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There are so many "middle men" that jack up prices.


New member
This is how it works. You have a part that is made by some factory. It is then sold to dealers at wholesale.. and them dealers mark it up. Then it is sold to others down the chain of distributors. Each one marking up the price. BUT!! the higher up the chain of delivery you get - the cheaper you pay.The best example of this can be explained as follows:

When I was a shipping and receiving clerk way back.. There was a part we sold thousands of every week. It was a faucet repair kit. Not the one in the kitchen sink. Think of a washing machine.. that controls the flow of hot and cold water. That valve had rubber parts that could turn the water on and off via electric control. If it failed - we had a repair kit to fix it.

As a shipping clerk.. my job was to open new shipments - and verify the contents VS the packing slip. One day I saw an enormous amount of packing tape on the box. I was able to peel it away - and VOLA!!! I found that the idiot shipper just took the box that they got in, covered where it came from and slapped a new label on it. I FOUND OUT WHO THEY WERE BUYING FROM! I took this info to the owner - and got a raise an a "atta boy"

SO.. just because you think you are buying wholesale - it's not always the case. There are many levels of selling. Bearings are a classic example. We see differences of $30.00 VS $3.00 for the exact same bearing - from the exact same Taiwan made part number.

OFF SOAP BOX:hammer:
I bought my wife a jewelry store in the 80's and what I discovered was if you by jewelry especially gold and diamonds you are flat getting ripped off. Gold and diamonds really have little value unless you can make the majority of people think it is worth something. I don't even own a watch another major rip off simply buy a cheap casio or timex which will keep better time than the best of the best (price only)
Somebody has to pay the Chinaman who made the part and the Vietnamese on the boat that brought your parts to America!:whistling: