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Vacuum Cleaner - Dyson, Bissell, what ????

Well, our Kirby was doing fine until.....

When we went to buy the new Kirby, the salesman told us had we still had it, Kirby would have replaced it free of charge. It is a shame, we didn't know that. We could have easily gotten it out because it was sitting out in the open between the kitchen and dining room. Monica always parks them where she finishes sweeping. Monica seems to like the new one as well, too soon to know if the dependability is still there, but I guess the new ones don't have the fire warranty. Hopefully we won't need that again anyway.

Looking to get Mrs. Zoom a vacuum for Valentines day.

Is there anything new on the market?

Everyone still think the same of their current picks? (Like/hate it?).
We recently got a new Dyson DC25 Animal. It's great! As a test, when we first got it I vacuumed with our old Kenmore, then used the Dyson. We were amazed at the amount of residual hair and dirt it picked up. So far, the only complaint we have is that the cord is considerably shorter than the Kenmore. This is the one with the ball and it's a new model for '09.
I do have to admit that I'm very, very surprised at how many people here like Dyson. As previously noted, CR has rated them middle of the road at best. Last month my sister in law bought a Dyson Animal with the ball after going for the fella's accent and spiffy TV ad and because she has 2 indoor dogs. After trying her best to like it for almost 3 weeks, she boxed it up and took it back. It didn't pick up pet hair worth a squat. She said that, as far as she was concerned, it's only attribute was it's turning on floors. For a vacuum, she said it was the worst she'd ever owned. I think she bought a Kenmore or something after she sent the Dyson back and has been pleased with it and said it cost about half as much.
Hmmm, must be two different Dyson companies. We've got three hairy dogs and four cats, and the Dyson just kicks the Kenmore's butt. Quieter too, but our Kenmore is pretty old.
This thread is a little old, but I will throw in my two cents worth anyway. Over the years (about 40 now), we had a total of three vacuum cleaners. The first was a Kirby, a green one which had cloth bags (which CR said was overpriced and didn't do a good job). The only problem was that the bags would wear where they attached to the metal shoe at the bottom, and would then spew dust all over. We had it about 15 years, and only had problems the last two or three years.

The second was a Rainbow we got from a dealer who had bought a load, and was trying to get rid of them. We got it for $495 with all the attachments (again CR didn't like it, overpriced, spewed more back in the air than it picked up to start with). It has had the motor replaced twice, the power head motor replaced once, and numerous other repairs, but still runs and does a great job. I didn't like that it had a propensity to turn over once in a while, and since it uses water as its filter media, that's not good. But keep it clean and it does a real good job.

The third is a Sears model we've had about ten years. It was top rated by Consumer Reports at the time, but by the time the article was published, was in the process of being discontinued. We got one of the last models on sale at a good price. It has been a good vacuum cleaner, not as nice as either the Kirby or the Rainbow, but I have never liked it and it requires a lot of consumables. The next year Sears did not have a well rated vacuum cleaner.

My experience is that frequently by the time the CR report comes out, most of the top-rated items are no longer available. And many of the products they rate are difficult to find locally, like the Panasonic food processor which was top-rated in 1988 and I had to buy from the wholesaler in Atlanta because I could not get the retailer they referred me to, to even order it if I paid in advance. Of course it is no longer made and parts are very difficult to come by. So my experience with CR over the course of 45 years is a mixed bag at best. Can't complain about the Maytag washer which was top-rated in 1967 though - it lasted 27 years and always did a good job. My MIL went through 3 Sears models in the same amount of time!

i would say go with the lower price just look at the amp rating of the motor higher will usually mean more sucking power about 60 to 80 bucks at wally world or go to a pawn shop you might find a real good deal just use a little lysol spray on and in it first
Just in case anyone is still looking for a vac, this one Proteam ProForce 1500 is by far the best I've ever used. It has at least as much suction as any shopvac I have. I almost have a vacuum addiction and own several machines. This one is head and shoulders above the rest.
Dargo, that looks a lot like the KENT commercial vacuum that we have. We have the Kent on our upper level and the Dyson on the main level of our house. The more I use the Dyson the more I think the Dyson was designed by an idiot who is great at marketing his silly designs. The suction head of the Dyson simply does not fit under furniture, along the cabinet base in the kitchen or into tight places.

The flat head design of the ProForce 1500 is almost identical to the head design on our Kent vacuum. It is low profile enough to get almost anywhere, wide enough to glide under the cabinet base in the kitchen area, and will even glide right under a couch.

As for suction, the Kent, and I presume the ProForce, is designed for use in hotels and offices. It will suck up pretty much anything. I will admit its more trouble to empty the bag of the Kent than the canister of the Dyson but that is the only downside I see. I only wish our other Kent had not broken, but at 15 years old I can't complain too much.
They very well may be identical. Somehow the higher line Electrolux uprights are the same and I've seen some other names on vacuums that looked identical. Between the 3 floors in the house and 2 floors in the pool house I have plenty of vacuums as I mentioned. I found a deal on the one I mentioned on eBay for $250 delivered with 10 bags and all the onboard tools. I will admit that I think the Kirby (G5, I think?) does an excellent job but it's heavy, won't fit under furniture and doesn't have the off-set side for edges. I just though I'd mention it because, especially for anywhere near the $250 range, it's the best vacuum that can be had. Heck, I'll take away the money qualification; I'd say it's the best vacuum to be had regardless of the cost. Our original one doesn't seem to have the suction power of the new one I just bought, but I bought that first one before our first child was born. That was 22 years ago.

It's not quite the same deal I found on eBay, but if you're in the market for a great vacuum, here is a pretty darn good deal on eBay Proteam XP15. I really like the ones that have the hose attached to the machine. It makes getting to those hard to reach spots easy with the hose right there attached to the machine.
i would say go with the lower price just look at the amp rating of the motor higher will usually mean more sucking power about 60 to 80 bucks at wally world or go to a pawn shop you might find a real good deal just use a little lysol spray on and in it first

Higher amps certainly has more power to potentially convert to suction, but there is a lot of misleading info if you go with advertised amps on a vacuum cleaner just like HP on an air compressor (rather than CFM @ pressure). You don't know if they mean amps peak, running at max load, or what. Nor do you know the effieciency of either the motor or the air flow.

I'll second Dargo on the Kirby being a bit cumbersome but well built; on that note [though I've never tested it myself] a little research a while back showed Kirby easily outsucking [is that a word :confused2: ] Dyson [and others, IIRC] and on less current. I suspect, the same is true of most of the better built vacuums.
Spiffy reminded me of something. I bought my Kirby G5 at a pawn shop. They had several almost brand new Kirby vacuums there. I'm told that the Kirby sales reps have to buy their own vacuum for demonstration purposes. When they tire of being a vacuum salesperson after a month they have this really expensive vacuum and no income, so they go sell the Kirby to a local pawn shop.

We had a Kirby salesperson come to our home several years ago and she gave us the complete demonstration. It was very impressive but by the time we added the shampooer and all the attachments we would want, the machine was going to cost something like $1500. :eek: I think I paid somewhere around $250 for the same Kirby (may have been the exact one that was demo'd at my home as far as I know) at a pawn shop. Just to have one canister vacuum, besides my shopvacs, I also bought a like new Filter Queen "Triple Crown" Majestic (their highest model) at the same pawn shop for $200. It works best for cleaning ceiling fans, vents and crevices. I don't particularly like the powerhead that came with it for doing floors. It sort of crabs sideways and doesn't do that well.
I bought our Kirby G6 at a pawn shop as well. It was essentially unused, in the original box. Paid 250 for it.

Wife loves it, cleans much better than enything we've had. It's a bit heavy when not running, but if carried by the handle as intended, it is quite balanced.

Had a Rainbow which we bought at cost. Something like 450 with the extra large reservoir and all the attachments. Cleaned well, but what a PITA to haul around, fill, clean, etc.

Had a Sears that was "the best" when we bought it, but it died a few years later. Between that and the Rainbow, had quite a few brands that just didn't cut it.

I think I'll get the Kirby chrome plated.............
Got tired of dragging the shopvac around the house. Besides, it was quite labor-intensive using the provided attachments on carpet.


So, got this for $180...


The canister detaches to go portable. The Dyson Animal on the same shelf had outstanding reviews, but at 3x the price of the Bissell, I'll live with a few flaws. Will let you know if/when I break it.
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We have had rainbows and they were pretty good at cleaning but the water was a pain. They are the best thing going for cleaning sink and tub traps i ever found. Then we got a filter queen and still have it today. Now it is used for cleaning the cars and backhoe and skid steer. We bought a dyson about 3 years ago and love it. It picks up pet hair, mud and bird seed like crazy. Gets run almost every day and except for tearing it down and cleaning filters good a few times a year has been great. With all our critters it would cost a fortune buying bags for another brand.
Here is what I know on "bagless" vacuums.
I have never owed a Dyson, but I have a http://www.walmart.com/Bissell-Powerforce-Turbo-Upright-/ip/4633929

What the problem is with the cheaper vacuum cleaners is - is that most of the dirt ends up in the "collection" cup. The rest is captured by the filters. The $73.00 Bissel has three filters. When the first one is plugged - it looses suction.

See the this vid:
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_xVWN1Wm_A"]YouTube- Dyson Vacuum Commercial[/ame]

Dyson’s patented Root Cyclone™ technology doesn’t rely on a bag. Instead, it spins the air so fast that centrifugal forces up to 100,000 times the force of gravity fling dust and dirt out of the air and straight into the clear bin™ And that includes the fine dust that clogs the filters in ordinary bagless vacuums. Unlike other vacuum cleaners, Dyson machines don’t lose suction.

So, Why don't I own one then?

Personally, I find it cheaper to replace the filters later, than spend hundreds more up front on the initial purchase.
OMG! I remembered this - found it!!

Us bagless vacuum users are nuts!!!

Take a look! its amazing!!

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHEq4cSluXA"]YouTube- Oreck XL Ultra Vacuum Cleaner Infomercial Part 1[/ame]
The Dyson Animal on the same shelf had outstanding reviews,.

Really?? I'm yet to see a single lab test that says that the Dyson Animal is anything but mid pack and way, way overpriced for those with similar performance.
Had the opportunity to try my sisters Dyson vacum a couple of months (helped her move) This is the one with the ball and you can swival the vac around as you need it. It was horrible. Not impressed at all. It did ok on the hard wood but had problems in the carppet area.