• Please be sure to read the rules and adhere to them. Some banned members have complained that they are not spammers. But they spammed us. Some even tried to redirect our members to other forums. Duh. Be smart. Read the rules and adhere to them and we will all get along just fine. Cheers. :beer: Link to the rules: https://www.forumsforums.com/threads/forum-rules-info.2974/

What Happened To The Real Threads?

Oh man! I could NEVER afford that baby. It's worth more than a lot of houses! It's owned by a collector up here and is shown at New Rockford, ND each fall during the steam show there. A friend of mine takes charge of her. I've been on her deck a few times. She's sweet!

Gotcha TN , still perty cool that at least you have access to it . I never could keep up on the types and models of them but that Turner fellow had several that looked similiar to that but maybe not as big nor in that good of condition . :wink:
Oh man! I could NEVER afford that baby. It's worth more than a lot of houses! It's owned by a collector up here and is shown at New Rockford, ND each fall during the steam show there. A friend of mine takes charge of her. I've been on her deck a few times. She's sweet!

Reminds me of a few the Roen Family had up in the Fargo area. I knew one of the daughters and have stayed at the farm one time. What a estate sale that was.
Just post it JB and don't give it a 2nd thought. All threads are real, even this one. All threads are not equal to all members, we all like different 'stuff'.
real threads, fake threads and everything in between are welcome here on FF. Don't over think it, it's not worth it, just post it and move on. Over thinking can burn up brain cells & those brain cells might be needed later in life.

Heck I even like the thread drift. You can open a thread on x and find out stuff about x, y and z. it's all good in my mind. Course, I was also a fan of short attention span theater (for a while anyway). :hide:
Just post it JB and don't give it a 2nd thought. All threads are real, even this one. All threads are not equal to all members, we all like different 'stuff'.
real threads, fake threads and everything in between are welcome here on FF. Don't over think it, it's not worth it, just post it and move on. Over thinking can burn up brain cells & those brain cells might be needed later in life.

Heck I even like the thread drift. You can open a thread on x and find out stuff about x, y and z. it's all good in my mind. Course, I was also a fan of short attention span theater (for a while anyway). :hide:

I need to keep all the brain cells I can! I already have a hard time with memory. I can just imagine what I'll be like in old age.:yum:

Don't know about posting the joke though. It's a little too politically incorrect. But I was just kidding when I asked if I should post it or not.

And for the record, I think this thread is great.:biggrin:
There are so many Mindless posts thru out Forums,

Some people take pictures of food they have cooked and post it. No discussion, mindless

Some others copy Utube music and post that, again no discussion, mindless

Yeah some are playing mindless word games, but there was a games forum and when the game was introduced, nobody said it does not fit.

Thats was is so nice there is something here for everybody

Thanks all for making this place interesting :biggrin:
This thread is my all time favourite....








  • Fred_Flinstone.jpg
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Ya'll know I'm a fairly serious minded gal. Not long after I joined, I commented to a fellow member about how the inanities on the forum got on my nerves. His response was that he had enough seriousness in his daily life and the forum was a place he could relax and unwind.

This is a diverse forum. I liken it to the local bar and grill. While some folks have heated debate at the bar, some are back in the arcade room playing pinball and shooting pool.
Ya'll know I'm a fairly serious minded gal. Not long after I joined, I commented to a fellow member about how the inanities on the forum got on my nerves. His response was that he had enough seriousness in his daily life and the forum was a place he could relax and unwind.

This is a diverse forum. I liken it to the local bar and grill. While some folks have heated debate at the bar, some are back in the arcade room playing pinball and shooting pool.
Good analogy CG!!!!
Ya'll know I'm a fairly serious minded gal. Not long after I joined, I commented to a fellow member about how the inanities on the forum got on my nerves. His response was that he had enough seriousness in his daily life and the forum was a place he could relax and unwind.

This is a diverse forum. I liken it to the local bar and grill. While some folks have heated debate at the bar, some are back in the arcade room playing pinball and shooting pool.

Very good, I'll meet you at the bar for some serious talk, someday:biggrin:
Ya'll know I'm a fairly serious minded gal. Not long after I joined, I commented to a fellow member about how the inanities on the forum got on my nerves. His response was that he had enough seriousness in his daily life and the forum was a place he could relax and unwind.

This is a diverse forum. I liken it to the local bar and grill. While some folks have heated debate at the bar, some are back in the arcade room playing pinball and shooting pool.
Nah, more like the biker bar, with really mean bouncers.
Overall I think FF trys to have a little something for anybodys taste . If you want to see more posts about the real life than jump in and post !

I am kinda a open book and will talk about damn near anything that comes into my little pee brain . If I can put a smile on your face than my day is complete .

We (the staff) try real hard to stay out of policeing post as much as possible .Sometimes we will see a dog fight or cat fight , but everybody has and opinion and can get a little emotional at times over what they care about .

I myself am slowly loading the FF membership with a bunch of Leftie's who hate eating bread too , just so I can surprize Jev soon when he is not looking . FYI : I heard he lives near a bakery and those great looking breads are store bought . When he shows pictures of his great creations from his kitchen do you see in dirty pots and pans in the background ???? My point exactly .:shifty:

Now I myself am not into the number or word games post as they were never my best subject in school . I did like the 4th grade though ! Best 3 years of my life :unsure:.

So there you go : Different strokes for different folks .:flowers:
Overall I think FF trys to have a little something for anybodys taste . If you want to see more posts about the real life than jump in and post !

I am kinda a open book and will talk about damn near anything that comes into my little pee brain . If I can put a smile on your face than my day is complete .

We (the staff) try real hard to stay out of policeing post as much as possible .Sometimes we will see a dog fight or cat fight , but everybody has and opinion and can get a little emotional at times over what they care about .

I myself am slowly loading the FF membership with a bunch of Leftie's who hate eating bread too , just so I can surprize Jev soon when he is not looking . FYI : I heard he lives near a bakery and those great looking breads are store bought . When he shows pictures of his great creations from his kitchen do you see in dirty pots and pans in the background ???? My point exactly .:shifty:

Now I myself am not into the number or word games post as they were never my best subject in school . I did like the 4th grade though ! Best 3 years of my life :unsure:.

So there you go : Different strokes for different folks .:flowers:

Hey Al, if you have a pea brain, you should post in the "Word Game" thread then, cause that's where all the dopes hang out.:w00t2:
I was just about to post the same thing. I'll go drinking with you guys anyday. Maybe even play a game of darts with some of you.:biggrin:

I ain't comin' close to that joint. Remember, JB mentioned having a short memory??
I'm just afraid she'll mistake something else for the bullseye! :doh:
So there you go : Different strokes for different folks .:flowers:
Thanks my Big darling.
Thank you too Doc and Letecia for bringing me back down to earth on this matter. I did actually like your analogy a lot Letecia.
What a lot of us don't care to see doesn't exist.. for those who want to join in.. have at it. :biggrin:
Bread and Circuses for all.:yum:
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i think we have been giong kind of easy on Big Al i havn't seen a good krusty comment in a while he needs to get working on that bath tub so we have something to talk about again
i think we have been giong kind of easy on Big Al i havn't seen a good krusty comment in a while he needs to get working on that bath tub so we have something to talk about again

And if someone spent less time playing 10/4 trucker on his CB and got his lazy butt down here to help me maybe i would be done by now .

OK.....:unsure: that was outta line but I am a little sensitive this week ... you know........:blush:.
i think we have been giong kind of easy on Big Al i havn't seen a good krusty comment in a while he needs to get working on that bath tub so we have something to talk about again

Yeah, well, that Dusty's gonna take more time than Al's got left to get it working again.
Yeah, well, that Dusty's gonna take more time than Al's got left to get it working again.

Hey Tractor balls ,

I am not the one eating all the jelly donuts each morning over on NTT . How's those clogged arteries feeling today ?????:w00t2::whistling:
Hey Tractor balls ,

I am not the one eating all the jelly donuts each morning over on NTT . How's those clogged arteries feeling today ?????:w00t2::whistling:

I'll have you know, Old Stinky, that I had a visit with my doc today and he's happy with my sugar and blood pressure, besides, you guys sleep too damned late, so, I get all the donuts! Snooze, lose! :whistling:

Hey we haven't had donuts the last few days. Whose turn is it?

It's Al's, IF he can wake up early enough. :unsure: