I've always been uncomfortable with the label of "prepper". It conjures up visions of those Doomsday Preppers as shown on TV who are prepping for some of the most outlandish things that are ever likely to occur and want the rest of to think that they are normal, far seeing and prophetic individuals.
I've always thought of myself as more of a good Boy Scout.
I recently read a book by Dr. Arthur T. Bradley called "The Disaster Preparedness Handbook" and decided that a "disaster prepper" is a title that I can live with. It basically says that you need to prepare for "disasters", either natural or man made, that are likely to occur where you live and therefore everybody's plan is going to vary according to their location but that certain basics hold true wherever you are. It's an interesting read.
So, I'll just continue on my merry way being ready to handle power outages, weather emergencies, localized flooding, possible civil unrest and any other minor inconvenience while leaving how to handle full scale nuclear conflagration to others who want to worry about such things.
I'm too old and life is too short to worry about every eventuality. Sure, the dinosaurs got obliterated by a asteroid the size of Mt Everest but for 60 to 100 million years they got along just fine, thank you very much!!! I think that I can probably make it through the next 5, 10, 25 years or so.