Trimming Back Mother Nature ~ path & trail maintainence


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
Staff member
Just got inside from doing a little early morning trimming. Out of breath and sweating like a pig. But I got quite a bit done!

Not sure about some of you, but we like having little paths through the woods. We have some that are very short, maybe 30 to 50 feet, going from one clear spot to the next, and others that are hundreds of feet long.

Mother nature tends to try to reclaim these paths despite the fact that I laid claim to them as mine :wink: Its been a few years (probably at least 4) since I went out in earnest to actually take the paths back to their former widths. Oh sure, ever year I will clip back an offending branch or vine that wanders into my path, but I've not done any serious work on trimming back the ever-encroaching bushes that grow along the borders, consistently making it narrower and narrower by throwing up shoots and suckers.

This year is the year I reclaim my paths. If she wants them back then Mother Nature will have to fight for them. :hammer:

Spent some time on my main tractor path (longest path we have) and got to the first curve. Probably about 100' of work, leaving branches and bushes in my wake. Also did our 2 shortest paths, they are maybe 40' long and parallel each other, starting together, both going around a planter and some wild trees, before rejoining at the base of the hill into a single wide path.

Once the family wakes up they can go deal with the aftermath. I dragged the branches and brambles and vines to the center of each path and left them, like trophies. Looks like Melen and the lovely Mrs_Bob have their work cut out for them, picking up and hauling the results of my labor to the burn pile.
Paths for me are rather easy. I bought the wife an Aussie Brush Cutter. She loves it.
She starts it up and runs of into the woods. When the engine stops, I just follow her trail with a can of Gas.:brows:

We got 80 nasty acres of underbrush and young trees. Should keep her busy, and trim, for some time.:biggrin:
Blood all over the patio. Extention lopper came apart while trimming back a willow tree, the cutter blade was about 12' in the air, the pole separated, the tree branch flipped the cutter head up into the air. It then came down and hit me in the hand. Cut is not too bad. No stitches needed, but it tore back a good flap of skin. Fortunately not too deep. Landed hard. So I have a heck of a bruise, along with a cut. Hit my hand hard enough that I felt dizzy and faint for a couple seconds.

Got back up to the house and my wife started screaming from the other side of the glass patio door. BUT SHE DIDN'T LET ME IN. She and Melen just looked at me and my bloody hand and screamed.

Hey, if you could open the door maybe I could clean up?
Despite ice, its starting to bruise.
Use the ice for your adult beverage and enjoy it & heal it from the inside. :biggrin:

But seriously MD sorry to here of the accident, could have been much worse it sounds like. Hope it heals quickly. :flowers:
Use the ice for your adult beverage and enjoy it & heal it from the inside. :biggrin:

Sounds like a plan. The ice has not stopped the swelling. My hand does not hurt, nothing seems broken, but clearly there is a bruise and swelling. Might have to shift over to a classic martini with the ice first used to chill the vodka then set aside to chill the swollen hand.
Kinda funny, or not funny. Anyway I went out and bought a padlock today. After I got home I was going through my stuff and came to the padlock. I went out to get my side cut pliers out of my tool box to cut the zip tie holding the lock to the packaging, well I got sidetracked and forgot to grab them. I came back downstairs, sat down in my chair and realized I did not get my sidecuts. As I was getting up to go get them again I seen my knife laying there. I thought I would just use my knife and save myself a trip. To make a long story short I cut clear down to the bone of my left thumb, just distal to my distal phalanges, completely across, but not qutie through my thumbnail. for a second I realized what I had done. I told my wife to grab me something to apply pressure, about 2 seconds later blood spewed, fortunately I had the plastic bag my padlock came in and blood was everywhere, in the bag. I applied immediate pressure and went to the local doc in the box. he sewed it back together but is very worried I might lose the end of my thumb behind the thumbnail. if so, that would me surgery and not having the thumb tip to pick up stuff with.
Blood all over the patio. Extention lopper came apart while trimming back a willow tree, the cutter blade was about 12' in the air, the pole separated, the tree branch flipped the cutter head up into the air. It then came down and hit me in the hand. Cut is not too bad. No stitches needed, but it tore back a good flap of skin. Fortunately not too deep. Landed hard. So I have a heck of a bruise, along with a cut. Hit my hand hard enough that I felt dizzy and faint for a couple seconds.

Got back up to the house and my wife started screaming from the other side of the glass patio door. BUT SHE DIDN'T LET ME IN. She and Melen just looked at me and my bloody hand and screamed.

Hey, if you could open the door maybe I could clean up?
Sounds like you got it worse than me. No stitches for me. But I'm pretty swolen (looks like I have 1 big knuckle! Oh, and I start bleeding whenever I use my right hand for anything more strenuous than holding a coffee cup.