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Thiokol 4VL registration page

The tracks were changed out at some point, I do not know what the "new" tracks are from. All the parts are mild steal and every 5th one was a double stack of square tubing (picture is a single). The original belting was too short and was extended to fit this machine. Most of the wheel guilds are welded permanently like the part on top. When I got done every 4th one is now a double, which go straight across with a small welded pad in the middle.
I have a machine shop in Sheridan, WY that says they will make a mold to make more of the wheel guides as I have been unable to locate any this size available anywhere. I can tell you from experience changing the belting on these tracks is really hard work. There are 64 grousers on each track 10 bolts in each for a total of 640 bolts per tracks.
I will have some tire guides left over once I get my tracks done. I am running the wooden ones, but per the navy test up in Alaska, I am running short tracks every 3rd grouser, and studded caps every other long grouser. But it looks like they just used the old tire guides and welded on some tube. New guides might be a good plan, simply because they wear thin, but I certainly can set my extras aside for you. That certainly is a sweet Trackmaster! Is there plenty of publicly accessible property in WY to cat around in?
There is quite a few places to go in Wyoming, most of the BLM and forest service roads are available. You could even go visit Yellowstone in the winter. They have strict requirements and many snow machines do not meet them, but snowcats do. I am hoping to try in the next few years to go tour it in the winter.

Our cat was purchased from an auction for work, we run a two way radio company and need to get up mountain tops to the radio sites. Many of the hills we go to are closed to the public, but we get to follow the radio site easements with permission.

I would be grateful to have all the old tire guides when you get done with them. Just let me know what you need to get them shipped our way. I am hoping to eventually change all mine to the ones with the bolt on setup. Without the bolts I have to take off minimum of 5 grousers just to get one off. I am hesitant to do much right now as I don't want to mess one up when I do not have a spare.

I have a local fabricator who will make the grousers, but he cannot make the tire guides.

I hope this helps
1. The chain in the drop down box was good, it was a sheered off axle. I found a fabricator able to make a new axel. Very pricey, I don't recommend breaking one.
2. I found a manual for a "Track Master 4T10" from 1962, http://www.goldcordmine.com/manuals/Thiokol 4T10/4T10_Full_Manual.pdf
This is an invaluable resource for 4VL owners.
3. Found my suspension was set up wrong and have it corrected now, no more binding. This was the cause of the axle sheering off. (Mine does not match the one in the 4T10 manual. My angles are 90-45-45-90.)
4. Had a crack in the engine head and it was repaired at Lloyd's Cylinder head repair.
5. I had a problem with vapor locking, found a solution, I installed Micro Gard fuel filter #33041 at the input to the carburetor. Then took the bypass fuel from the filter and sent it back to the fuel tank. If you do this be sure to put in shut off valves. (There are two fuel ports on the bottom of the tank, one is now an outlet to a fuel filter and then on to the fuel pump. The other fuel port is now a fuel return.)
6. If you have overheat problems, here is a fix. When I got mine this was already done. Install an electric fan between the front grill and the radiator. I have never started to overheat with this turned on.

There was question about the heater location. At some point mine was moved to beside the drivers seat and it will run everyone out of the cabin area if left on too long.
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I can not help you with weight, pretty heavy for mine.
The 1958 4VL has reverse far right and up. The transmission is from a Ford F100.
Iceberg, if you are the orange 4v posted on fb asking the weight.... ill just point out i think you have a 4vs a (short) mine has a 3 spd reverse is left and up.

They are pretty light by snow cat standards
Might be a 4vs, the serial plate said 4v serial 55 who knows might be prior to the 4vs officially. I'd imagine it's very light 3k max, yeah it's the old Bonneville County Rescue Cat. I had been looking for one I can haul without taking the tracks off unlike my 3700's