• Please be sure to read the rules and adhere to them. Some banned members have complained that they are not spammers. But they spammed us. Some even tried to redirect our members to other forums. Duh. Be smart. Read the rules and adhere to them and we will all get along just fine. Cheers. :beer: Link to the rules: https://www.forumsforums.com/threads/forum-rules-info.2974/

The up your post count thread.....

I've driven to Alaska twice and next time I'll take the whole summer and fish along the way to Prudhoe Bay.
When I get to Alaska it will be cold because if I can ever get there I'm sure even Hell would have frozen over. From my igloo perhaps we (my cat crew and I) sit and watch a rerun with Tina Fey as she does her best to mock Sarah Palin. I eat Eskimo Pies while we watch Russia from my (igloo) house and see the ghost of Stalin leading Russian soldiers as they cross the Bering strait. I will be typing about that event to my amigos at Forum Forums as the stalwart Reds cross the frozen sea on their snowshoes. I'm sure the Russians will wish that they had the snow cats that people in the Forum know so much about instead of having musk oxen pull the loads of their equipment. I reflect that I don't know a snow cat from a Siamese cat. All my cats are moggies (i.e. mutts) for those of you such as this spell checker have never heard of. But I digress. I sit smug as I think that despite my lack of knowledge on that subject all my posts are not only informative but entertaining as well. For instance did you know that Eskimos wish to to be called Inuits instead? But before I can explain why the Russians will soon be at my door. I will invite them all in since my igloo is roughly the triple the size of the Astro Dome. And ask them if they would like a flat lukewarm Coke or perhaps a Fanta, Orange Crush, or Jolt wired grape or any of hundreds of other beverages and snacks I keep on hand. I will ask them if they would like a taco and perhaps a bowl of refried beans and a delectable Moon pie? I await their answer reflecting that once again the spellchecker apparently dislikes those wonderful beans long a staple of my diet. Before I can ask them if they want some kibbles for the Siberian tigers that I notice they have with them or some Muskoxen chow they just ask if I have any Vodka or perhaps an INUIT pie?
I just have to sadly shake my head "NO . . ."