Naomi Brockwell TV
Naomi Brockwell TV
358K subscribers
Apr 5, 2024
Financial privacy has practically vanished over the last 50 years. Most people are in denial about it, and still believe that their relationship with their bank or their credit union is confidential -- the reality couldn’t be further from that. In this video we walk you through the history of how financial privacy slowly disappeared, and how we built a gargantuan financial surveillance system that no one really understands the extent of.00:00 Financial Privacy is an Illusion02:14 Pre-197003:23 Bank Secrecy Act08:02 Annunzio-Wylie AML Act10:38 Patriot Act12:51 $600 Rule16:17 The Future Ahead18:24 Is This the World We Want?19:46 FLOOF We have slowly built a sprawling system of unchecked financial surveillance, and it’s time to question whether this is the world we want to live in. The first step is just making people aware of how far financial surveillance norms have shifted in just a few decades.
I did not know all of this, and my bet is not many do understand how our information is being shared with the Government.
It is a huge cost to all of us to pay Banks to give our data to the Federal Government.
We should all be concerned by this government overreach.