Overall I think FF trys to have a little something for anybodys taste . If you want to see more posts about the real life than jump in and post !
I am kinda a open book and will talk about damn near anything that comes into my little pee brain . If I can put a smile on your face than my day is complete .
We (the staff) try real hard to stay out of policeing post as much as possible .Sometimes we will see a dog fight or cat fight , but everybody has and opinion and can get a little emotional at times over what they care about .
I myself am slowly loading the FF membership with a bunch of Leftie's who hate eating bread too , just so I can surprize Jev soon when he is not looking . FYI : I heard he lives near a bakery and those great looking breads are store bought . When he shows pictures of his great creations from his kitchen do you see in dirty pots and pans in the background ???? My point exactly .
Now I myself am not into the number or word games post as they were never my best subject in school . I did like the 4th grade though ! Best 3 years of my life

So there you go : Different strokes for different folks .