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What are you doing today, II

It’s the Mississippi River for us. It’s been raining off and on for the past two days, but it won’t be enough.
I moved here from Council Bluffs, Iowa about 3 years ago That is next to the Missouri River. They are also in a drought. A few years before that there was some serious flooding there.
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Same. I haven't received today's marching orders yet. I figure that during the week I do what I want for the most part.

Actually, today's plan includes a whole lot of absolutely nothing. My back has been flared up for days with a sudden burst of mild temperature and rain to mix with the 12" of snow we had. But -7celcius at night and +7 during the day is a killer for arthritis so much so that last night I had to use my walker, something I hadn't done in months.
Just rolled out of bed. I slept well. My sister and I are going to see my dad shortly, feed his dogs and from that point forward, I'm not doing anything at all. I'm probably going back to work tomorrow to get back into the groove of things. I've had four days off and will do the same for Christmas. Hopefully, it will be less stressful.


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After lunch, I welded flat bar loops on the fence posts for the arena gate, painted the posts and installed the gate. Now its done and ready for play.
I spent the day clearing our main drain line at the house. Seems my grandson cannot understand that whole chunks of food will clog the pipes.

This is the second time with the sink pipes.
Actually, the third as we had to have the main augured a few months ago.

The main was clear today but the feeder line off the kitchen was blocked. I pulled up celery chunks, stew meat pieces and mushrooms.

20 feet of 3.0" pipe my handyman (LOWE"S) auger couldn't clear.

A hot water hose and some plunger working to shake things loose got enough flow for some tough chemicals. Hopefully I got enough to let water run and irrigate, via erosion, the pipes completely clear.

Big water bill next month but cheaper than a plumber.
I spent the day clearing our main drain line at the house. Seems my grandson cannot understand that whole chunks of food will clog the pipes.

This is the second time with the sink pipes.
Actually, the third as we had to have the main augured a few months ago.

The main was clear today but the feeder line off the kitchen was blocked. I pulled up celery chunks, stew meat pieces and mushrooms.

20 feet of 3.0" pipe my handyman (LOWE"S) auger couldn't clear.

A hot water hose and some plunger working to shake things loose got enough flow for some tough chemicals. Hopefully I got enough to let water run and irrigate, via erosion, the pipes completely clear.

Big water bill next month but cheaper than a plumber.
My last home was built in 1956. Within a few months of moving in I started having backup issues. Did the rotorooter until I gave up and it was still doing it. Went to the hardware store and saw expandable bladders that screw on a hose, I bought all sizes and wasn't expensive. They seal to the inside of the pipe and still let water pressure in. I took all the toilets off, sink connections etc. and started from the furthest one. I blew them all out to the main. what came out in the yard pipe to the main, looked like jelly. Feet and feet of it. when it was done I didn't have another backup for the 10 years I lived there and another 10 years being rented out until I sold it.
Bought my house in 1976 a burnout to be completely demolished. Instead, I tore everything out but the outside walls and roof. I used the original septic plumbing system. After all, it was approved by the county. And was buried under the basement floor

A few years later I had serious issues. One run, from the kitchen, dropped 12 inches in the middle of the basement and then climbed 9 inches to the main drain which went up hill two more inches before exiting the foundation. I had to remove all of it out and then relaid the system, poured a new floor where needed and built over it.

Complete finish with parquet floors and finished dry wall.

I didn't have an issue for over forty years.
Then the grandkids moved in.:(
I'm going to run a few errands shortly and relax. We're under the threat of severe weather later this afternoon and tornadoes, wind and large hail are possible. :rolleyes:
I had big plans for projects at home today. We need four people to run the job at work, I have five on the payroll. Two no shows this morning so I get to run the packaging line. All day.

In a land full of people who have no work ethic, it is hell to have had one most all of my life. I just cannot relate.:mad:
Today I’ll go to the gun club and buy a 20 round punch card as the prices are going up Dec. 1. The price of clay targets have skyrocketed the last year…. after I get back I’ll prep a big soup for our church soup kitchen tomorrow. It’s snowing today but doubt much will stick.
Why do today what I can put off till tomorrow? That's kinda what I did all summer as I had been avoiding it. We have been having issues with ice damming in the winter on our roof so rather than install heat cable on the roof during the summer when it's nice, I kept putting it off until today. We had a mild spell over the weekend that melted most of the snow on the roof so I headed up this morning to lay down 100ft of cable on the roof which meant busting ice and snow with a rubber mallet to expose the shingles at each location. We have a storm coming in tonight so it's done just in time. In the process, I lost my glasses first thing when they landed in the snow down by the garage. After searching for them in the house and vehicles, I was down by where I had the plow truck parked and found them laying on the ground. The heat cabling is all installed and plugged in. Now to turn my attention to the plow truck that has a few things I want to work on. The first being the driver's side door glass is detached from the door mechanism. Simple task of popping the interior door panel off and tightening the screws that fasten it to the track.
Had a little extra time today so I cleaned al the gutters again. While up there I saw that some of the joints have been leaking and now have some dry rot started:mad: Another summer project.

I was up on the roof messing with gutters full of ice and snow installing heating cable. We're under a winter storm advisory. It's been snowing since 2pm but because the temperatures are around the freezing mark it's heavy wet snow making the highway terrible. I read of a fatal head on collision involving a van and a transport just east of here. The van lost it in the slush and hit the transport head on. Sad
I was up on the roof messing with gutters full of ice and snow installing heating cable. We're under a winter storm advisory. It's been snowing since 2pm but because the temperatures are around the freezing mark it's heavy wet snow making the highway terrible. I read of a fatal head on collision involving a van and a transport just east of here. The van lost it in the slush and hit the transport head on. Sad

A little additional info on the fatal accident last night. There's a Facebook page called "highway 11/17 kills people" I follow as that is the only, not the main, but only highway through this area that connects east to west. There were several closures and accidents last night over an approximately 800km stretch of road. The fatal was rather disturbing as basically, the tires were barely stopped turning as firefighters were trying to extract the transport driver and someone who was first on scene was walking through filming it and posting it on Facebook. Then they say...I'm not sharing the video of the fatality but her name is..... and there are body parts everywhere. Her passenger whose name is.....survived but is being taken to the hospital by ambulance. Very disturbing to know someone died and that's how they find out.

Seriously? That is not cool. Definitely over the line.
I went to the gym, did some grocery shopping and then gave the fire chief 30 of those little emergency blankets that you can put into your coat pocket for each of the fire fighters. He was very grateful. He said they would put them in their emergency boxes, in case they needed during calls. Obviously they are going to good use. I ordered more and will give some to the police chief to give to all of his officers.
Another day of SFA. I've been laid up for a week now with a bad back barely able to stand. Haven't left the house. I reached a point this morning where I couldn't sit due to my back locking up. I figured since I'm standing I may as well bake some cookies and a loaf of bread in the bread maker.

I'm getting ready to drive almost 90 minutes south to Purdue University for their fencing practice. Thursday evening practices are 9pm to Midnight. They are in the Eastern time zone, I live in the Central zone, so even with a nearly 90 minute commute, I can leave there at midnight and be home just before 12:30am.

The lovely Mrs_Bob spent the better part of the day decorating for the holidays. I was schlepping full plastic tote bins up from the crawl space and taking down empties all day. She did most of the actual work. But I did set the tree up and get the lights on it.
We haven't even thought about decorating. Personally I'm having a hard time with the holidays. Growing up, we had basically the whole side of both mom and dads families in town as we all lived in a small community. Now, everyone is spread out and doing their own thing. Dad died last year. Mom is in Texas for the winter. My brother lives 4hrs away and we rarely speak now as his common law wife is stuck up and thinks her poop doesn't stink and is better than everyone else. I'm finding it harder every year to get into the Christmas spirit. I usually just grin and bare it and celebrate once it's done.

Today's task? I'm going to attempt to get down to the shop and replace a couple of old hydraulic hoses on the plow truck and take a couple things from the old ford before it's hauled away on Monday. We're donating it to a local group that's been collecting cars for scrap and resale to raise money for addictions programs.
Easy day at the plant today. The line running doesn't need me there.
So, I'll be moving stuff in the warehouse in preparation for closing the plant.

Mixed feelings about it.

Tonite we will be bringing in in the Christmas Tree. It is a week earlier than usual but, The five year old is excited to begin what will be her first Christmas, in a true family setting, and at an age to remember. Santa Claus is kinda new to her and boy is she excited.

Weather will be nasty cold this weekend, but I have been ordered to get the house lit up for the season. After that "I" get to do the projects "I" want done. Namely finishing the door install on the new shed, Install the carpet on the deck, and begin clearing the Beer Garden patio. I need the space for construction stuff currently stored at the plant.

The Beer Garden is a 12' X 24' paved patio with a six foot high Cedar fence surround next to the garage.
I will likely hang some tarps to keep weather out and create a workspace for cutting and painting lumber this winter.

The alternative would be to remove the materials in the two car garage to the Beer Garden and then set up shop inside.
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Rained all day yesterday, there is a break today then rain all weekend. So I guess I will do the Christmas stuff. Outside is easy ( laser lights ) Inside I bought a fake tree years back and still enjoy how easy it is to deal with, pull it out of the box, put 3 tiers together and plug it in all lights are already on it and its a realistic looking tree. So I can impress the wife with how much I got done, but with little effort. Im sure she can find something wrong though.
Rained all day yesterday, there is a break today then rain all weekend. So I guess I will do the Christmas stuff. Outside is easy ( laser lights ) Inside I bought a fake tree years back and still enjoy how easy it is to deal with, pull it out of the box, put 3 tiers together and plug it in all lights are already on it and its a realistic looking tree. So I can impress the wife with how much I got done, but with little effort. Im sure she can find something wrong though.
I can guarantee, since you are done with YOUR Christmas work, she will find something for you to do. :yum: :whistling:
Rained all day yesterday, there is a break today then rain all weekend. So I guess I will do the Christmas stuff. Outside is easy ( laser lights ) Inside I bought a fake tree years back and still enjoy how easy it is to deal with, pull it out of the box, put 3 tiers together and plug it in all lights are already on it and its a realistic looking tree. So I can impress the wife with how much I got done, but with little effort. Im sure she can find something wrong though.

They always do. I can wash a sink full of dishes and not get acknowledged for it but forget to wash one cup that doesn't fit in the dishwasher and I hear about it 😅.

Not entirely certain what the plans are for today as she is still sleeping and I haven't received my marching orders yet. Everyone else dreads Mondays. I dread Saturdays. During the week, she goes to work and the kids go to school. I'm pretty much the master of my universe during the day. But on the weekends, she's not working and the kids are home. She's usually been concocting some sort of chore list for me to complete during the weekend.

Yesterday, my back was finally well enough to allow me to stand for more than a few minutes. I headed to the garage to do some work on the plow truck. First I changed a couple of frayed hydraulic hoses for the angle cylinders, then installed a snow flap on the plow blade. I had been wanting to clean up the garage for weeks so yesterday I got a start on it and went from almost having to turn sideways to get into the big door to being able to back the whole plow truck and blade into the garage to do some more work on it. My driver's side window glass had become detached from the lift mechanism so I pulled the interior door panel off and reattached it. The window is now working again. The next task for it is to install and wire the plow lights from the western plow light bar that I'm not using anymore.

Oh...side note...I was saddened to wake up this morning to read that there was another fatal collision nearby on the highway with a transport hitting head on with a plow truck. The plow operator died at the scene. Sad.