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Throwing away Food!

Sam's Club here has a Masterbuilt Portable smoker priced as $100 that uses propane. If there was room in the budget one
of them would be coming home with me, but a smoker is way too far down on the priority list. :sad:

I don't know how I missed I but a couple days ago in my refrigerator's freezer I found a steak that I bought last year.
Oh well the reason I bought it was it cost less than 5 bucks. Still I would have liked to have eaten that steak.
well, i ferget thet food is there, & yeah, i hafta put old food in my garbage; that is on me-- i ought rotate items often enough that they remain in front, so i see them & use them--
So I got up this morning and found the rest of a huge meatloaf that I'd prepared for dinner last night sitting out on the counter:hammer:
Had I known that Alison was going to forget to put it in the fridge, I'd have done it myself!

She got up and said ohhhh no!
I was like yeah, no meatloaf sandwiches for lunch now huh?
She tends to waste food and leave stuff sitting out.
So I got up this morning and found the rest of a huge meatloaf that I'd prepared for dinner last night sitting out on the counter:hammer:
Had I known that Alison was going to forget to put it in the fridge, I'd have done it myself!

She got up and said ohhhh no!
I was like yeah, no meatloaf sandwiches for lunch now huh?
She tends to waste food and leave stuff sitting out.

That would so piss me off words cannot describe it. Getting up and finding out the meatloaf sammich I was looking forward to is a no go would not be good. :yum:

Not sure what people waste so much food, we go out to dinner with friends and some pick at their food like it is poison and leave most of it on the plate to the point where the waitress asks if everything was alright. Here I am handing back a plate so clean it looks like I licked it. :th_lmao::yum:
Sam's Club here has a Masterbuilt Portable smoker priced as $100 that uses propane. If there was room in the budget one
of them would be coming home with me, but a smoker is way too far down on the priority list. :sad:

An update. I gave up on the Masterbuilt digital electric smoker. I didn't like it at all. It was less of a smoker and more of a slow cooking oven.

I replaced it with a Green Mountain Grill "Davy Crockett" pellet smoker /grill. Now, I do like that little thing. It's small enough to take in the motorhome when we go camping and does an excellent job of smoking small amounts of meat. The smoke isn't as "heavy" as with the wood burning "Big Bertha" but still very acceptable. It's also a fairly good grill but you definitely need a glove as it gets really hot when grilling.

As far as food is concerned, my wife is still bulk buying. She can't resist a "bargain". We finally gave up on the local grocery store. Their meat is totally inedible at times. Now, we buy directly from the small packing plant in town. It sells to most of the better restaurants in the area and it's been excellent so far. The problem is that it's too tempting for my wife to bring home a dozen T-bones at a time. They're vacuum sealed and in the freezer. They'll last the two of us a long time but they won't go to waste.

She's threatening to drop in next week and see what they have "on special". :unsure::unsure::unsure: