When you go to the Tucker factory, first get ahold of them. The Grandson is currently one of the ' Head Hauncho's '. He's pretty nice to talk to for Snow Cat enthusiasts. The Head salesman, I've forgotten his name, was the last of the Old folks to retire and he had a wealth of information. Also it was this man that told me about the VW aircooled Kittens. He said they only made 3 or 4 and that they didn't have one in their collection. Bill Guthrie, of Sales Unlimited knows them well and would likely give you an introduction. I would be inclined to set up a visit in the summer, during the VW Bug festival held there. The Plant wouldn't be very busy(MAKING FOR A BETTER TOUR), and you could go to the VW Meet. It's one of the larger Bug Meets. One would probably walk away with a Plaque or prize of some sort if you showed a VW powered Kristi or a Snow Trac at the meet. They hardley ever show up at the Vintage Meets and usually tend to "Steal the Show".The promoters will come up with a unique listing such as:"First Place Special Bodied" or "Promoter's Choice". Aslo your machine will show up in all the VW Magazines. The meet's are Fun, it's also a likely place to find various of the "Hard to Get" vintage VW parts used on ST4's. Like parts made of "UNOBTANIUM"