• Please be sure to read the rules and adhere to them. Some banned members have complained that they are not spammers. But they spammed us. Some even tried to redirect our members to other forums. Duh. Be smart. Read the rules and adhere to them and we will all get along just fine. Cheers. :beer: Link to the rules: https://www.forumsforums.com/threads/forum-rules-info.2974/

Walking HADRIAN'S WALL from North Sea to Irish Sea

According to my FitBit, taking a hike along Hadrians Wall yields the following information

193545 steps
655 flights of stairs
1803 "active minutes" of strenuous exercise (30.05 hours)
32,000 calories burned
According to my FitBit, taking a hike along Hadrians Wall yields the following information

193545 steps
655 flights of stairs
1803 "active minutes" of strenuous exercise (30.05 hours)
32,000 calories burned

Have you jumped on the scales to look at the numbers to see if it had any effect??

Not that you look like you need to lose any sir.
Have you jumped on the scales to look at the numbers to see if it had any effect??

Not that you look like you need to lose any sir.

I could stand to lose 20# :doh:

As for losing weight on this trip, I think I've been eating well enough that I won't get home any lighter. We are sitting in Anita's (ICE QUEEN) kitchen preparing a feast with her daughter, son-in-law and their kids.
Have had 2 wonderful days in Nebo, Wales, UK with Anita (ICE QUEEN). Got to meet her family yesterday and spent a fun afternoon & evening with them while they cooked an amazing traditional dinner and we all sat around in the kitchen (basically getting in the way).

Of course, I did play with her Snow Tracs. There are plenty of photos of her recreation of the prototype military Snow Trac here on the forums, and I've seen that one before. Rumor has it that it may be going to be sold to another forum member (TOMMO) and at a nice price too.

What was new from my last visit here was an authentic Royal Marines Snow Trac, with some propery documents/photos to prove its history. The canvas top is in sad shape and needs to be replaced. Sprockets are in almost new condition so I suspect that those were replaced at some point before it was left to rot. But it is in pretty amazing condition considering it was neglected. I suspect it was simply forgotten because I could see no signs of abuse. Restoration will be a fairly simple task, very little searching for parts, mostly cleaning, painting and restoring tracks. It is a "big wheel" configuration with 2 tracks. I knew the Marines originally tested small wheed Snow Tracs, and I knew they switched to big wheel at some point fairly early on. Not sure the age of the unit, no manufacturer's ID plates could be found.

Also got to see an authentic military Snow Trac trailer. I think the Marine/Engineer who designed it was fresh out of the pub with a napkin that had scribbles on it. It's a tiny little trailer with the Snow Trac sitting high up over the top of the wheels. I'm sure there was originally some way to lash the Snow Trac to the trailer but those were lost/broken off over time. It will be a bigger job to restore the Royal Marines Snow Trac Trailer than to restore the Royal Marines Snow Trac :ermm:

Sorry, I haven't got photos of either. Nor of her other toys awaiting restoration, which include her first car (an old MG, not sure what model, maybe a TC or TD?), her first love (a Triumph Spitfire with solid top/fast back), a Scamel truck named Lady Rose, 2 mid 70's Singer coupes, one of which is a proper factory ralley car, a 1930's circus wagon, an aging Land Rover ambulance and several other things I've forgotten to metion . . . And then there are DIXIE and her little trailer, which will be going to a military show in a couple of days.


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Made it home. Exhausted. Need to adjust to the time change again (6 hours) and also have to pack up Melen and get her off to North Carolina for a 5 week summer session at the law school. She wants some extra classes.

Give me a couple days to download all the photos from my camera, organize them, and I'll post up some better photos. All the pictures I posted in this thead were simple snaps from my iPhone but I think I may have a bunch of better photos (at least I hope I do!) on my camera.
Well I've tried to upload photos several times.

Not happening.

Files are just so damn big they won't load.

I posted a bunch on Facebook, if you are on Facebook and would like to see them then send me a private message here and tell you how to "friend" me on Facebook.