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What are you doing today, II

Stopped early today. It took 3 of us 2 hours to install 4 new flood light fixtures. They are almost mounted 3 feet away from the railing on the eve of that upper porch. My friend on a ladder, rope wrapped around him and tied to the pillars, I held onto his belt from the other side of the railing. His son handed the tools, light fixtures, screws, etc out to him. That didn't work. So he cut a bunch of wood and we assembled a extension brace that held the ladder about 16" off the railing but was braced well enough to hold his weight. Then tied him off and I was leaning over holding his belt while he was leaning over and installing the lights. WHY the electricians originally installed them so far out off the edge I will never know but I cursed them every time a bulb burnt out. The new fixtures have 50,000 hour LEDs. They should outlive me.
The lovely Mrs_Bob & I are in Florida. It has been a tough couple of weeks with the house painting and having Kobe for an extended stay after his schedule was changed. We've also been dog sitting an extra dog for the past 10 days. So we needed a break. We rented a condo in an area we have visited a couple dozen times. It's on a tiny sliver of land between the ocean and the intercostal, so we have some great views. Here for a week to relax. No plans. Because we've been coming here for over 35 years we know the good restaurants, good beaches, good historic sites, very probably will get to some of them, and probably sit and relax a lot too.

We've been at camp since Friday morning. Heading back home today. We won't be out this weekend as we're going to a 2 day outdoor concert event in Duluth Minnesota this coming weekend.

I took the lovely missus and 3 of the camp kids (one of ours and 2 friends) out fishing and swimming off the boat. Afterwards we dropped the kids off at camp and headed back out for another hour of fishing at dusk.

Here's looking at our camp from across the lake. We're in a southern bay of a 17 mile long lake full of bays and islands.

Today was a busy day. I headed over to my buddy's down the road first thing this morning to do experiment 626. Aka making peperettes with all the birds I shot this fall while out hunting. 7lbs of grouse combined with 3lbs of pork fat. Ground, stuffed, and smoked for 10 hrs.
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That brought me to lunchtime when I went home to work on the snowmobile. I had a wee little mishap last week and nailed a stump under the snow which bent both a-arm's on the left side. After changing the parts, I installed a taller windshield.

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Here's the bent a-arms.
View attachment 133619
This bitch couldnt find the 90* in a fork. Make meat for him.
Yesterday we stayed off the beach and went into the historic part of St Augustine, FL and did some touristy stuff. We are here to relax so we have no set plans. There are 2 restaurants we enjoy and at some point over the next few days we will get to both of them for either lunch or dinner. We went to one of our favorite places on Monday. Probably hit one of the remaining 2 spots this evening? Probably go to the beach today. Maybe a quick trip to the grocery store for some cherry tomatoes that we can roast with some onions, olive oil and seasoning to spread on some bread for a light meal or a side dish because we don't eat out every meal.

Nice pics Bob. Enjoy your time.

We're home from camp getting stuff done around the house and packing up to head 4hrs south for the weekend to an outdoor Christian music concert featuring 16 different artists. Some we've seen. (Twice actually). Chris Tomlin is headlining one night.
Heading to Hippie ridge again. This time to add 3 feet to the camper's deck and spread 1" minus over the house site.

Plans are to take delivery of the 32'X14' cabin shell in three weeks. It has been sitting in eastern Kentucky for almost a year now.

Since we have had so much rain, it may well be safe to burn more of the ruined lumber. that will be Crumpy's job whilst I run the tractor and gravel. When it comes to a campfire, she is a little kid.
And gas flush? Or just remove some of the air?
Just to remove some air in this case.
Gas flush does work better with our system because it creates a negative pressure inside the package which allows for a higher concentration of Ng gas. But this application is simply to reduce package thickness.
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Heading out to the second day of city on the hill music festival. 🎶 Hopefully my back holds out to sit through it. I had to bring my mobility scooter to get around as it's too much walking for my back. I haven't used it in 2 years.
Closed on a 9,770 sqft warehouse yesterday. Going to store a couple boats and a bunch of cars in it. Going to partition it off and rest out about half of it. All steel. Was a transmission rebuilding shops. Fairly clean on the inside. It's brown, so going to paint it something nice.
Today we took out the bottom 4 feet of fiberglass insulation. It was all tore up. A guy is going to spray foam it in a couple weeks. Going to cover the walls up with "brilliant White" steel on the inside.
Has 600 amps of 480/277 Has a 220 transformer for 300 amps of 110/220.
Filled up 19 big black garbage bags with the old insulation. Wife took her shower; time for mine.
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North shore of Lake Superior is a very nice drive!

I didn't leave the house, well I guess I did walk out into the back yard but probably not for more than 4-5 minutes.

Got up about 5am. Coffee. Coffee. Probably another one?

Mostly puttered around the house doing odds and ends. Put away the suitcases we used on our trip (returned late last evening). We get Kobe back today and the Lovely Mrs_Bob just left the house to go pick him up from grandma.
Closed on a 9,770 sqft warehouse yesterday. Going to store a couple boats and a bunch of cars in it. Going to partition it off and rest out about half of it. All steel. Was a transmission rebuilding shops. Fairly clean on the inside. It's brown, so going to paint it something nice.
Today we took out the bottom 4 feet of fiberglass insulation. It was all tore up. A guy is going to spray foam it in a couple weeks. Going to cover the walls up with "brilliant White" steel on the inside.
Has 600 amps of 480/277 Has a 220 transformer for 300 amps of 110/220.
Filled up 19 big black garbage bags with the old insulation. Wife took her shower; time for mine.
I hate insulation work. Seems there is no way to do it without post project itch.

Did the gravel work at Hippie Ridge. Got the house site ready.

Cathy decided to move the house about four feet more west on one end to line up better with the bath house. (Just like I originally wanted to do in the first place) I'll rearrange the gravel next weekend.

Spent much of the weekend sorting the temporary power to the camper. Seems the two Ground fault systems built in to the extension cords could not get along. Constantly shutting off the power. I gotta bury the bigger cable and set up permanent plugs for the two campers.

Didn't get the deck extension done. The original deck was material from Menard's which is 1/8" thicker than that of Lowes or Home Depot. So, the boards did not line up in height.

So, next week I'll stop by Menard's on the way down. It is always sumptin'!!!
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Coached the coaches day with the student coaches at Purdue University in West Lafayette, IN.

I went down to primarily help the Saber squad, but as the team is a student coached team, I met with the student coaches for about a half hour and gave each of the weapons some pointers on coaching the incoming freshman class of fencers.

We then broke into the 3 weapon squads and I worked with the saber squad to get them back into the swing of fencing. Only one, out of roughly a dozen returning Saber fencers, went to a club or a tournament during the 7 month off season. There was plenty of re-learning to do.
Played Bob the Builder at Hippie Ridge this weekend. Had that John Deer 310 backhoe/loader going most of the time. Moved gravel to accommodate the new site. Graded it level. Then Crumpy tells me to move it North two more feet.

SO, five small trees come down, and I have another whole day moving Ballast gravel and 1" minus.

The house is being delivered in two weeks, so Labor Day weekend is again a working weekend.

Meanwhile, my new sailboat is still floating in the water near Dallas TX
The work never ends. 😆

We did a short 2 night stay at camp last weekend. I pulled my boat out last weekend as we're hoping to get out fishing and cruising on lake superior.

As has been the case all summer, these shorter turnaround times with coming from camp Sunday and returning Wednesday or Thursday to camp doesn't leave much time for anything productive at home. I'll get caught up on my outside projects at home when the kids are back in school after labor day weekend.

That being said, I have been trying to get over one day a week to help mom sort through stuff in the shop. They had just purchased a 38x70 shop and property with a smaller 2 bedroom home on it last summer and had just started unpacking when dad was killed in an industrial accident. So basically everything was still in boxes. Now the place is for sale and mom is doing a major downsize. They have an enclosed cargo trailer that I have been using to haul stuff to the dump and to my place. I'm still trying to get my shop organized since we moved in 3 years ago and now have 2 shops full of tools to organize instead of one. I have half a 6x12 trailer to empty and organize this morning followed by changing a wheel bearing on my sons nissan rogue.
You 2 look family related in that photo
We are both of Eastern European/Slavic heritage so there are bound to be some facial shape similarities. But I agree that we actually look like dad (granddad?) & daughter in that photo. It seems more striking in that picture than in some of the others.