• Please be sure to read the rules and adhere to them. Some banned members have complained that they are not spammers. But they spammed us. Some even tried to redirect our members to other forums. Duh. Be smart. Read the rules and adhere to them and we will all get along just fine. Cheers. :beer: Link to the rules: https://www.forumsforums.com/threads/forum-rules-info.2974/

The up your post count thread.....

I can take care of that.............:brows:
Oh, good!
I'd say she was giving me the willies - but that's not really the direction she seemed to be going...:doh:

y'all gettin' ready for an oyster fry - is that what she's workin' her way up to?
That's funny :yum:

I was just say'in.......Galvatron's cartoon was funny.

The one that was asking "are you hungry"?

It was funny :yum: Did anyone else catch the man's pecker was in the selection of sausages? :yum:

What if she chose his pecker and asked to have it chopped up in bite size pieces? :yum:

What if she asked him to fry it up right there while she waited? :yum:

What if she was choosing between the different sausages and pointed to his pecker saying it looked too fatty?:yum:

What if she wanted to feel it to test the firmness?

It wouldn't stay the same kind of firmness while she was testing it's firmness :yum:

So strictly talking sausages she may decide once it's cooked it would be a more consistent firmness. :yum:

Ok.....I'm hungry for a sausage :rolleyes:

What if she asked him if he wanted to share that pecker...err...sausage for lunch?

I bet you thought I was done talking about this guy's pecker hiding in the sausages?

Dang, you must have been really bored last night. All these posts in a row. :rolf2:
just for a post up i will let you all know i may be arrested soon....still it was worth it :wink:
I tell ya, she's really in an extra, extra, EXTRA good mood today. She even made breakfast for me, and she's following me around like a puppy. :bb::thumb::mrgreen:

She ain't following you around like a puppy, and that ain't a smile on her face when she is whipping you around getting you to do some work around the house. :hammer: :hammer::mrgreen:
Dang, you must have been really bored last night. All these posts in a row. :rolf2:
Yeah I was !

I tell ya, she's really in an extra, extra, EXTRA good mood today. She even made breakfast for me, and she's following me around like a puppy. :bb::thumb::mrgreen:
Redneck<<< :shit: <<<Me :whistling:

She ain't following you around like a puppy, and that ain't a smile on her face when she is whipping you around getting you to do some work around the house. :hammer: :hammer::mrgreen:

See if I tell you anymore secrets!

Damn I am behind now... was off all morning and (NOT me other people>) :shitHitFan: since I got in. I might take a lesson from Galvi cuz I am about ready to open a can on our VP :angry:... and I think the Pres is ready to watch it happen.
Beer tonight

Don't know, got me one of them really bad headaches yesterday and it's still lingering. Daughters birthday and I have to go out for supper with the whole family. I really want to go home and lay in bed with my eyes closed. I feel like I have this big fricken rubber band around my head and me eyes are burning. :sick:
Wuhl take the rubber band offa yer head, splash some water in your eyes to put the fire out, and go out with the family. Quit bein' sucha party pooper! :hammer:
I'm gonna try and get in trouble again today....my reps shot up to 1127 over night:yum::yum::yum:

Thanks to all you givers:thumb:
Well? What's happening? Don't tell me a big log fell off yer pickum-up-truck in his driveway so's he can't get his car out.