Kangals are also smart, protective, and great dogs.I’d love to get another Golden. Smart beautiful pups.
Kangals are also smart, protective, and great dogs.I’d love to get another Golden. Smart beautiful pups.
I am curious. What does your peperettes taste like, if you can please describe it?
Does it taste like a combination of sausage and chicken? Or a different type of flavor altogether?
Drove out to look at a potential job today, took my new pup along, who slept 95% of the 6 hours drive time, but he had plenty of energy while stopped and walking around.
For just being day two with me, I couldn't be happier with him. He runs ahead while walking around looking at stuff, but he won't go more than about 40' or so, then he stops and waits for me to catch up, and bounds off again. When it was time to leave the area where we were out in the forest, he ran towards the truck, then sat and waited for me to open the door, and pick him up and toss him in. He figured that out very quickly.
This little guy hasn't figured out fetch yet, but is smart, so it won't take long. So far fetch is me throwing the ball, him looking at it, then me walking over and picking it up. So it does seem he already has me trained to fetch it. Doesn't bark much, only if excited about being played with.
Next is to try and find a puppy obedience class, largely to help him learn to socialize with strangers, and strange dogs, but learning basic commands is also good.
Also found oil on sale half price at Canadian Tire, for those of you who are near one, and do your own oil changes.
The big jugs of Mobil 1 fully synthetic for $30, so I bought 20. Oil filters were also on sale half price.
If something doesn't blow up work wise tomorrow, it should be a good oil change day, do the quad, new pickup, and both cars.
Good to know. Lol. I do most of my shopping there. I used to do my own oil changes and brakes etc as I grew up in a small town with only 2 garages. (One of which I wouldn't bring my kids bicycle to get worked on). Living near the city, it's so much easier to pull into one of those quick lube places. I still do my own brakes and other mechanical stuff as I don't trust the shops. Though I have had a few issues with the one chain of quick lube places. (They once pulled the inspection plug for my rear dif and forgot to put it back in. Another time, they used an impact gun on the drain plug and stripped the treads.) They always try to upsell everything there. I once went through one with dad in his truck. They tried telling him he needed a transmission flush and showed him a dipstick with dirty black oil on it. He had just done the transmission fluid a week earlier so it was perfectly fine and clean oil.
This weekend is going to be busy. It's 4am and I'm wide awake with excruciating back pain. We have my daughters pathfinder group (part of the girl guides) coming out this afternoon for snowshoeing and a fire. I have to leave early to play music at the church. My bandmate has been studying and working towards becoming an ordained minister. Today is her ordination and she wanted us to play music at her service.
I used a quick oil change place once, never will again.
I'll take the 20 minutes to do my own, also a good chance to look around under my vehicles.
If anyone has a new f350, be warned, that new drain plug is a quick twist style, and when it comes out, the oil doesn't come out like a normal vehicle, it rushes out fast and furious.
I hate how tight the factory cranks on the oil filter to. Normally I can just grab them, and twist them off. But every new vehicle I've owned, has required a filter wrench to get the oil filter loose.
I'm picky about my vehicles.
At the tire shop, I brought my own torque wrench. As they mounted and balanced each new tire, i rolled it to my truck, put on the wheel nuts, and once all 4 were on, he lowered it to the ground, and I then tightened each one in a criss cross pattern in 3 steps.
The mechanic didn't mind, and actually complimented me for caring, and said he himself won't let anyone else work on his vehicles.
I drove it home, and double checked the torque of every wheel nut.
Some call me picky, or anal, I believe in doing it correctly.
I'm officially looking forward to my retirement come April!
That said, I'm working today.
I've a niece who did not approve of my announcing it on Farcebook.
She wanted to know why I'm retiring early.
I removed the post as she always has something to say.