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The price of building materials is now insane.

I'm sitting tight hoping the mid term elections will turn things around. I never thought I'd ever hear a former American business person turn socialist but you seem to have done it. If, in your opinion, joe can do no wrong that pretty much proves what I just said. And at almost every turn, like a true democrat, you always blame someone else for the problems that have arisen in the past 4 months.
"Turn things around?" What do you hope is achieved by 2022? I'm not a socialist nor a communist. Those are just catch terminologies thrown around by Republicans to try and vilify democrats. Biden is far from perfect. Truth be told, he only got my vote to get Donald out. I certainly didn't want to go back to the same old status quo from the Obama era. But Biden was the lessor of two evils. I know you violently disagree and that's why you hate my kind so much. Luckily there's a few more of us than there are of you. Que Será, Será
Back to the subject,,,;
I say, the excuse of supply and demand is bunk.
I can tell from personal experience that four years ago, lumber was in short supply. Most of my building projects involve framing lumber and treated wood products. I often went to three or four stores to get enough 5/4 treated planks to do a simple deck. Shelves were empty of the sizes needed, I had to buy longer boards and throw away 24" pieces because my ten foot wide deck didn't need the twelve foot boards that were available.

But in 2017; 2018 or 2019, I didn't see a major price fluctuation or increase. Not once.

With the Trump tariffs on hardware parts, there was some shortage issues. But I don't recall major price increases. Inflation was virtually non existent at those times yet citizen buying power increased because, for the first time in decades, wages increased more than inflation.

Since 2019 some of these items have tripled in price. With no real or honest explanation. We import a lot of lumber products from Canada. And a lot of hardware parts (nails, screws, brackets) from the Pacific rim nations, Korea, China, Vietnam, India. Has the dollar lost value to these currencies? If so why did it happen in the last four to six months?

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Back to the subject,,,;
I say, the excuse of supply and demand is bunk.
I can tell from personal experience that four years ago, lumber was in short supply. Most of my building projects involve framing lumber and treated wood products. I often went to three or four stores to get enough 5/4 treated planks to do a simple deck. Shelves were empty of the sizes needed, I had to buy longer boards and throw away 24" pieces because my ten foot wide deck didn't need the twelve foot boards that were available.

But in 2017; 2018 or 2019, I didn't see a major price fluctuation or increase. Not once.

With the Trump tariffs on hardware parts, there was some shortage issues. But I don't recall major price increases. Inflation was virtually non existent at those times yet citizen buying power increased because, for the first time in decades, wages increased more than inflation.

Since 2019 some of these items have tripled in price. With no real or honest explanation. We import a lot of lumber products from Canada. And a lot of hardware parts (nails, screws, brackets) from the Pacific rim nations, Korea, China, Vietnam, India. Has the dollar lost value to these currencies? If so why did it happen in the last four to six months?

Well hold on.... Didn't you already blame it on actions taken by Biden? Can you share what those actions were? With possibly a citation to support it?