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What's for Dinner Tonight?

sil made pork, smashed potatoes, corn & french-cut green beenz, doctored like my bro makes them.
lunch was wendys chili that i figured was gonna also be dinner (wasn't the 'lil one i usually would get, & i devoured it.)
My relations from out of state are slowly making their way in for the funeral.
My aunt Marilyn from Thornton, Illinois stopped by.
I insisted she stay here, but since she doesn't like dogs (or cats, or any animals for that matter) she said she'd already had a room reserved at a local hotel.
Gretchen would have been her constant shadow anyhow.

She said she was famished and wanted to know where we could get some good fish.
I'd already thought about going to the Knights of Columbus fish fry.. mentioned that.. and she said Let's Go!
Made A big old Taco salad with fresh tomatoes,lettuce, shredded cheese and 1 lb. of browned burger with spicy mix.
Was so good I think I just ate some for the second time!! :whistling:I have been eating more lettuce and fresh veggies than ever.
Oh and by the way, Mr. Muleman.. the cold has improved over the course of the day..
Must have been those Glenfiddich hot toddies...:whistling::yum:
.. for medicinal purposes.. of course..
my guy made evening plans w/ me, then was frantically calling/texting (5x in like 10 min. to cancel. he got called in as he's a nurse). i was gonna leave him in suspense til a few minutes b4 he went in.

all day & no food leaves aubrey a bitchy girl. all work & no snooze leaves aubrey a moody girl.

after a fish sammich & a pop i'm over it.:flowers:
What ever works nurse.:mellow::clap:
:yum: I was gonna do the usual, you know.. Sucrets for the throat tickle, nasal spray for the stuffed nose, and Aleve for the aches.
Threw back a few last night.. suddenly late this afternoon, I felt better!
Grandma Durkin was right. lol
Course, according to Steve, her bloodstream was always pretty much in the "I dare ye to touch me bloody germs mode" most of the time. hehe
Gargle with warm salt water. Dab a little Vicks on your chest and snuggle under the covers. If you ain't better in 30 minutes call me and i will make a house call to check the proper application of the Vicks.:whistling: Or you could do like I just did and eat some Oreos. :yum:
Gargle with warm salt water. Dab a little Vicks on your chest and snuggle under the covers. If you ain't better in 30 minutes call me and i will make a house call to check the proper application of the Vicks.:whistling: Or you could do like I just did and eat some Oreos. :yum:
A little Vicks? I don't think there is enough in the jar I have here for the umm application.:doh::hammer:
Seems I am out of Oreos too.
Mmk.. back to my fresh hot toddy...:yum:
The Vicks on the chest is to open your nasal passages. Now if you are going to grease them up that is whole different type of therapy!:whistling::yum::yum:
It's difficult to top PG's magnificent "girls," so I won't even go there.:brows:

Busy day today in the kitchen for me and the Mrs.. DW made some peanut butter cookies to restock the freezer, and I took the leftover baked cod from last night's fish fry and made a couple dozen 4 oz. fish patties and froze them for a future meal when all the kids are here. I also seared an Angus chuck roast and slow roasted it with onions, carrots & celery, and that was our dinner with mashed taters and broccoli, and apple pie with Graeters vanilla ice cream for dessert.





Looks like you were busy Joe.

Can't really say I had an actual dinner- but the funeral home had a delightful spread of swiss cheese/deli meats and fresh vegetable trays with dips and buns to accompany if anyone wanted to throw together a sandwich in the back room.
Also baked goods from the local deli/bakery. Cookies etc..
Coffee, sodas and bottled water.
a krispy kreme. found it on the table & just noshed on that. & me & my guy drank many pops. now i must scooch myself to snooze- already almost zonked a few times nestled into him. 'nite.
The husband of my wife's best friend passed away Sunday night, so I made up some mini cinnamon rolls today for her to have for all the family that will be in and out this week. I didn't get a picture after the frosting was drizzled on because it was a crazy morning. The funeral will be Saturday.


For dinner I made up some tenderloin riblets, home fries and broccoli.

Boneless/skinless chicken breasts (sliced into strips and marinated in EVOO, grated fresh garlic, ground peppercorns, ground sea salt, ground red pepper flakes and my AP seasoning blend) and fresh broccoli sautéed in grape seed oil and EVOO (that was infused with fried slivered fresh garlic that was removed when golden). Chicken stock, fried garlic slivers, ground peppercorns, ground sea salt, ground red pepper flakes added, covered, and steamed until broccoli and chicken were tender and fully cooked. Tossed with Trader Joe’s spinach and chive linguini topped with fresh grated romano and parmesan cheeses and fresh ground red pepper flakes.

My next lazy day soup adventure will be split pea and ham, over fried polenta..
Here's the experimental slop per the suggestion on the back of the can.. it was delicious and filling...:yum:

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