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Well, I suppose it is true, Black lives matter.


Proudly Deplorable
Apparently the President is taking this phrase serious.

Yep, murder by anyone except for a white man does not seem to count. And murder by white cops count triple if killing a person of color.
Strange. Really strange. For a man that was born to a white woman, his stark allegiance ... sadly, his angry and terribly divisive allegiance ... is to his blackness. Why? Especially after being raised by his mother and grandparents in a fairly responsible "white" environment, sans any meaningful contact his wandering black father.

Barack Hussein Obama is a troubled man. Why must he take it out on the nation?

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Obama has dug himself a hole, again.

He can't acknowledge the death without acknowledging the fact that the death was 100% preventable.

Obama's catch and release policies are directly responsible for this death, and hundreds if not thousands of others.
One of these days..the pendulum is going to swing back the other way.....and I hope Im standing at the top of the hole .....on a dozer...........

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obama should be in prison for what he has done to this country. It is almost inconceivable that he is so tone deaf to the real world that he would not called Katy's parents. I think by this act alone shows what a racist he is.
Well we have now had another shooting in a GUN FREE ZONE....when will O-slimmy finely get it that his policys are causing 99% of this shit?!!! And thanks Slik willy for putting Gun free zones into place!!!! why in the hell were those good men put into a position of not being able to defend themselves????

Dear god please let the pendulum start swinging back the other way!!!

Oh yes I heard they were all white......guess they dont matter all that much...O-slimmy is way to busy pardening convicks to be bothered with a few marines !!@@ silly me!!!@!@@!@

Run TRUMP run....... By tomorrow O-slimmy will be calling the whole thing....Amish conservity armed action!!!! and forbid any mention of islam anything!!!!!!