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What are you doing today, II

Got some work done today and then to the VA for a physical which went well. Then back to work. Matco dealer came and had the socket set in he ordered last week for me.Paid them off. Employee bought a repoed tool cart, story was the previous buyer made a few payments and screwed the previous dealer he had on making the payments. Did repo it on Friday. My employee is happy with it so far paying that off.
We unloaded two garage storage spaces last weekend, and placed it in our living rooms and back porch. Iam sorting it our and putting most of it in our garage where we haven't parked a car for some 30 years because i is full of "stuff." :rolleyes: :whistling:

I had some luck because there were three very nice shelf units in that storage, they matched three I already had. So, I set them up facing opposite at about 3 feet apart and began placing items upon them. My FIL had some very large RC airplanes that would not fit ON the shelves. The wingspan on the biplane is 66."

However, some six-foot 1"X 6"s and scrap paneling made a nice bridge on top. Most of the aircraft will go there until I can suspend them to ceilings inside the house.

I am not into RC aircraft and plan to eventually sell them. Two are beautifully done and have flown. I also have several unfinished planes and some complete kits, new in box, if anyone is interested.

PM me.
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We unloaded two garage storage spaces last weekend, and placed it in our living rooms and back porch. Iam sorting it our and putting most of it in our garage where we haven't parked a car for some 30 years because i is full of "stuff." :rolleyes: :whistling:

I had some luck because there were three very nice shelf units in that storage, they matched three I already had. So, I set them up facing opposite at about 3 feet apart and began placing items upon them. My FIL had some very large RC airplanes that would not fit ON the shelves. The wingspan on the biplane is 66."

However, some six-foot 1"X 6"s and scrap paneling made a nice bridge on top. Most of the aircraft will go there until I can suspend them to ceilings inside the house.

I am not into RC aircraft and plan to eventually sell them. Two are beautifully done and have flown. I also have several unfinished planes and some complete kits, new in box, if anyone is interested.

PM me.

I was in to RC planes I donated a couple of older but better ones to a local club as trainers so they could teach people to fly,
It's a niche market and not usually worth you time unless you find a local club and post them on their site for sale.
I've bought a couple off market place too literally penneys on the dollar a couple wouldn't have covered their gas to meet me.
Been working and getting it done. Went over to my other property, a friend of mine came over with his loader which he has the long forks for and moved the 10 junk cars on five rows 2 cars in each row. Will make it easier for the place that is coming to crush them on Friday to get their crushing machine in. They already have the titles for the cars I have given them. Township supervisor will be there witnessing so he does not get complaints on me. This friend of mine will be there loading the cars in the crusher
Woke up this morning with a sore back again. It's cold outside so instead of sitting on my butt again all day watching TV, I hauled out a can of paint and got to work painting one wall in our dining room. The previous owner did a quick job to sell the place just before we bought it but it looked like crap. Been staring at it for 5 years and finally decided to redo it.
Got back from the tattoo shop, had my USMC tattoo on my left arm redone which the colors were starting to fade. I got it done in 2000 and was drunk at the time while off leave not remembering a thing.A couple guys I also served with and I decided to go to the bar on night getting drunk going to a tattoo shop after leaving the bar. My mom saw it when I came home on leave and asked me what was I thinking. She seen what it looked like
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12:01am so it is officially today.

I have a party at a fencing club on the north side of Chiraq to attend at 6:30pm to 8:30p CST.
practice at Purdue 80 miles south to attend at 9pm EST to midnight EST.

Going to look at road conditions and decide, traffic to the north or ice to the south.

Right now leaning toward the trip to Chiraq for a party. As much as I love hitting kids with metal sticks there is supposed to be free alcohol at the party to the north and there will be friends of similar age, so that seems more attractive.

The Chicago party is in the top spot. I don't cross time zones to get to that, and I'll be home by 10:30pm versus 12:30am if I attend practice at Purdue. But weather may play a big impact in my choice. So waiting to see.


Hit up the Home Depot for all sorts supplies for a project.

And went to the fencing club to build an acoustic sound absorbing panel and install it on a wall. 4' by 8.5'. The first one of 2 planed panels. There is a lot of work to come at the fencing club. Monday a bunch of volunteers (volun-tolds?) will be showing up to re-do our floor. About 65% of the floor will be torn up and rebuilt. 2 new metal grounded fencing strips will be installed with rubber underlayment to absorb shock and help minimize/eliminate knee injury. A major upgrade. Another sound absorbing 4.5' by 8' panel will go up. I have every thing ready for the install . . . which explains why I am in so much pain now. But the next phase will be simple.

I also have the next section of the wall prepared for a similar 4'5" by 8' panel to be mounted. They will both be 1.5" off the wall and are designed to reduce reflected as well as direct sound. The fencing club is noticeably louder after we installed the metal strips. This should HELP, probably not solve, the additional noise issues. So more to come?


To make roof for the new sound absorbing panels I had to move most of the award panels an remount those over and around our mural. The end project looks pretty good, but this is just a vanity project.

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Got back from the tattoo shop, had my USMC tattoo on my left arm redone which the colors were starting to fade. I got it done in 2000 and was drunk at the time while off leave not remembering a thing.A couple guys I also served with and I decided to go to the bar on night getting drunk going to a tattoo shop after leaving the bar. My mom saw it when I came home on leave and asked me what was I thinking. She seen what it looked like View attachment 187351
I'm not a big fan of tattoos. However, I cannot help but admire this one
I'm not a big fan of tattoos. However, I cannot help but admire this one

I have zero desire for a tattoo but I promised my adopted daughter that if we went to Jerusalem tougher that I would get this tattoo. The design is an ancient one, maybe 1000 years old? And very Catholic. St Michael the dragon slayer. There is a shop,wiht a longl ong long lineage in Jarusalem for tattooing Christian pilgrims.That is the shop I'd have do the tattoo.

That said,I have no plans to travel to Jarusalem with Dasha at this point in time so no plans for this tattoo

Seeing a lawyer today, getting my DWI conviction expunged from my record,1st offense. Was busted in 2006 and learned my lesson from it. Good thing was the judge was easy on me due to I cooperated with the cop that busted me telling the truth.Now can do this in Michigan if a 1st offense and have not killed anyone in an accident
Did have a guy come out and cut down a tree near my house. I knew it had to go getting in bad shape and he has a friend of his that is getting the wood. I did not want to do it, he has the equipment to do it and I don't
Still working on repacking and finding a place for all the "stuff" we brought home from the storage units.
Alot of plastic boxes with books, company files, tools, supplies, ol clothing and memorabilia.
Most of the ole clothing has nothing wrong with it. So I am washing all of it to bring it fresh and much will go into my wardrobe. Crumpy had some really nice stuff as well.

We both have pretty much the same bodies as when we were in our thirties/forties so most of it should fit. As for style, I don't care one way are the other. Crumpy's stuff is not really dated. A lot of Crumpy's clothing was sweatshirts and cold weather stuff. It will come in handy as well.

I found three pairs of brand new jeans. Waist 34." Three years ago I was 38". However, thanks to dieting and three bouts of COVID, I am, once again, down to 34." Kewel! Also found two favorite jackets from my days in the Paramedic/Fire service. In good shape and they fit well.

Therefore, I have been running laundry nonstop all day today. Not sure where we will be sleeping tonight. The master bed is full.
Did get up and the place crushing the junk vehicles came to my other property meeting the township supervisor. They were happy with the set up and started the crushing. Stopping at my youngest older brother's place to crush those 5 junk cars too, he will be happy to see them gone
I went to Aquarobics today the pool was closed yesterday because of a snow day for the school district.
Well they must have drained and filled the pool it was so cold it could put nippels on a watermellon (not to mention the 20 some woman and us 3 men in the class) a couple people chickened out and skipped class I only made it 3/4 of the hour class before I had to get out the aquatics director said the heaters were on for the pool and it should be back up to the 82 it normally is on monday.
Heading to O'Hare Airport to drop off my sister-in-law, she is heading to Florida for a few days.

I get to take care of her dog.

On the way home I'll pick up meds for the lovely Mrs_Bob at the pharmacy, she is going the opposite direction with Kobe. We will meet up for dinner at home.

Nothing exciting.
You should check out prices from SBN. I'm heading to FLL in a few weeks. Considering the drive, tolls, parking, and the cost of the tickets, it's alot cheaper than MDW or ORD. Plus no traffic to deal with.
There's a connecting flight, bummer, but that gives me some time to stretch my legs.
Still nursing a sore back but I did make it outside for an hour to clean up some snow with the sxs and plow. I'm enjoying plowing snow with it more than the plow truck. It's been sitting covered in snow waiting for me to install a new pump motor and reattach the plow. I dug it out of the snowbank and drove it over to the garage to work on the pump later. Then used the sxs to clear snow where the truck was parked for the past month. I have been dragging my butt on getting it going but figured I might as well get it done. That's all my back had for today. I'll install the motor tomorrow.
I went grocery shopping and then took a chilly walk down through Oakwood Park.
I'm glad this damn flu is gone, except for that lingering cough.
I'm back to work tomorrow night for a split shift, which will amount to getting report and a med pass basically.
All the junk cars are gone, know my dad was probably looking down cringing seeing them go. Township supervisor was happy it. Found out he has to deal with two that have over 20 cars in their property and has received complaints on them. Worked as well getting customer's vehicles done. Plus I had a talk with my employee, my review on him and it was all good. Told him he is a great employee and I am impressed with his positive attitude coming in on time ready to work.
Came from an estate sale, found out about it yesterday through a customer. A woman is moving and her husband passed last month. She seen I had my eyes on her deceased husband's Mac toolbox from the 1970s full of tools and asked if it was for sale. Told me yes and took my offer, it was after I looked through it. Good thing is she taped a cardboard sign on it with saying sold on it. Going to get a friend's enclosed trailer and get it later today. Good thing is this friend knows I treat his stuff with respect and he is coming to help load it up
Went to a funeral for the daughter of a long time family friend from childhood. I didn't know her well but her dad and mine hauled logs trucking back in the 80s. I was his son's age.

Anyways....sad story. I don't know all the details but from what I understand, a group of people broke into her house while she was sleeping to rob her. She didn't stand a chance as one of the guys grabbed her head and snapped her neck. It gets worse. They tossed her out of the bedroom window into the snowbank. A neighbor had a doorbell camera pick up her body being tossed.
Went to a funeral for the daughter of a long time family friend from childhood. I didn't know her well but her dad and mine hauled logs trucking back in the 80s. I was his son's age.

Anyways....sad story. I don't know all the details but from what I understand, a group of people broke into her house while she was sleeping to rob her. She didn't stand a chance as one of the guys grabbed her head and snapped her neck. It gets worse. They tossed her out of the bedroom window into the snowbank. A neighbor had a doorbell camera pick up her body being tossed.
WOW :mad:
Hired another employee and she came to drop off her toolbox and cart off. She is a veteran as well, did 6 years in the Navy and is glad I do allow her dog to come with her. Her dog is a service dog, she has anxiety issues from a couple guys she served with raped her. I was angry to find out they did nothing to these two guys that raped her 6 years ago.Went back to that estate sale to pick up that tool box, found out she had another one there full of tools her husband had and she threw that in the one I bought getting that one too. Another Mac and I did good so far, found no junk tools in it full of Mac, Matco and Snap On. Did find the receipts from the tools he bought too. The second one, will be going through it tomorrow afternoon.
Still going thru box after box and bag of "Stuff" we had in storage.

So many little questions.
So many decisions.
To toss or keep?
And wondering,
Took a bunch of fencers to the Purdue fencing practice.

Came home this afternoon and played with Kobe.

Now sitting and relaxing while the lovely Mrs_Bob tries to get Kobe to sleep. From what I can hear down the hallway he is not cooperating.
Took a bunch of fencers to the Purdue fencing practice.

Came home this afternoon and played with Kobe.

Now sitting and relaxing while the lovely Mrs_Bob tries to get Kobe to sleep. From what I can hear down the hallway he is not cooperating.

Nothing that a shot of apricot brandy for Kobe and 2 for you and the mrs for medical purposes ;)

It gets worse apparently. So this happened in a small town 3hrs northeast of here where I was born and raised till age 35. Anyway, things have gone to crap there and they don't even have a funeral home or director. When someone dies, they have to send a coroner from the city. The police only covered the body with a blanket and wait for them to arrive about 16 hrs later. Unreal.