• Please be sure to read the rules and adhere to them. Some banned members have complained that they are not spammers. But they spammed us. Some even tried to redirect our members to other forums. Duh. Be smart. Read the rules and adhere to them and we will all get along just fine. Cheers. :beer: Link to the rules: https://www.forumsforums.com/threads/forum-rules-info.2974/

What are you doing today, II

Kobe is a the doctor's office with the lovely Mrs_Bob this morning for a check up. That gives me a few hours of time when I can get some things done.

Got a queen size mattress downstairs and dragged out to the garage. Gravity made it come down the flight of stairs pretty easily. The new, thicker and heavier mattress was still in the back of the pickup truck. Backed that up to the front door and "rolled" it to the staircase. Dragged it up. Thankfully it has pretty secure grab handles on the sides. It is now at the top of the stairs. It can stay there until I get a helper to help me lift it and set it onto the bed. I figured if I had a "helper" to get it up the stairs there would be yelling so I figured this was easier! Having multiple BOSSES directing and relatively few WORKERS in the household often means its easier to work alone :ROFLMAO:

Melen texted earlier and said that her Corgi has an ear infection. Apparently I have been drafted to take him to the local vet, but that appointment is not until next week. Works out well because she is coming home for a few days and will be helping to celebrate Kobe's 1st Birthday next Saturday. The girls plan to take him to get his 1st haircut at a children's salon and then buy him a birthday outfit at a children's store we used to get stuff for Melen when she was a baby.

Made up a small box of healthy snacks and treats to mail off to Dasha at college. It should be there on Monday or Tuesday. She is flying to the ACC Fencing Championships with her teammates tomorrow morning. They will be in Raleigh, NC and Notre Dame is the heavy favorite to win the "team" title. Several Notre Dame fencers are expected to win individual champion awards as well. There are 6 individual awards given. Men's and Women's for Epee, Foil and Saber. One of Dasha's teammates is the returning Women's Saber champion for the past 2 years and is expected to win it again. I'm hoping Dasha comes in the top 3 for Women's Saber.
Putting ink jet systems on our wrappers. Everybody wants a production code & expiration date on each package. Such systems today are relatively simple installations. So I had the maintenance people as well as the machine set up staff gather to "Learn everything about the system and it's integration into our machines.. This group includes my son who (already knows everything when I am explaining it but) generally listens to other experts.

There should be five people in all working on this first installation. Every time I look, there are only two. The product salesman and his technician

Guess who the production team members are going to come to later when they cannot figure it out?


"Too bad, so sad, I'm going fishing."
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Been running my a$$ off all day. Drove 2 of the kids to school as their bus was canceled due to a lack of drivers. Then drove to the opposite side of the city for physio. Followed by a couple stops then came home to begin installing a ceiling fan in our son's room. 5 minutes into it, I get a call from the school informing me that our youngest daughter has head lice and needs to be picked up. Great! Back to the school to get her. Bring her home and my wife starts going through her hair and sends me out to pick up a different lice comb because the 4 we already have apparently aren't good enough. So back out I go. I get back 40 minutes later to find out that all it was is dandruff. Ugh. So I decide to put everything away to install the ceiling light. Now I head back out to pick up our youngest son as he was on the same canceled bus. The school is 20 minutes away. Fun.
A little more relaxed today. The kids are home from school as a regularly scheduled professional development day for the teachers. I was over at my buddy's place this morning stuffing sausage (get your mind out of the gutter). We processed 15lbs of moose meat and pork fat to make sausages. The meat from this morning is sitting in the smoker. Tomorrow morning, we're doing another 40lbs of Italian sausage.
I was going to go to Toledo with the kids today, but Kasey has remote learning, plus other plans so we're doing that next week sometime.
I've been enjoying the feeling of freedom and happiness a lot lately.
I was never, ever going to mention this, but I have a perfectly wonderful man in my life.
We met through my eldest granddaughter.
He's one of her instructors at school.
A former EMT for Defiance county.
My son Ty knows him, so does Jeff.
Leave it to your kids to "fix you up".
I'm not in love per se, but I'm willing to take that chance.
He's 62 years old.
Handsome, bearded, has my same sense of humour, loves my cooking, loves my taste in music too.
So if ya'll wondered why I've been a bit absent lately.. now you know.
I was never, ever going to mention this, but I have a perfectly wonderful man in my life.
We met through my eldest granddaughter.
He's one of her instructors at school.
A former EMT for Defiance county.
My son Ty knows him, so does Jeff.
Leave it to your kids to "fix you up".
I'm not in love per se, but I'm willing to take that chance.
He's 62 years old.
Handsome, bearded, has my same sense of humour, loves my cooking, loves my taste in music too.
So if ya'll wondered why I've been a bit absent lately.. now you know.

To be Franc-ly honest, I'm delighted you did bring it up.

Glad to hear it. You deserve a life of good friends. Hope this works out.
Wife plugged the kitchen drain last night, this morning had to snake it and found shredded plastic pieces on the snake. Wonder how that happened? Maybe a sandwich bag in the disposal? Life is full of mysteries. Then when was pulling out the drain snake from the storage shed, I found a McCoulloch 3818 chainsaw in there I thought I pitched 10 years ago because it quit and wouldn't start. As I now need a small chainsaw for de limbing I took it apart and found a simple fix. The fuel line was hard and snapped off. I poured a little gas in the carb and it started. So to eBay I went and a carb rebuild kit with filter, primer bulb and lines, plus air filter element will be here next week. I can also use it on winter cabin trips to carry I the track van for down trees blocking the way.
Gotta love ebay. Lol. It's my go to site for most parts I need. Usually about a quarter of the price as in store.

Not doing much today. I did head out earlier to buy a used motorized ice auger. It had a busted coil wire so I got it cheap. As soon as I got home, I fixed the wire (the rubber coating was cracked so it was arking against the metal engine housing. Some electrical tape fixed that problem. 2 quick pulls and it fired up. No more cranking the manual auger by hand for 20 minutes.
Wife plugged the kitchen drain last night, this morning had to snake it and found shredded plastic pieces on the snake. Wonder how that happened? Maybe a sandwich bag in the disposal? Life is full of mysteries. Then when was pulling out the drain snake from the storage shed, I found a McCoulloch 3818 chainsaw in there I thought I pitched 10 years ago because it quit and wouldn't start. As I now need a small chainsaw for de limbing I took it apart and found a simple fix. The fuel line was hard and snapped off. I poured a little gas in the carb and it started. So to eBay I went and a carb rebuild kit with filter, primer bulb and lines, plus air filter element will be here next week. I can also use it on winter cabin trips to carry I the track van for down trees blocking the way.
I miss my McCoulloch. I cannot remember the model but is was a budget buy with a16" chain blade. I replaced the carb once and the fuel tank. This was before the internet and E-bay. So when the clutch went I tossed it. Nothing I have purchased since has been as dependable or as rugged.

When you are 50 feet up in a tree nothing is as irritating as a top of the line chainsaw that won't start.

Today I'm mixing concrete. The foundation under the wing wall in my new garage annex had collapsed. Turns out that is how the squirrels made access to my garage. I've been hoping to do it for weeks but the severe cold made it impossible.

Today we are also removing the stove which shorted out on the broiler a few weeks ago. It blew a hole in the oven liner wall. Literally not worth the cost of repair. Our company credit card earns points we convert to LOWES so we used a bunch of them the other day. New stove arrives Monday but we want to clean behind the old one and also behind the frig.

Cathy bought a commercial refrigerator that is too deep for the original space. It comes out into the kitchen about a foot. Not really a design perk. I need to do a bump out of 12 inches out over the deck. The roof already overhangs 16" so this should be a simple project.

But for the five cats who must be corralled whilst I do it. I'm not sure when I will get this done but I can review stud positions, electrical modifications, measure and plan.
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Stuffed and vacuum sealed 20lbs of mild Italian sausage this morning then went to the city to pick up a light fixture that just arrived for the bathroom. Came home for a phone meeting with our foster daughter's worker. Then prepped a couple sheppards pie's for supper. We haven't had that in a while.
Took the Crossfire SRT to the muffler shop today. Dual exhaust completely rusted out. I could have done it myself but there are no parts available for this model anymore.

The shop has to bend and fabricate every pipe and hanger bracket in the system. This is gonna hurt.

I only drive this car to rallies four or five times a year. But it is sooooooooo kewel.

See the source image

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Since the snow has melted for the most part, I took a walk in Oakwood park, down all the way to the end and back.
Then I walked downtown to have coffee in the afternoon with some of the gals from work because they miss me.
Then I made dinner.

Wife plugged the kitchen drain last night, this morning had to snake it and found shredded plastic pieces on the snake. Wonder how that happened? Maybe a sandwich bag in the disposal? Life is full of mysteries. Then when was pulling out the drain snake from the storage shed, I found a McCoulloch 3818 chainsaw in there I thought I pitched 10 years ago because it quit and wouldn't start. As I now need a small chainsaw for de limbing I took it apart and found a simple fix. The fuel line was hard and snapped off. I poured a little gas in the carb and it started. So to eBay I went and a carb rebuild kit with filter, primer bulb and lines, plus air filter element will be here next week. I can also use it on winter cabin trips to carry I the track van for down trees blocking the way.
You jinxed me. I spent a while yesterday evening snaking the bathtub drain. Lol. Teenage girls with long hair leaving clumps of it in the tub almost daily. Lol

To be Franc-ly honest, I'm delighted you did bring it up.

Glad to hear it. You deserve a life of good friends. Hope this works out.
Francis, I have many good friends and my family surrounding me.
One rule I have and will always have concerning a love relationship with a man...
A. DO NOT get clingy.
B. DO NOT ever try to control me.
C. Separate space.
I've been both divorced and widowed.
I'm taking the advice I've always taken from my Aunt Rosemary.
She and "Uncle Harry" (they never married) kept a long union based on those rules.
I want to maintain my own life, while enjoying the company of him.
He understands that perfectly and surprisingly feels the same.
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Like so many here, I care about you deeply. Only wish for your happiness.
Friends and family are great. However, having one soul with whom you can relate intimately, is a real plus in one's life.

I like your standards and hope it works out well for you and him.

All the best.
Congrats pg. Hope it works out for you.

The kiddos are back to homeschooling again. Ugh. Slow internet connection speeds. 6 kids at 4 different schools that all have different breaks throughout the day. So I'm spending my day being a tech advisor/referee. Problem is that when they're on break, they want to get up and walk around and talk. Kinda hard to do that when others are still in class and need quiet. And trying to keep two girls with adhd focused on their work while making sure the other four are still connected is a task in itself.

Here's what we're expected to use for a connection for 6 kids on 6 different devices. Add to that my wife is still working from home needing a reliable connection.
So, we put the new stove in last night. Only to find out it won't fit to the wall. 45years ago the electrician put the 220V plug on the floor at the wall. ( That would have been me BTW) I have had four stoves since and all of them had space at the bottom for this connection box. The new one does not.

I will have to breach the wallboard and set it into the wall. Seems it is always something.

I am debating postponement of the problem until I am actually rebuilding the same wall to accept the refrigerator. Meanwhile, the Frig and the stove stick out into the room so it kinda matches. That said,, I'm betting the wife won't go for it.
Kobe, our foster son, gets his 1st haircut today. There is a kiddie salon that gives certificates, with a lock of hair, for 1st timers so we got him an appointment there to after lunch. His 1st birthday is tomorrow so he gets a trip to the fancy children’s store for a birthday outfit to wear to his party.
Finally got m recently acquired '97 one ton Dodge back yesterday, My '95 one ton last Wednesday. So I can now start on some projects.

I consider the'95 the "best wheel barrow" I have ever owned. Saturday I will get a load of decorative gravel and finish the front driveway. The new concrete drive I laid last fall looks naked without the gravel mulching on each side.

The recently purchased '97 has had new ball joints, tires, brakes, and rotors installed. It now passes safety inspection so ,,,; time to start on the cosmetics. Major cleanup on the interior. The previous owner had duct tape allover the dash. Not sure why. The tape and glue is old and so dry "Goo be Gone" doesn't dissolve it.

But mineral spirits and patience will.

Carpet is stained, mostly from greasy boots. That should scrub out with soap and water. Headliner is coming loose, but some spray adhesive should secure it for a while. The driver's seat is ripped and missing some foam. That is a project for a professional. Do it later when I have the rear fender redone by a pro friend of mine.

A coat of vinyl sealer and the wife should be happy.

The brake controller should arrive next week and once installed we can go to northern Illinois, pick up my new 24 foot dump bed trailer on the way to southern Indiana. There we load my 310 JD construction backhoe and bring it home.

This tough schedule will accomplish acquisitions so we can begin building our Ozark ranch this summer. A dream project that went on hold back in the Obama years. Partially delayed by economics and also by the acquisition of two teenage grandchildren abandoned by their father.

I cannot wait to resume the process.

It all starts this weekend.
Another busy day at the house as our contractor and plumber were here installing the plumbing for the new bathroom. There'll be more tomorrow.

We had been talking about getting a third snowmobile for a while. One came up for sale for a good price around 3:30pm. By 4:15 I was heading to go look at it. We struck a deal and I'll be bringing it home Monday. It's a little older but in excellent shape and low mileage for the year. This one will be for my wife. (Though I may have to try it out occasionally)


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