I hope we're putting closure to all of this, maybe yes, maybe no. Last I updated she was driving on occasions. Then she took over the truck and drove both ways to work and back. I was with her in case she needed to pull over and give up the wheel. She's been driving now two plus weeks. A week ago on Sunday I was going to do the grocery shopping but she stopped me and said she'd try to do it on Wednesday by herself. No issues at all, except it tired her out very much. Well, there is the issue of her backing into the garage to unload groceries, but she couldn't do that straight before this started. Today I went to work on what my normal schedule should be and she went on to work by herself. She had herself all worked up and was nervous as hell and broke out in hives. But she did fine. She took in a pot of chili to sort of say thanks to all of her co-workers for covering for her. She even took a case of beer so "the boys" had something in case they wanted to stay late and play poker tonight.
Her Doctor dismissed her last week saying there was nothing he did that made it better and there was nothing he could do anyway. But all we know it is better and I hope she continues. She feels she is about 80% back to "normal", whatever that is.