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The best bug control ever.


Well-known member
I'm surprised this forum has zero posts.
Well let me be the first to get things rolling.

When I used to own and run a restaurant, it was required by the health code to employ a pest control company.

The guy used to come around once a month and spray.
The only bugs we ever had in the building were dead ones.

The guy said this stuff was totally safe for humans, and the only thing that it had a negative effect on was aquatic life.

I've been using it for years at home now with great results.

Out in the desert we have a very nasty blood sucking bug called the Hualapai tiger, AKA conenose bug.
Nothing makes me happier than to see them dead at my door.

The product is called Bifenthrin.

You're welcome.
I would love to use this pesticide. However, we have a certified wildlife sanctuary in our home yard. Which means we have bird feeders, yes, but also a water feature with cheap goldfish ( I will not do koi ) and a rescue turtle.

The fish are replaceable, but I worry about the turtle, APPLETON who is a Missouri three toed box about 8 years old.

I will however use it in the green house and the domicile.

Thanks for the tip Joe.