc?

It would be nice to catch up with what has been going on with you lot over the years!!

Take care and hope to hear from you soon

It seems that Mith's life has taken a different direction. He hasn't been around for a long time. Snowcat has also been AWOL. And I really hate to tell you but Big Al passed away last year.
Hi Tommo,

Thank you for being where you are and doing this job that we can enjoy our lives and snow machines. Keep your head down and

Take care, we pray for you,

Hi gang

I have spoken with Anita (Ice Queen) and she is well and busy with life and no doubt will surface once again when the time is right (Like myself) and pick up where she left off? I have been sitting here in the evening just trying to read all the posts and catch up on life on the forum.

It's good to be back and shall try to be active once again in my quest for a ST4!

Stay safe all