• Please be sure to read the rules and adhere to them. Some banned members have complained that they are not spammers. But they spammed us. Some even tried to redirect our members to other forums. Duh. Be smart. Read the rules and adhere to them and we will all get along just fine. Cheers. :beer: Link to the rules: https://www.forumsforums.com/threads/forum-rules-info.2974/

What are you doing today, II

All packed and headed 3.5hrs east for our annual fishing trip. Just 4 guys out in the woods down a dirt road miles from town fishing and drinking beer for 4 days. Much needed r&r. My wife has also been packing to head to our seasonal camp to open up this weekend. I took care of everything else. She handled the food. So our house this week has been a disorganized mess of bags and boxes packing 2 campers. Twice the work.
Due to the constant rain, we will be staying home this week end. The road into Hipie ridge has been impassable for heavy equiment for three months now. No materials, no work.

Besides, I need the rest.

My son and his girlfriend have taken up residence in our Springfield bungalow. This until he gets his housing settled at Hippie Ridge. So the love nest isn't ours for a while.

That rest I don't need.

Hopefully we get into some dry ether so the road hardens up and we can get this year's Hippie Ridge projects behind us.
I finished planting corn yesterday afternoon. We had Sun, wind and 90 deg temps. This produces enough dry dirt on the surface that it will not stick to the depth gage wheels... At 2:00 I went back to that last field and put it in. 95% of those 30 acers were in acceptable condition. Only in the last 4 passes did I have to lift the planter up and drive through mud. I left some tracks that will be there till fall tillage rips them
out. But on the 19th of May you do what you have to do.

Many others in my area were doing much the same as I. Rains were predicted last night, but did not hit my area.
At least now we can convert the planter and the seed tender to soybeans now if it does rain tonight. After yesterday
I am pretty darn sure tillage for beans is a no go as the conditions are not fit.

Mowing lawn is suddenly coming to the forefront. The grass is growing like crazy!!!
All packed and headed 3.5hrs east for our annual fishing trip. Just 4 guys out in the woods down a dirt road miles from town fishing and drinking beer for 4 days. Much needed r&r. My wife has also been packing to head to our seasonal camp to open up this weekend. I took care of everything else. She handled the food. So our house this week has been a disorganized mess of bags and boxes packing 2 campers. Twice the work.
Hope the weather changes for you and the fish are hungry
Just trying to figure out what it looks like when I post a TicTok video on the forums?

I'm at the work Cabin, came up today. Installed new toilet as the other one froze and broke. Tomorrow I will hook the spring pipe back to the water tank for the season. Also Sunday morning the Cat bulldozer comes to its new home.
You must not live in Dane of Milwaukee counties? Cuz these libturds are still masking up like crazy. It’s kinda funny -
No. I live in what effectively is the Beverley Hills of Chicago: Lake Geneva.

And no, I don't live on the lakefront, because the cheapest of those houses is $5 million, and the most expensive (according to rumor) is $300 million. I am merely subservient in terms of employment and wealth there.
No. I live in what effectively is the Beverley Hills of Chicago: Lake Geneva.

And no, I don't live on the lakefront, because the cheapest of those houses is $5 million, and the most expensive (according to rumor) is $300 million. I am merely subservient in terms of employment and wealth there.
Wonderful area you live in. We used to vacation there a couple times a year when I was younger. Lovely area, all around there. Back in the day the big Playboy Club resort was a great place to go. That had been renamed decades ago, I wonder if it is still nice? Over at Lake Delavan is Lake Lawn Lodge, which was another of our popular hang outs. Took the family back there a few years ago for a nice weekend.

Not sure what we have planned to do today. Tonight ice lesson night at the fencing club and that will keep me busy until late because we are over-booked.

Yesterday I had a doctor's appointment for my arthritis. It has been acting up, despite the meds. Trying to get a handle on fixing that mess, took a bunch of tests, meds adjusted, we will see what happens. In the mean time I was instructed to take more prescription pain killers to control the pain issues. The other meds will take a bit of time so the pain killers are the temporary bridge to help get me over the hump.

Also took Dasha to the airport. She has been staying with us, but is now in Colorado for a 1 week vacation with some of her friends. Hiking and stuff. She returns and will move in with Melen in Chicago. Melen has a 2 bedroom apartment but lives alone. Dasha is going to be there for 2 months working as an intern at a computer company. At the end of summer I'll move her back to Notre Dame.
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Hope the weather changes for you and the fish are hungry

Weather was cooler Saturday and Sunday. Yesterday was gorgeous. We limited out in an hour each day. All around 16-17" with a few 18" walleye I the mix. Fishing was excellent as I know the exact spot to go this time of year where the fish are just coming back down from the spawning beds and hungry.


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No. I live in what effectively is the Beverley Hills of Chicago: Lake Geneva.

And no, I don't live on the lakefront, because the cheapest of those houses is $5 million, and the most expensive (according to rumor) is $300 million. I am merely subservient in terms of employment and wealth there.
I worked all around lake Geneva, Williams bay, Fontana, Delevan… hated it 😂 pricks. All of them on the lake lol. I’m in rock county
First day back to normal after 4 nights out in the remote woods without cell service. Right in the pit where we camp, there's 0 signal. But we drive maybe 2 miles up a dirt road and have 2 bars. Lol. We had a great time. Excellent fishing. For 4 guys to limit out in an hour, it has to be good.

You can't beat fresh walleye straight from icy cold water to the frying pan. But the good fishing did present its own set of challenges. We headed up the lake at 9 am and were back by 10:30. What to do the rest of the day? We cleaned the fish then figured it's 5 o'clock somewhere. Lol. Nothing like fresh walleye washed down with copious amounts of beer around the fire.
Looks like an early trip to the veterinarian's office with Mitty, our Australian Shepard. He is afraid of lightning/thunder. We get pills for him but are down to our last pill. We have possible storms for the next 24 hours. But we only have enough pills for the next 12 hours. They won't refill over the phone, he needs to go into the office for 'check up' to get more drugs. He doesn't get the pills very often, 1 bottle literally lasts us 18 months.
I’ve been taking a lot of prescription pain medications and over the past 30 days I have bad days and horrible days.

Got a call from my arthritis doctor about 30 min ago that my Humira injection dose is doubled in frequency (every week now, instead of every other week). Normally I take my dose on Wednesday, but I just took my shot. I did not want to wait until NEXT Wednesday and my prior shot was 9 days ago.

Tomorrow I also will be increasing my Methotrexate from 8 pills to 10. But I will take 5 in the morning + 5 more in the evening. Apparently there are absorption issues if too high of a dose is taken all at one time, so breaking the dose with 1/2 in the morning and half at dinner time increases the body's ability to absorb the drug instead of flushing the excess thourgh.

I am now at the maximum recommended doses for both of these medications. If this does not work then I have to find a new medication that will be more effective for me.

Hopefully I will begin to feel better soon. I've actually been afraid to ride motorcycles because of the combination of pain and the slower reactions from taking opioids.
We had decided to shut down for today and give our employees an extra day on their Holiday weekend. Unfortunately, we were contacted about two hot loads coming in.

So today, I am babysitting the plant to receive the material and maybe catchup on a few projects.

Part of running a small business.

Crumpy is over at our Strategic partner today, working on some terms with them and reviewing our installation of a production line for them.
Working today. I usually take every Memorial Day off, but it didn’t work out that way this time. At least I’m halfway done for the day. No work again until Wednesday.
Memorial Day

Today is a day of remembrance of fallen soldiers who died in battle.

I have an uncle who did die in WWII. Uncle Al. He was mom's brother. I never got to meet him, he died before I was born.

86 degrees outside, full sun, hotter in the garage.

So what happens? A food storage shelf collapsed, fell onto the shelf below it and collapsed that shelf too.

Fortunately most of the food is in low sided baskets and it was pretty well contained. One jar of spaghetti sauce hit the floor and broke. Everything else stayed put on the 2 collapsed shelves.

Just finished rebuilding and reinforcing (twice as many anchors) the shelving. So there is now a support every 8" instead of every 16" at the studs. The mid point anchors use drywall anchors so not as good as the stud points but it should be much stronger. The shelves where held with heavy plastic clips, my guess is age and weight got to the plastic and made them brittle. Fortunately I had a new bag of clips that are a heavier duty design so the old plastic were replaced as I rebuilt. I also reinforced the one shelf above the 2 that collapsed into a mess, fortunately that top shelf did not collapse too.

Pork butt has been smoking for about 18 hours, that will be coming out soon too. Got a watermelon on the counter. Pool is open, water is clear, heater is warming the water, hoping to relax the rest of the day
. . . never go with plastic when metal is available . . .
These have been in place for 20+ years. 8' long. Held all sorts of things over the last couple of decades. Served me very well. Damaged today from the failure equaled about $3 worth of food and $5 worth of hardware. If the replacements last as long as the originals then these shelves will probably outlive me.
I haven't been avoiding you all, but sometimes life and decisions get in the way.
I've decided to go on the night shift at work.
The move to first shift simply got to be too much with all the constant changes our new administrator is demanding.
I didn't want to even BE there most days.
She's our 3rd in charge in the past year.
So I'm now out of medical records and will be a floor nurse from 10pm-6am.
The quiet time.
It's never quiet in a nursing home.
Celebrating an amazing girl.

About 8 years ago she came to me to learn how to fence saber. Worst student I ever had, literally lost every bout she fenced her first year, but she loved it. She had the heart of a lion. Eventually became the captain of the high school team and an all conference award winner.

Now she has 171 NCAA collegiate Div 1 wins, was co-captain of the Lawrence University team and competed successfully in several national events, including the Junior Olympics, behind her and she still has 1 more year to go.

She refers to me as her "fencing dad" and I'm proud to accept that title.
