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The bunker


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I mentioned over at the other site that I was looking at purchasing a cold-war era communications bunker.
Still pursuing it.

Here's some general info.
- The shelter is approx. 22,000+ square feet (it's BIG!!!).
- At floor level, it's approx. 40-50' underground.
- Walls are concrete/steel/lead and are thick!!! Doors weigh close to 3 tons each (and that's a 36" wide door ).
- It was built to sustain close to 100 people for a year.
- It was built to be able to withstand a nuclear blast as close as 5 miles away.
- The infrastructure components are probably 90+% intact and include turbine generators, self contained water and sewer treatment, HVAC, air purification... Regular system tests were performed until about 3 years ago.
- Construction was completed in 1971 and site was decomissioned in 1991.
- It appears that all of the "big ticket" potential problem areas for conversion have been addressed. (There's no asbestos, 2 stair wells, limited sprinkler system...).
- It was designed primarily as a communications site. The place is absolutely loaded with electrical capabilities.
- The main room is approx. 150'x 80'. There's several other rooms for the equipment as well as a medical office/decontamination center, conference room, bathrooms, a couple offices...
- With no heat or AC, the temp stays between 65-69 degrees (depending on season).


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Here's some pics I took today.
The first couple is of the exterior entrance area. The rest of the pics (for now) are some of the internal components.


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More pics


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New member
When I first heard about it, I had no idea what you could use it for. Now that I've seen some pix, my suggestion is that you rent it out as a movie set.


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Last pics for now.

Unfortunately, my camera battery quit.
There's the "main room" which is empty and is approx. 90'x150'.
Lots of other panels and stuff as well.
Blast doors with electric motors to open/close
The outdoor fuel tanks (2 of them, 35,000 gallons each) have been filled with concrete and no longer usable. So, what's a guy to do with a pair of 200,000 watt turbine engine generators?

Pretty neat place for something... which has yet to be determined.


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Klaatu barada nikto
SUPER Site Supporter
BoneheadNW said:

Wow, how did you get the ladder to stand sideways like that? :) :) :eek: :rolleyes:


I don't think he was supposed to post that picture. Obviously, this facility was used during the Philadelphia Experiment and the laws of physics were completely convoluted. In actuallity, the entire bunker is contained with a building that on the outside appears to be the size and shape of a London telephone booth. :D:D



New member
There's something ominous in the fact that his camera battery quit right after he took that picture. Obviously, whatever is holding the ladder to the wall also sucked all the juice out of the camera battery. I'm surprised that the force didn't act before the picture was taken. It might have something to do with the Xray viewer on the opposite wall...


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Well, I could just say I turned my camera for the one picture with the ladder but that wouldn't be as interesting. My daughter did think it was a bit spooky down there.

Don - We're not yet sure what we're going to do with it but a movie set is on the list.

Dargo said:
Okay, I'm interested. How much would shipping cost? :D
Are you talking about the generator(s) or the "special" ladder or ???

DaveNay said:
Can I come over to play?
Dave - until we do find something to do with it, it will be our "play house". Believe me... once you're in there and close the doors, there is absolutely no way you can be bothered. No phones, no cell phone access, no doors can be opened (nor heard through)...



Floppy Member
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"The outdoor fuel tanks (2 of them, 35,000 gallons each) have been filled with concrete and no longer usable."

Not useable?? Sounds like the making of an extra large lawn roller to me!


The Crazy Scot, #3
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Brian; Can I put on my VVA uniform, and grab my M16? Can I, huh, huh, can I? :eek: Somebodies got to keep the bad guys away. :cool: :)


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johnday said:
Brian; Can I put on my VVA uniform, and grab my M16? Can I, huh, huh, can I?

OK, OK!!! If you're that excited you can. :p BTW, Keep you M-16 on semi-auto since they're not legal unless you have a FFL. You can borrow my AR-15 if you prefer. Watch out for ricochet's since the walls are all heavy steel. AND NO SHOOTING OUT THE LIGHTS! :eek:


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Please don't arrive before about 8:30 as I need to get the kids off to school and daycare (I've been playing Mr. Mom since my wife is out of town). Coffee will be hot.

Here's a couple more pics I took today. Main open section of the building.
In the bottom pic (sorry it's dark), take a look at the electric panel on the left wall. The whole thing is on springs so it would be OK in the event of a major event that shook the ground (read - nuclear blast)



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The Crazy Scot, #3
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Brian; It looks in very good condition :) . How dry is it? That looked to be about a 200amp panal on the wall. How many of those do you have in there. Obviously you've got an elevator in there someplace. Whats the weight capacity of that? Will it take a tractor? That thing really is neat. :cool: :cool: I know where I'll be when the bad guys come knocking. :eek: :D


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Everything appears to be in excellent condition. Although we haven't fired up any of the main electrical components, everything looks as if it was installed this year. I pulled the dipstick on one of the turbine engines and it was like new. When they shut it down, a lot of detail was placed on putting things away properly.

There isn't an elevator but a heavy duty lift. (pics attached). I believe it's a 10-15 ton crane so it could carry a tractor. The cage is small but the shaft is probably 10'x25'.

Electrical panels... there's probably 5 or 6 of the traditional looking panels that run the 110 and 24v DC. The big stuff (460v) are all the panels like what's pictured in the magical ladder picture. Combined, these breaker panels would fill a 20'x30' room easily.

There is a very slight amount of dampness and smell in the air but I'm going to attribute it to the fact the elevator shaft and other doors have been left open to the outside. There is no mold or mildew anywhere. No HVAC has even been fired up in this place for probably 10 years.


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Back From the Dead
Well I'm impressed. Now we all know where to go should there ever be another "cold war".

Years and years ago when I was but a young man the civil defense designated the office building that my father then owned in Ohio as a fallout shelter. Civil Defense stocked it with many barrels or rations, and other goodies including radiation counters, protective suits, and boots. The stuff stayed untouched for some 20 years or more before the new owners, brother and myself, were finally intructed to dispose of the materials any way that we saw fit. It was all thrown out in the trash, we paid to have it hauled away. :mad: To bad eBay wasn't around at the time. :rolleyes:


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PineRidge said:
To bad eBay wasn't around at the time.

I am glad it is around now. There's a possibility some of the infrastructure equipment will find its way there.


The Crazy Scot, #3
SUPER Site Supporter
That place is really cool! :cool: I don't recognize the switchgear on that 460/480 volt panel. I would assume they're US manufacture. :confused: I just can't get over the condition of the place! ;) Are you going to keep the gas turbines? :confused:


Bottoms Up
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Very cool looking place. I like the movie set idea, or cold storage.
but .... I can't help being nosey, how much are they asking for the place?


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Doc said:
but .... I can't help being nosey, how much are they asking for the place?

Can't tell you yet. Waiting for signatures on the sales agreement.


Bottoms Up
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Wow, you going for it. Good luck with the deal ...and don't feel like you have to share the price if you don't want to. no big deal.


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Dargo said:
Nah, you know me; the whole thing! :eek: :D

OK Dargo,

I did a little math.
There's between 4,000 and 5,000 yards of concrete in the structure. At 4000 yards, you're looking at 8,000 tons.
Throw in the contents and you're probably looking at another 500 tons.

So, if you can get 25 ton on a flatbed truck, you can haul it to your place in approx 340 truckloads. No idea what a loaded mile costs on a flatbed but I'm going to guess $3.00. At 400 miles, 340 trucks, $3.00/mile, you're at around $680,000.


PS. You do the disassembly/assembly. :eek:


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Buying it.

Still need help on what to do with it. Thoughts?

Bob - I can fit pool and ping-pong in here very nicely.