• Please be sure to read the rules and adhere to them. Some banned members have complained that they are not spammers. But they spammed us. Some even tried to redirect our members to other forums. Duh. Be smart. Read the rules and adhere to them and we will all get along just fine. Cheers. :beer: Link to the rules: https://www.forumsforums.com/threads/forum-rules-info.2974/

What are you doing today, II

I suggested a way to get money from the Veteran's Administration to house homeless Veterans and then I presented it to the city council yesterday evening. Today I followed up with the city manager, who I've been working with and he said the council liked my idea. (YAY) Another meeting set up and I will be compiling more information and ideas.
I've been chilling out most days, walking, visiting the family, enjoying not being at work so much, but missing it all the same.
I go back this weekend for my prn shifts.
Also, me and what's his name have called it a day.
Remember when I said don't ever get clingy or controlling?
It was amicable.
I'm not exactly shedding tears.
Some things just run their course and were good while they lasted.
Sorry to hear that Lollie.

Picked up a deal on a wrapper today. I have to go to Walnutport PA. Plan to go next week. 14 hour drive from St Louis.

$5K on a machine worth four times that much. I was selling one of mine to a client but didn't really want to let it go. This one fits him better and I get to keep my full stable of BRONCO's. DOBOY Broncos are like Edsels. Few if anybody likes them but me. I pick them up for $2K and build them to compete with $40K machines. I was part of the development team but they only sold 26 of them. Good mid range machines. Originally priced at about $25 to $30K We own three in house and I support some for other customers.

There is no factory support. The machine I bought today however, has factory support which for my client, is a better deal.

And it was half what I was asking for mine. So, I'll make a little more margin and the client gets a better machine for less capital expense. The client makes 3D glasses for theaters and we used to package them by the millions. Now he does novelties like magic decoder toys and special throwaway glasses for solar eclipse viewing.
Not enough volume to contract us so,,,; Currently bagging them by hand. Tedious.

I've convinced him to go modern and package in house.
Well, today we have a staff recognition thing at work at 1pm. Hmmm
Cannot wait to see what that's all about.
Hopefully our corporate master will be there thanking us endlessly for all our work during our covid crisis.
The snow has all melted off, so I'm going to walk again at some point.
I'm making a rather large chuck roast for dinner in the slow cooker, so I don't have to mess around with being creative.
Dat's it.
It's going to be a balmy 15 Celsius today which will make things nice and sloppy outside with 6" of fresh snow left from the storm the other day.

We took delivery of a used piano today. It was free but we paid a moving company to deliver it.

I installed some hooks on the gazebo over the hot tub to hang towels.

Nothing much on the agenda as my back is shouting a big FU to anything strenuous today.
It's going to be a balmy 15 Celsius today which will make things nice and sloppy outside with 6" of fresh snow left from the storm the other day.

We took delivery of a used piano today. It was free but we paid a moving company to deliver it.

I installed some hooks on the gazebo over the hot tub to hang towels.

Nothing much on the agenda as my back is shouting a big FU to anything strenuous today.
What style and brand piano?
Cleaned the '95 Dodge one ton today. Hosed out the vinyl insert and the bed of rock dust. Limestone dust is worse than salt on corrosion. I'm hauling a lot of it lately.

The Dodge one ton is my best wheel barrow ever. Last two week ends I hauled 8 tons of 3" gravel. The road to my Ozark place is treacherous enough but the county has stopped maintaining it. So we have commandeered the power utility service road as our new driveway. Originally just a dozer cleared path full of water holes and ruts, we are filling the soft spots with big rock and later I'll lay 1" clean on top.

This week end should be the end of the sub surface work except for some culverts I'll do later when the 310 GD backhoe is down there.

This new drive traverses a 40 Acre section and then joins my old road for another 1/4 mile. That's a lot of shovel work buy hand so I cannot wait to get the JD down there. But we needed to shore up the sub road so we can get in there rain or shine.

This coming weekend I will be laying down two or three tons of 1"claen to restore the driveway and parking areas around the house and out buildings. I have a truck bed unloading system ordered but I doubt I will get it for this weekend. So once again, unloading one shovel at a time.

The wife helps and frankly throws two shovels for one of mine. Amazing woman and cute too!
Road trip today.


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Tore the dash apart on my son's car this morning to change the clock spring on the steering column. Getting to the actual part was a 15 minute job normally but some genius at gm thought that it would be a good idea to use locktite on the steering wheel even though it slides onto a splined steering shaft and is held on by a lock nut. Then the wiring harness that normally connects just below the steering column on most vehicles is located in behind the guage cluster. So that was a pain. It's still not totally done but I did get the old one off and new one installed. After a few choice words, I shifted my focus to building a handrail on the steps leading down to the hot tub. I had just enough treated lumber sitting around from other projects to get it done. I even scavenged some from the kids tree fort they never use. Lol. It still needs to be stained but I have to build a railing for the other set of stairs coming from the kitchen deck first.

Morning coffee and hot tub in progress. Followed by a whole lot of SFA all day. We have a light snowfall that is only supposed to amount to an inch. Very refreshing being in the hot tub at -1.
Started a slow rain last nite. Still raining a slow gentle rain. Everything is greening up. And,,,; SOGGY WET!!!

But we are still going to the Ozark ranch and hope for the best. I have a ton of one inch clean gravel to put down Sunday. Monday I will deliver and spread two more tons on the homestead drive and parking areas.

The wife finally admitted the old 32' Mallard RV was un-salvageable so we may disconnect it from the deck and sewer drains so we can move it out of our way. I'll scavenge the water heater, fresh water tanks and electric fireplace heater. We can use them in the new structure.

This will be our last major rock work until I get the JD310 down there.

With all this rain the area should be very wet making it safe to have a big bonfire for all the brush we have taken out. Last fall we cleared 3 acres of 1" to 3" diameter saplings from the pastures and front lawns. I also have a stack of lumber that we bought 12 years ago to build a house. It is mostly useless now.

I think most of the 4X8 siding panels are usable and all of the windows and doors were well preserved under tarps. Much of the treated lumber is still usable. Any of the clear pine 2X4's and 2X6's are worthless along with headers and joists. Altogether a good $12k going up in smoke because the economy sucked in 2010 thru 2017. We barely kept the company afloat and had no time or funds to build our dream.
It's 82 beautiful degrees out there!
I've been out most of the morning/day so far just enjoying it.
Nothing else to report really.
It's 82 beautiful degrees out there!
Y'all sure do have some weather swings. Snow just a few days ago and now 82.


Although it's sprinkling right now, it's nice here too. I'm on the countdown from my 2nd covid vac. When I get to a full 14 days, I will be at the garden center with a big fat cart of goodies for my yard.
It's finally warming up to shorts weather. So my buddy asked me yesterday if I want to go trout fishing an hour away from the shore of a river. So we headed out this morning in his old jeep that had been sitting for a year and was just put back on the road this week.

Back to today, we drove to the city then started heading east. We get about 5 miles out when the steering wheel starts shaking. We pull over and get out to inspect. The passenger side tire and brakes was normal temperature but the drivers side was almost glowing red hot. Great. Brakes are dragging. So we let them cool down before turning around to head home. We get going and make it about a mile before the steering wheel is shaking again. We pull over and check. Yep, it's red hot again. We let it cool down and proceed. This goes on a few more times until we stop to check and my buddy gets an idea ?. Hey, we need water to cool it down. There's a bit of a snow in the ditch. We start throwing handfuls of snow on the brakes to to cool them down. Then get going again. A mile down the road, it's happening again. We stop on the side of the road and it's glowing red. We need to cool it down again. My buddy gets a little grin, whips out his...... and starts pissing on it. Meanwhile I find a plastic bottle in the back and take it down to the ditch beside us filled with water. A few trips back and forth to pour water on it and we were back on the road again. We ended up making it home taking the back roads with slower speeds then swapped vehicles and headed back out to a closer spot in town to go fishing. After an hour of no bites and several snags, we came home.

I listed the truck camper for sale yesterday and sold it for more than I paid for it last fall but I have to deliver it. So I loaded it up into the truck this afternoon.
Not much.

Grocery shopping this morning. Got home just as the sky opened up and the fields flooded. Roads flooded. Pretty much wet outside!

Rain has let up some, still coming down but not too heavy now. Standing water in the fields.

I made meatloaf for dinner + 2 extra that will go into the freezer for another day.

Heading out to coach at the fencing club soon. I have a bunch of new fencers that I've been working with and they usually show up on our Wednesday evening open fencing nights.
I had an opportunity to buy a packaging line worth every bit of $15k from a guy who had no idea of what it was. $5K Buy it now on E-Bay; I picked it up 15 minutes after he listed it.

Already have it sold but I need cash in hand to get it, and modify it, for a client who has already agreed to a $20K to $25K price for a fully refurbished running system. I'll need all of that cash and $5K more to do it. Forty manhours labor and some parts and ,,,;done.

We had $10K set aside for Hippie ridge but I need to use it to fund this project. So I must delay some work at Hip[pie Ridge where we wanted to put a prefab bunkhouse up in place of the destroyed 32' Mallard camper.

The model we are looking to buy is just over $11K delivered. 14ft wide X 32 feet long. 2X4 construction. Studs on 16" centers.
I hate missing out on a great deal, but the business gets first dibs on our cash when a profitable opportunity strikes.
Once everything goes through with the machine project, I can re-divert the funds back to the bunk house. Hopefully in the same price range.

Totally un-finished inside, with solid walls a door and two windows. I can wire it and put insulation in the walls and ceiling. No finish for now just a camp kitchen dry sink and a porta potty.
Paneling the walls and ceiling will be done as time and funds make it possible. At least one 12' X 14' sleeping room can be reasonably furnished , tight and inhabitable.. Once the bunkhouse is up and inhabitable we can start on the main house project. Which, if we do it, will take the better part of a year. But, at least in the meanwhile, we will have a warm dry unit in which to stay overnight.

That is the plan anyway for now. Doesn't leave much time for trout fishing or sailing as I had hoped. I'll get there someday. Meanwhile, the wife is happy. Happy wife, happy life. right?

Hopefully I live long enough to enjoy a reward for the work.
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The usual, wake up early to work out. Work from home. Play with the kids. Help the wife with house chores and do a little bit of gardening.
Brought our oldest son for dental surgery to get his wisdom teeth out. The lovely missus took the second oldest son to an orthodontist appointment at the same time. This afternoon I will deliver the truck camper to the buyer.