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What are you doing today, II

I don't even KNOW where to begin with this.
So here goes.
As many of you know, I'm not fully retired yet, I still pick up prn shifts where I'm employed.
Two weeks ago, I did the night shift with one of my best loved nurses. He used to work for us through an agency. He started there as an aide, all the while going to school and working hard to achieve his RN.
I love this young man.
His home is Detroit. He would drive all that way consistently, day after day to be there during the pandemic and after.
He was hired full time as an in-house employee vs agency once he got his RN, fairly recently.
As happens, a few decided to delve deep into his past, I'm talking 10 years ago.
Come to find out..
He was born a girl, he's now a man, or has always looked like a man to me.
I never had any indication whatsoever about any of this.
I loved him as Shance (his name now).
He was humiliated and made to feel like he wasn't good enough to be with us any longer.
So he quit and is now searching for a job in nursing in the Toledo or Detroit area.
My heart is absolutely broken.
We lost a wonderful employee.
For no good reason.
I've since friended him on Facebook and have his phone number so I can stay in touch with him, and it's taught me a huge lesson about judging others.
I don't even KNOW where to begin with this.
So here goes.
As many of you know, I'm not fully retired yet, I still pick up prn shifts where I'm employed.
Two weeks ago, I did the night shift with one of my best loved nurses. He used to work for us through an agency. He started there as an aide, all the while going to school and working hard to achieve his RN.
I love this young man.
His home is Detroit. He would drive all that way consistently, day after day to be there during the pandemic and after.
He was hired full time as an in-house employee vs agency once he got his RN, fairly recently.
As happens, a few decided to delve deep into his past, I'm talking 10 years ago.
Come to find out..
He was born a girl, he's now a man, or has always looked like a man to me.
I never had any indication whatsoever about any of this.
I loved him as Shance (his name now).
He was humiliated and made to feel like he wasn't good enough to be with us any longer.
So he quit and is now searching for a job in nursing in the Toledo or Detroit area.
My heart is absolutely broken.
We lost a wonderful employee.
For no good reason.
I've since friended him on Facebook and have his phone number so I can stay in touch with him, and it's taught me a huge lesson about judging others.
I have a former fencer who was a boy and is now a girl. I remain friends with her now that her transition is completed. I never liked I think it happened at too young an age, but I always considered the human person. Josh was a good kid when I knew him. Amber is still a good kid to me, although now clearly well into adulthood. Is he/she a good person, that is the real question. I just don't give a damn about the other stuff.

Now that said I do opposed male transitioning to females in high school, college and professional athletics.

I suppose if the male transitioned BEFORE puberty I would not have much argument to make because PRE-Puberty transitions would not allow the male muscle and bone mass to develop, which is the crux of my physiological argument. But if someone transitions PRE-Puberty I also believe that the parents should be arrested for child abuse and the doctor who performs such surgery at such a young age should be subject to medical malpractice and child mutilation.

- - - - - -

FWIW, my day today included helping the lovely Mrs_Bob pack up and depart. She is staying at Melen's condo in Chicago and pup-sitting Nelson the Corgi for a few days while Melen is out of town attending a wedding of her friend.

I sat around and drank coffee, then drove to the fencing club and installed a new electrical run around a corner and to a work station. I don't know how to bend conduit but I used a conduit corner to solve the problem. Installed a double duplex box complete with Type A and Type C USB ports. Of course it couldn't be easy, I had to drill into a poured concrete wall to install the anchors for the conduit. We had been using power strips in a "daisy chain" configuration but honestly the thoughts of a fire have bothered me for a long time, finally got up the energy to do the job right. I didn't have any wire, but I did have some ROMEX from a prior project, its a pain, but I pulled it through the conduit, around the corner and to the location of the new box.

Didn't bother to disconnect the original outlets from power at the fuse box. Just wired the new stuff up, then connected the new stuff to the "hot" circuit. I've done that before. I don't recommend it to others. But if nobody is looking, and it's a simple circuit I don't mind. Especially if the fuse box is far away from the work location.

I'm now sore. Working at the fencing club often does that, we keep it very cool there and that affects me. 2.5 hours after going to do the work I left, went to Culvers, ordered too much food and then drove home. 3 Advil and some water and now I'm sitting in a lounge chair.
I don't give a damn now about the other stuff either.
She/He transitioned well into his early 30s.
His Grandmother raised him well and kept him off the streets and out of the hood.
He is supported by those who love him, although some don't understand.
I get it now.
I'll be there for him always.
I took a day off from renovations for my mental health. Lol.

Instead, I did the great Canadian trailer shuffle in the yard. First, I moved the yard trailer. Then hooked up to the boat and hauled it out of storage. Followed by backing the snowmobile trailer into the carport where it sits for the summer. Then I turned my attention to the fifth wheel. Installed the hitch and moved the fifth wheel first backed up to the garage to replace a plug in receptacle for the main power that I had stolen for the other camper at our seasonal campsite last fall. I had gotten a replacement in but wanted to make a new mounting plate for it as the existing screw holes were stripped. I sealed it with clear silicone. Afterwards, I backed the fifth wheel up to the house. Not bad. One try backing up hill around an apple tree and up to the side of the house in one shot.

After unhooking from the fifth wheel and getting it opened up, I turned my attention to the flat deck trailer and after driving my daughter to a friend's house (they don't have school today), I went with my youngest son with the truck and trailer to pick up a patio swing. We came back and installed it on the deck. I then put him to work driving the sxs around with the yard trailer picking up branches and smaller trees I'd cut down last fall.




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After enduring 24 hours of constant rain, I interrupted my Hippie Ridge activities and came home. The ground was so soggy, I couldn't run the John Deere backhoe anywhere without big damage. N\Besides, my lawn was growing to knee high in just a few days of this cool rain.

At home I salvaged 24 used brick for the patio extension. I only need to find 30 more.
They were under a stank of composition decking I bought two years ago. And now I can do the deck behind the garage.

But it keeps on raining! :mad:
Today should be interesting watching my wife and son on their knees trying to click together laminate flooring. I told her I'm done. I'll do the cutting with the saw but I'm not getting down on my knees anymore as my back is still burning from 2 days ago. I'll take care of the end cuts and angles but will give 0 input as to how to install it. She read the instructions. I don't know anything apparently. 🤐
I did my 4 mile walk across town.
Helped my friend April rearrange her living room so she has room for her new recliner delivery tomorrow.
Did two weeks worth of grocery shopping (damn!$$)
Stopped and got some Chinese , had that for both lunch and dinner and then lunch tomorrow.
I'm with the Grandkids tomorrow for a while, Friday I have to have my wrist looked at.
Something going on there arthritic.
I'm pretty sure it's this.
I can sympathize pg. My right hand ring finger has been aching for months sending throbbing pain up my hand. My family doc prescribed me diclofenac topical solution for it. My third knuckle gets swollen in the cold dampness. Pretty sure arthritis is involved. It happens.

I hit the ground running again today putting the final touches on my son's room. Then drove my daughter to school and a quick trip to home depot. Came home and finished wiring a plug in the room followed by cleaning up any remaining tools then came upstairs and she who must be obeyed asked what we were having for supper. It's a cold rainy day so I prepared a big crockpot of homemade ground deer tomato mixed beans and wild rice soup and a loaf of homemade bread in the bread maker before finally taking a break for an hour with my feet up before going back to the city to get my daughter. I've been running like mad since mid March working on the basement.
Finished up the living room project. Lots of up/down on the ladder taking measurements, cutting wood, installing wood, etc.

Started spreading blacktop sealer on the driveway (20 gallons today . . . 50 gallons left to do)

Sat on my butt and recovered. 3 advil + 1 tramadol. My arthritis is getting better now that I've been on Enbrel for a couple months, but still not as good as it could be, and physical labor, which I enjoy, makes me very sore.

Then fencing this evening, mostly just doing weapon repairs. Did a very little bit of coaching but not much. I'll see the same kids tomorrow at the class I teach, I basically just reminded them to do the stuff we worked on last class.
Went to see a buddy who has dementia and took him and his dog for a ride. Then a young lady at my church who can't drive because of mental issues to do some shopping and then some errands and then to church for Prayer and Praise where we pray for people in the church who need prayers.
I'll be heading to Defiance later in the day to pick up my Granddaughters from school.
I've promised to take them to Meijer to buy them new summer clothes and shoes.
Then out for cheeseburgers for dinner, and wait for their excellent step Mother (Felicia )to get home from work.
Since I'm done downstairs (for now at least) with the biggest part of the renovation I started mid March, I decided that today is a feet up butt in the recliner kind of day aside from driving my daughter in to school. But thankfully her school moved location from the other end of the city to basically right at the edge of the city where our road comes in cutting my driving time from 50 minutes a trip to 25. I don't have to deal with the city traffic. Just a leisurely 12 minute country drive in to the edge. 2 sets of lights and I'm on my way home.
I went to see my Doctor today.
My wrist complaint is arthritis.
It's not a horrible pain, but it can flare if I don't take Tylenol Extra Strength, which I don't like to take anything for pain unless it's severe.
This isn't severe, it's bothersome.
Then I met my friend Jules for dinner and we did some shopping after.
Just got home from my walk down at Oakwood Park.
WE had a bad deck 10' X10' behind the garage.
Finished replacing the old pine deck boards with fresh "sister" joists and new composite decking. Dark gray "Clamshell"

Now, my grand daughter can play on her "Big Wheel" swing without catching a splinter or her foot in a hole in the deck.
My son had been asking me about a tray for his keyboard on his computer desk. He's been working on setting up his new room in between work and his girlfriend. Lol. I had a couple of old doors from a stand up cabinet my wife is using just sitting in the garage so I measured and cut one up to make a tray. I used the leftover pieces to make supports for the tray which I screwed up from the bottom. I also sprayed a glue on the surface before clamping it and screwing into place.

Good little project for this morning. Now my back is done. I've been out of commission for 2 days with a bad back.

Nice work Brian.

I'm off to Hippie Ridge to do some backhoe and bucket work with 3" and 1.0" Minus gravel. I hope the ground in the meadow has dried enough that I won't tear it up with that big machine.

12 ton altogether so I don't want to do it with a wheel barrel and shovel.
We plan to move one of the campers this weekend. A 29 footer with bump outs built in 2006. I hope it doesn't come apart on the highway.

Tires are fairly new with only about 1,500 miles on them. The county just did a new grading on the gravel road last week.

Should be Okay.

Plans are to be back home on Wednesday.
I took two fairly long walks, cleaned my bathroom top to bottom (including the walls, door, inside the sink cupboard because I keep stuff I don't need).
I had cubed steaks in the crockpot for hours, then had one for dinner with mashed potatoes and corn.
Very good, but they shrank or is that shrunk?
Just did some more seal coating of the driveway.

3 years ago I put a "10 year" sealcoat down on the driveway. It looks good. But there are some 'cracks' and I had a couple bad spots. So I had planned to come back and do it again. This is the year. Bought 12 buckets. This is the same brand as the other stuff, but his is "8 year" sealcoat. It is spreading farther per bucket than it did, but then again it's going down on a sealed driveway. I have completed over 1/2 the driveway, used 7 of the 12 buckets. I expect it will take 10 to 11 buckets to do the whole driveway??? If so I spread the last bucket over a couple of the rougher areas.

This evening I'll be at the fencing club. One of my former high school fencers, who went on to fence in college and was captain of her college team, is "home" for about 3 weeks. She will be coming to the club and texted me to see if I will be there. In a few weeks she will be gone again, off to study in a graduate program in England. I don't remember the university she will attend, but they have a fencing club and she will be on their team.
Let's see. It's 2pm. So far, I drove my daughter to school in the city, picked up a grocery order then came home and put everything away. Then I immediately turned my attention to my plow truck and changed all 8 ignition coils. They were very rusted. Then I hooked up to our old fifth wheel camper which we had listed for sale last year but didn't sell to take some pictures and get it listed. Once I moved the camper to the house, I unpinned and hooked up to the boat to haul it up close to the house to install the batteries I removed. Now the puppies say it's afternoon nap time. 😴
So back in March, my plow truck basically lost power during a storm and wouldn't move and power out in drive but still ran. I was thinking fuel pump at first but looking at the coils, they were original to 2006 and very rusted so I changed them yesterday. Still no power. Hmmmmm....light bulb 💡. It's got good spark. It's getting fuel. Air? Bingo! I had never checked the air filter since I bought it 2 years ago. Apparently the previous owner wasn't too concerned about it either as I was able to scrape wood chips dirt and dust out of the filter. I cleaned everything up and including the mass air flow sensor and reassembled it with a new filter and it runs great. So I graded the driveway to test it as it was full of potholes.
Hippie Ridge was a muddy mess. Seems it has rained there every night for the last two weeks.

Unfortunately, I could not wait because I need the site ready for a camper right now. So, I slugged thru the muck, tore up the meadow a bit, but got the rock pile moved out of the way and 1/3 of the driveway got a new layer of 3.0" rock
So, now I am ready for my son's 29 foot Teddy camper. Only he isn't ready. Good thing because the road into our place could support trout right now.
Woke up at 4am. I dunno why.

Shower. Doctor at 9 for a routine visit with the cardiologist. He said I'm doing great, said I don't need to come back for a year. Left his office and bought a couple White Castle double cheeseburgers to celebrate.

Home Depot for some bags of premix cement.

Not much for a couple hours then off to the fencing club.
Paid bills, wrote a draft of the letter of recommendation, seal coated the last 50' of the driveway. Ate an early lunch/late breakfast.

Realized my hands and arms were really in pain from spreading the driveway sealer so I took 3 advil and 1 tramadol to hopefully stay ahead of the pain. For some reason the advil alone doesn't work well. The tramadol alone doesn't work well for me. But the combination usually help.
Between 2 trips to the city and a physio appointment, I started on work to install the range hood once the tiles are installed next week for our kitchen then it will FINALLY be done.
Working on a 25K bushel (1.4M pounds) delivery of corn to a local processing plant. To wet to plant soybeans yet.
We are finally getting rain, and I will be the last person to bitch about it! :thumbup: