• Please be sure to read the rules and adhere to them. Some banned members have complained that they are not spammers. But they spammed us. Some even tried to redirect our members to other forums. Duh. Be smart. Read the rules and adhere to them and we will all get along just fine. Cheers. :beer: Link to the rules: https://www.forumsforums.com/threads/forum-rules-info.2974/

What are you doing today, II

No what? Surgery?
No surgery. They said it was a smaller stone and should pass on its own. Just have to wait it out.

I’m not even sure what I even did but two and a half weeks later, I still don’t even have full strength in my left hand. It’s greatly improved, but I can’t shake this feeling. I haven’t been to the doc. I’ve ridden it out.

Any other symptoms or is it just the left hand? My brother is only 46 but has had 3 strokes in the past couple years. He now has strength issues in his left hand and often can't tell what his hand is doing without looking at it.
No surgery. They said it was a smaller stone and should pass on its own. Just have to wait it out.

Any other symptoms or is it just the left hand? My brother is only 46 but has had 3 strokes in the past couple years. He now has strength issues in his left hand and often can't tell what his hand is doing without looking at it.
Just my left hand. I pulled or strained that arm and this is the worst it’s ever been. Normally, I’m good to go after a few days but this traveled down from my shoulder blade to my hand and fingers over the course of a few days. It’s improved, but at times I couldn’t even open up a bottle, jar, roll the window down or turn on the water faucet without difficulty if I could at all.
Just got home from a hard day at work. Customer calls me in a panic this morning, has to have product by noon tomorrow. It was supposedly due on January tenth.

The wife and I planned on being in Springfield MO Saturday. The customer would come up from Cassville (about 30 miles)

Turns out he doesn't need it until Monday AM but we still would have to run it tonight or change our travel plans.

Our son came in and we spent eight hours humping it out. Got home about 11:15 and made burgers for the clan.

I'm beat.

But, meanwhile, a new year has begun

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Going to the gym and then a pot luck party at noon. I'm bringing deviled egg salad (no potatoes) that I buy at Hy-Vee grocery store.

I hope this year sucks less than last year.
We went to a friend's place for the evening yesterday for games and a few drinks. Home by 11:30 and snoring by midnight. I don't get all googly-eyed and excited about new years. It's just a number. Not a single thing is different today than yesterday. And I predict that this year will be more of the same bs covid this covid that restrictions and government rules changing more often than I change my undies. I'm feeling more and more deflated by the day over all this bs covid crap. Don't get me wrong, it's real. But there are other things that are just as real and are being ignored as they aren't covid.
I'm feeling more and more deflated by the day over all this bs covid crap. Don't get me wrong, it's real. But there are other things that are just as real and are being ignored as they aren't covid.
I'm feeling the same.
Yes, it's real, but it's beginning to wane.
The government want to keep us scared in lockstep.
Every single day it's a warning about this and that to keep the man in place.
I think we the people have had enough.
We don't have anyone now testing positive where I work.
I know of not a single person with covid now.
Flu? Yes.
No covid.
I had a quiet New Year's Eve.
Same as today.
That's a good thing.
Finished my year end record keeping.
Made a crock of Spanish Rice that was delicious.
Went for a walk and someones outside water faucet was blown down the street from the global warming.
We refused to watch the ball fall down last night. No TV for us where they shoot their mouth's off.
It people are doing the reporting. Not many firecrackers last night. This is liberalville where they hate everything
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Finished up work early today and I'm waiting on the plumber. Whenever I flush, water fills the toilet almost to the brim but luckily doesn't overflow. It does, however, push the contents into the bathtub and I don't have the right tools for the job. I originally called someone else about on Thursday, but he never showed. Love it when that happens.
Just got back from a plant where we are doing a conveyor modification, when I asked for the parts they are suppling, I got a look like a deer in the headlights. They are scrambling now, because we already cut everything apart and modified the frame and they dont have the parts to put it back together. Also destroyed my scheduling for this week.
Just got back from a plant where we are doing a conveyor modification, when I asked for the parts they are suppling, I got a look like a deer in the headlights. They are scrambling now, because we already cut everything apart and modified the frame and they dont have the parts to put it back together. Also destroyed my scheduling for this week.
I have a DODGE truck up on the rack for two weeks now waiting for two small coolant lines for the tranny.

Welcome to Venezuela.
I wondered why my water bill was outrageous this month.
Turns out the seal/clapper thing in the bottom of my toilet tank wasn't working properly.
I'd been hearing a slight little trickle from the damn thing, especially at night when it's quiet.
One of the maintenance guys is going to come over and fix it tomorrow.
Hopefully that fix won’t be a fortune. My bill was nearly $350 yesterday for not even 30 minutes worth of work for a clogged vent pipe.
Hopefully that fix won’t be a fortune. My bill was nearly $350 yesterday for not even 30 minutes worth of work for a clogged vent pipe.
Reminds me of the lawyer who complained that the plumber's rates were too high. After College and law school, he could justify $100 and hour but the plumber was asking almost twice that. To which the plumber responded "$100 an hour? That's what I made when I practiced law.
Reminds me of the lawyer who complained that the plumber's rates were too high. After College and law school, he could justify $100 and hour but the plumber was asking almost twice that. To which the plumber responded "$100 an hour? That's what I made when I practiced law.
I did hear back from the guy I originally contacted yesterday after I told him the job was done. He'd lost his snake and while things happen, a message would have been great. He wouldn't have charged even half of that.
I'm a hurting unit today. I was in extreme pain a few days ago and went to emerg. A ct scan showed a kidney stone. The pain settled a bit for a couple days. Now it's back with a vengeance. Owwww.

I did manage to get a few things done though. A trip into the city this morning to help a family member who was taking delivery of a new washer and dryer. Then back home to help my son get his vehicle to the dealership for work. A couple hours later he got a call saying it was ready. We weren't expecting it until tomorrow or Thursday. So back to the city again to get it this afternoon. It's a 40 minute drive round trip. 3 trips in today. Plus visiting every washroom on the way due to the meds they put me on for the stone. Fun stuff.
Yawn. Rough night. Up at 12:20 trying to pass a kidney stone. Up at 1:40, 4:30, 5:30, 6:30 again trying to pass a stone. At some point during the night, I took a pain med which helped somewhat but left me dizzy. Walking down the hall this morning after waking up, I got a dizzy spell and barely made it to the bathroom to throw up. Gonna be a long day.

I bet some politician will try to somehow twist my symptoms into another case of covid to fit their agenda.
Yawn. Rough night. Up at 12:20 trying to pass a kidney stone. Up at 1:40, 4:30, 5:30, 6:30 again trying to pass a stone. At some point during the night, I took a pain med which helped somewhat but left me dizzy. Walking down the hall this morning after waking up, I got a dizzy spell and barely made it to the bathroom to throw up. Gonna be a long day.

I bet some politician will try to somehow twist my symptoms into another case of covid to fit their agenda.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Yawn. Rough night. Up at 12:20 trying to pass a kidney stone. Up at 1:40, 4:30, 5:30, 6:30 again trying to pass a stone. At some point during the night, I took a pain med which helped somewhat but left me dizzy. Walking down the hall this morning after waking up, I got a dizzy spell and barely made it to the bathroom to throw up. Gonna be a long day.

I bet some politician will try to somehow twist my symptoms into another case of covid to fit their agenda.
I wouldn’t doubt it with anyone. F**king douchebags.


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Today when I got a minute, I degreased and pressure washed the jeep engine, now I can change out the crappy plastic valve cover, thats leaking everywhere to the new aluminum one. Plus a new PCV valve and CCV filter. Hopefully that takes care of it, and the rear main or oil pan are not leaking too. The Jeeps with the AMC 6 are famous for that.
Yawn. Rough night. Up at 12:20 trying to pass a kidney stone. Up at 1:40, 4:30, 5:30, 6:30 again trying to pass a stone. At some point during the night, I took a pain med which helped somewhat but left me dizzy. Walking down the hall this morning after waking up, I got a dizzy spell and barely made it to the bathroom to throw up. Gonna be a long day.

Yawn. Another rough night with sharp pains in my side. Thankfully today I may get some relief as I spoke with a urologist yesterday who booked me in this morning at the hospital for surgery to try going in to remove the stone.