What Uncle Sam used to do!


The top one came from the Federal Reserve in Minneapolis? I Wonder why, and what year this may have come from. Open polinated days long ago.

Regards, Kirk
The funny part is we do like the posters suggest. All except the corn. Save a hell of a lot of other seeds though.
The funny part is we do like the posters suggest. All except the corn. Save a hell of a lot of other seeds though.

Yeah, well next year I am going to try corn (assuming we are in a house) and I can start saving then. Will be getting pepper and 'mater seeds from some of Mom's garden veggies I brought home last night. Not much better than a grape tomato eaten right off the plant. Tasty! :clap:
So far only have had 2 ripe tomatoes. Late start and not the best year for them around here. Corn is coming along nice. Early stuff is pushing ear and almost 6 ft. tall. Melons and pumpkins are looking great. Going to pull onions later today after it dries off and then plant late peas where they were. Might do some beets also.
Lots of tomatoes coming from her. Was over to the house last night, and she has 8ft tall beefsteak tomato plants LOL and they are loaded with 'maters. Plus, she has tons of peppers, sweet, hot, and regular bell.
I'll be buying veg this year.

I didn't plant the big garden because it produced too much stuff and it was getting too much of a chore to look after. In other words, I was just plain lazy.

The little garden produces more than enough for me and my wife except ..... the automatic watering system failed and I didn't notice until it was too late. It doesn't take many 100° days without water to kill off veggies, about 4 as near as I can figure.
I'll be buying veg this year.

I didn't plant the big garden because it produced too much stuff and it was getting too much of a chore to look after. In other words, I was just plain lazy.

The little garden produces more than enough for me and my wife except ..... the automatic watering system failed and I didn't notice until it was too late. It doesn't take many 100° days without water to kill off veggies, about 4 as near as I can figure.

I definitely plan to grow more than we need once I can put my garden in. We will can some, freeze some and trade some extras with friends who grow other veggies/fruits.
Plus, I find that gardening, is relaxing to me. Doing anything self-sustaining relaxes me :smile:
Here's one from 1917! Don't try this in a modern subdivisi

Back in the early part of the last century (1917 - 1918) the following was published in multiple poultry magazines :

The text reads:

Uncle Sam Expects You To Keep Hens and Raise Chickens

Two Hens in the Back Yard for Each Person in the House Will Keep a Family In Fresh Eggs

EVEN the smallest back yard has room for a flock large
enough to supply the house with eggs. The cost of main-
taining such a flock is small. Table and kitchen waste pro-
vide much of the feed for the hens. They require little attention
only a few minutes a day.

An interested child, old enough to take a little responsibility,
can care for a few fowls as well as a grown person.

Every back yard in the United States should contribute its share to a bumper crop of poultry and eggs in 1918.

In Time of Peace a Profitable Recreation

In Time of War a Patriotic Duty

"Every back yard in the United States should contribute its share to a bumper crop of poultry and eggs..."
That sure sounds like our vision: "A chicken in every yard!"

How cool is that!?!?

My family grew a large garden during WW II. They were officially called victory gardens, It was that or ration stamps. Also had chickens. In the city of Denver. My sister wore dresses made from chicken feed sacks. The sacks came in a wide variety of prints, and mom would send samples of the sacks she needed when we went to the feed store. Mcalls sold patterns for the sack dresses.

Everybody got behind the war effort. School paper and tin can drives. No new cars available, so you fixed what you had. Far different than today..
My family grew a large garden during WW II. They were officially called victory gardens, It was that or ration stamps. Also had chickens. In the city of Denver. My sister wore dresses made from chicken feed sacks. The sacks came in a wide variety of prints, and mom would send samples of the sacks she needed when we went to the feed store. Mcalls sold patterns for the sack dresses.

Everybody got behind the war effort. School paper and tin can drives. No new cars available, so you fixed what you had. Far different than today..

Yes, back when we were one nation, and proud, the sacrifices of war were shared by most everyone.

Today we share stories about the tradgedy of war from the nightly news. Completely insulated from the effort,,,and the sacrifice.

VERY different times.

I would elaborate more but Oprah is coming on.:whistling:
Yeah, one nation that was composed of individuals. Now they try to paint us as a "society", a single entity. Locally most people have some kind of garden, in fact there was an effort in town to make plots available to anyone but there weren't too many takers- well at least not in the daytime....
Barack Hussein Obama was skooled for twenty years in the Black Liberation church of the good Reverend Jeremiah Wright.

So Hussein is well-versed in the social ideology of the collective. The thought of individual responsibility if foreign to the man, and plays no part in his scheme to fundamentally change Amerika. Sadly, he has already had 4-1/2 years to enact this transformation, with nobody willing to stop him over the remainder of his second term. It is no longer what Uncle Sam used to do, not what We can do for Amerika under Individual Responsibility, but what Uncle Jeremiah can GIVE to Us, the Collective.

Woe is us.
Government does not encourage people to be self sufficient.
They can't exert control over folks who can survive on their own. It is all about control. The more they hand out and redistribute from folks who are self sufficient the more control they have over the masses.:hammer: