OkeeDon said:Everything you say about Syria is true . . . What specifically have they done to us, and what is the specific threat they pose? I understand all about the training and support of terrorists; what I want to know is exactly what can we point to as harm to the United States as a direct result of Syrian involvement? In other words, what precisely will change if we take the Syrians out? What is the direct benefit to us?
Don, let me pose a situation:
Let's say you and your neighbors are friends. Let's expand it and say you have 10 friends or 20 friends. All are close friends.
Let's say a thug breaks in to friend #19's home and beats up his wife, kills his dog and rapes his daughter. Friend's 1 to 18, and friend 20 are all outraged. You all complain to the police. It is an isolated event.
OkeeDon said:Everything you say about Syria is true . . . What specifically have they done to us?
Now let's say a ne'redo'el car jacks a car from friend #11 while their baby is in the back of the car. The baby is never found. The car is found a week later, destroyed. Friends 1 to 10 and 12 to 20 mourn the loss of the child. You all complain to the police. It is an isolated event.
OkeeDon said:Everything you say about Syria is true . . . What specifically have they done to us?
Things are really quiet for a while then all of a sudden a bridge is blown up and friend #1 and his entire family die as their car falls into an abyss. Friends 2 to 20 attend the funeral services and cry. You all complain to the police. It is an isolated event.
OkeeDon said:Everything you say about Syria is true . . . What specifically have they done to us?
Every few months something, somewhere happens. Each thing appears to be an isolated event. Yet each, in some way, can be traced back to a loose point of origin. You realize that each event is not really an isolated event from the big picture scheme of things. Each is somehow related but you just don't understand the relationship. You complain to the police and show a loose set of links. They say that because of the wording of the law, they are essentially powerless. Yet you know that you & your neighbors are dealing with an octapus that has 8 arms. The police may cut off 1 arm, but there are 7 remaining. Your friends feel the best solution is to kill the brain and let the 7 arms wither.
You feel that your family has not been harmed, so you feel you have no fight with the evil that is plaguing your friends.
OkeeDon said:Everything you say about Syria is true . . . What specifically have they done to us?
My very favorite line from the "Declaration of Independence" reads: But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
What it means is that when the people are suffering under tyranny, then those who are able to throw off that tyranny, are obligated to do so for the good of all. And while it is specifically written about our colonies and the relationship with the King of England, its meaning is applicable in many other circumstances.
JMHO but I believe my opinions are without bravado, are not armchair quarterbacking, but are in fact, a basis for some level of logic that I hope we can begin to discuss in a format that allows for some reasonable disagreement but still allows for some realization that Syria is a threat, perhaps not to my individual person, but to the world community.
Now that I have quoted one of the most significant documents of all time, let me quote a bumper sticker that is just as true: THE COST OF FREEDOM IS NOT FREE
OkeeDon said:What specifically have they done to us?
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