thats good where are all the krusty owners telling me how fast there machines are you all just need a snow trac out there to run circles around you all
First off any time there is a krusty joke cracked it is expected you will throw it back at said jokester its all supposed to be in good humor . secondly I wouldn't want to get into a climbing match with a Thiokol 2100 the wow factor I experienced last winter was nothing short of impressive I wished there was a way to convey it with a camera.your speed numbers are spot on. and even though I can go faster in 4high (id say 20-22 max) the tracks themselves are the real speed limiter. vibrations at that speed arent something i would want to endure for any prolonged amount of time. I think the kristi owners who claim land speed records are reading the literature more than operating the thing. at the end of the day its still a snow tractor. not built for speed.
all this bieng said, ill drag race anyone for a laugh but I think a kristi would shine the brightest on a steep and deep hill climb.