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What's for Dinner Tonight?


Mr. Congeniality
GOLD Site Supporter
Almost forgot. Made some Honey Whole Wheat bread and a batch of cinnamon rolls. It's payola for a countertop a friend made for me and I'm picking up tomorrow to finally finish my 1/2 bath relocation project.



Mr. Congeniality
GOLD Site Supporter
Thanks.. It's still fun. On my feast day I will be making 30 loaves of Olive Oil Italian for the church bake sale. Now that I have two ovens and two KitchenAid mixers, it should go quicker. Remember the last time I did this?



Gone But Not Forgotten
GOLD Site Supporter
Tonight for supper we has venison steak cooked in the slow cooker with onions and tomatoes and a little brown sugar. Boiled red potatoes and corn on the cob. Sorry I started tearing into the corn before I took the pic. Getting down to the last couple bags of last years corn on the cob. It is hard to resist.


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legendary ⚓
GOLD Site Supporter
Looks good Muley, but I have to say I have never liked deer meat.
I had-- a cheeseburger which I dolled up off the salad bar at work, baked beans, cottage cheese and a cold cup of coffee.
These were all eaten between the hours of 5-7 pm.
Don't think I've ever had a hot meal at work, ever..


Gone But Not Forgotten
GOLD Site Supporter
That is why I always delivered a hot meal to the wife when she worked second shift at the home. I would have a cold drink and good meal for her as often as possible. As for deer meat you just have to make it right and you would never know the difference. Our corn fed deer are actually fat and a lot like beef.


Mr. Congeniality
GOLD Site Supporter
Bacon wrapped fillet mignon with twice baked potatoes (left from the last fillets we had) and our frozen corn from last summer. We celebrated the completion of the bathroom and laundry room with a nice meal. I made the fillets in my raised rib cast iron pan, and seasoned them with Montreal steak seasoning. Cinnamon rolls for dessert, warmed in the nuke until the butter cream frosting started to run.


Done to perfection!




New member
now there a hunk of meat and a meal that has the Bams seal of approval


Bacon wrapped fillet mignon with twice baked potatoes (left from the last fillets we had) and our frozen corn from last summer. We celebrated the completion of the bathroom and laundry room with a nice meal. I made the fillets in my raised rib cast iron pan, and seasoned them with Montreal steak seasoning. Cinnamon rolls for dessert, warmed in the nuke until the butter cream frosting started to run.


Done to perfection!




legendary ⚓
GOLD Site Supporter
I am in the process of making 4 homemade chicken pot pies.
1 for dinner- 3 to freeze for later.


Gone But Not Forgotten
GOLD Site Supporter
Man they look good. Probably not loaded with sodium like the store bought ones. I have a half of a rotisserie chicken for tomorrow. Might go for scallops and rice tonight.


Gone But Not Forgotten
GOLD Site Supporter
Wife cooked up some steamed peas and Real good scallops for my low cal/low sodium supper.


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legendary ⚓
GOLD Site Supporter
Mmmmmmmm the scallops!

Nope Muley, the pot pie recipe isn't loaded with sodium if you use Pacific low sodium chicken broth, like I did.. or any other brand for that matter.


Gone But Not Forgotten
GOLD Site Supporter
I am starting to see more low sodium products lately. Or else I am noticing it more.


New member
cool to see some scallops posted...just got a big box of jumbo scallops from bro's work and havent decided what to do with them yet..

PG those pot pies look great.. one of my nephews favorite dishes is beef pot pie and i never thought about doing them in puff pastry..thanks

last night's dinner - Friday night Pizza tradition in our house

pepperoni and fresh cut pineapple


Buffalo chicken tenders


and lastly, the only pizza usually with some leftovers is....
Hot Italian Sausage w/Kalamata Olives

all pizza's our house always have extra cheese,either thin crust or in between thin crust and thick crust..always crispy yummy goodness..lol



New member
GOLD Site Supporter
1'" ribeye and a baked potato.
The potato in the microwave. (5 minutes flip 4 mins)
Cut it open and lots of butter melted and stired.
The Steak on the broiler. 3.5 flip - 3.5)
What I get is better than any restaurant.
A plate FULL of juice.. and a steak that melts in your mouth.




New member
Tonights menu will be

Dynamite Scallop Rolls
Steak fried rice
something with bok choy & mushrooms in it

pics to follow later


legendary ⚓
GOLD Site Supporter
1'" ribeye and a baked potato.
The potato in the microwave. (5 minutes flip 4 mins)
Cut it open and lots of butter melted and stired.
The Steak on the broiler. 3.5 flip - 3.5)
What I get is better than any restaurant.
A plate FULL of juice.. and a steak that melts in your mouth.


PICS next time!:hammer:


New member
Lordy! Me thinks I'll be ordering pizza to be delivered at work this evening!

want me to make it and deliver it for you?..lol

they use to actually pay me to make pizza.lol

PICS next time!:hammer:

yah yah yah.lol

:biggrin:.. waiting...

ok ok you dont have to wait anymore..lol

alright time for some pictures

Albacore Tuna


Raw Fish Salad (cannot remember the real name of it)made with yellowfin tuna


our version of a beef chop suey with mushroom,bok choy,bean sprouts and a few different asian sauces and spices


Scallop Dynamite Roll(Sebastian picked out this picture to use)


all plated and a few extra close-up pics of the individual items


these are especially for Sushi





legendary ⚓
GOLD Site Supporter
Whoa, Jeff.
That Scallop DynOmite roll looks good.
Sebastian is a smart little boy. ;)
The steak fried rice also looks scrumptious.
Don't care for raw fish at all, but the pics are purdy.
I see you have a red plate too. :D

I had pizza as planned. Got it delivered from the local, Jack's.
Thin crust with mushrooms, bacon, onions and banana peppers.


legendary ⚓
GOLD Site Supporter
-seafood lo mein (shrimp, crab and lobster meat) and an eggroll (store bought from frozen)
Not very pretty, but it tasted good.

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legendary ⚓
GOLD Site Supporter
After getting the mane chopped and turning down an old beau for a dinner out (and "whatever") I came home and made what shall henceforth be referred to as the angry taco salad. mad2.gif
The salad was a winner.. he is a loser:yum:
Nothing like crunching away on tortilla chips to get your mind off a man.

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