• Please be sure to read the rules and adhere to them. Some banned members have complained that they are not spammers. But they spammed us. Some even tried to redirect our members to other forums. Duh. Be smart. Read the rules and adhere to them and we will all get along just fine. Cheers. :beer: Link to the rules: https://www.forumsforums.com/threads/forum-rules-info.2974/

What are you doing today, II

Fighting with my CPA ............. grrrrrrr
You're a big guy. You got this. ;)

Watched the movie Reagan this morning. Good movie.
Went to pick up our auction wins (about a dozen items) at lunch time. Stopped by a Mazda dealer on way home but didn't find anything I really wanted (looking at their used vehicles).
Got home and checked out my auction items. Did pretty good since most are in very nice or new condition.
Just ordered almost $200 worth of insecticide (targeting grubs in particular). Friggin moles are tearing up everything.
Tinker/putter this afternoon. Early bedtime as I need to take the Mrs. to the airport around 4AM.
You're a big guy. You got this. ;)

Watched the movie Reagan this morning. Good movie.
Went to pick up our auction wins (about a dozen items) at lunch time. Stopped by a Mazda dealer on way home but didn't find anything I really wanted (looking at their used vehicles).
Got home and checked out my auction items. Did pretty good since most are in very nice or new condition.
Just ordered almost $200 worth of insecticide (targeting grubs in particular). Friggin moles are tearing up everything.
Tinker/putter this afternoon. Early bedtime as I need to take the Mrs. to the airport around 4AM.
You got a yard roller I can borrow, one to plant seed and one to plant a CPA?
You got a yard roller I can borrow, one to plant seed and one to plant a CPA?
I have a roller for flattening the lawn, several seeders and spreaders but what the hell!!! Who wants to plant a CPA?!?!? A new one might sprout out then a possible infestation. No thank you. ;)
I have a nurse aide I love and she's been one of my dependable girls.
She's been looking for a new apartment because Riverview here in town sucks.
My Landlady Rose told me there is one available out back, by the pond.
So Mara will be moving in.
I love taking care of my staff members, especially her and April.
I'm going to bed and watch All In The Family reruns.
Thanks Fred and Lenny for the birthday loves.
I don't expect anything tomorrow from my kids or friends.
I'll accept Happy Birthday!
Do NOT buy me anything!
Got some stuff done, not enough, but since the lovely Mrs_Bob wasn't home most of the day to watch, I think she thinks I was busy :beer:

One of tasks I've been putting off was replacing the belt on the Land Pride mower deck. That got done, will less trauma and no bloodshed, than I would have bet on. I'm not 100% sure, but I don't even think swearing was involved in the belt install. Old belt was stretched beyond recognition, I had nursed it through the end of last season, but it would fly off the spindles if they got caught up in rough grass or weeds. Ordered 2 replacements in the fall and the were sitting in the package on my workshop shelf all winter.

Nice weather today so I figured it was a good day swap on a new belt. Honestly the old belt was probably stretched close to 2" extra over spec! Had to make a few adjustments to the tensioning system, even then I couldn't easily get the new belt on and during 1 ill fated attempt the spring let go and tossed a screw driver under a pallet. Next attempt failed. 3rd time was a charm. Tighten the bolts on the tension system, checked everything. Installed the covers. Tested it. All good.

Neighbor watched from his mailbox, probably waiting for me to swear or bloody one of my hands. He walked back inside disappointed that the show was uneventful.
Starting front hub repairs on the Kioti, front left bevel gear threw three teeth. Policing 3 homesteads through Monday (all the same family on a trout rodeo with kids), 150 acres.
So about 6 winters ago, we had just gotten new glasses. Not long after I was out snowmobiling. I don't normally wear glasses when snowmobiling so I could have sworn I lost them out in the garage or had left them on the seat of the snowmobile before heading out. Either way I was certain I had lost them. I forced myself to use an older pair all scratched for about two years until we got new prescriptions. Mine didn't change much. I got new glasses then online. They broke. I went back to using the old scratched ones. We recently got new glasses again as we do every two years through our benefits. I got 2 pairs this time. Well, fast forward to this morning, we were cleaning up the living room and opened a drawer. Tucked at the back was a glasses case. We opened it and there were the new glasses I thought I had lost 6 years ago. Barely a noticeable change in my prescription. So now I have 3 pairs of prescription glasses.

I did go out this morning to plow snow for a while cleaning up from yesterday's storm. Other than that nothing much happening around here.