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Tesla’s New Record! / Musk Sparks OUTRAGE / California To Forbid All Tesla Sales (???) / Tesla News

300 H and H

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20:25 min

Matt Pocius on Tesla Stock & Money
Matt Pocius on Tesla Stock & Money
27.8K subscribers

22 hours ago
34,056 views • Dec 9, 2023

Today's Tesla stock news.
Anyone who says EV demand is falling fast, isn't telling the truth about Tesla
And it quite clear the top of the fascist socialist Democrats HATE Elon, maybe as much as they hate Trump. :mad:
His is one of my kind. Elon loves our Constitution, and has spent more of his own money to try and protect free speech in our nation
than anyone in our history. He is also developing A.I. for the same goals. He is more "American" IMHO than over half the nation.
Yet Tesla haters are everywhere, just like the propaganda of the left.
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300 H and H

Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
don't fall into the trap of data manipulation.

the "Big Three" are seeing serious sales lack of their offerings.
Tesla is not.

cherry picking the data to prove a point is like ages ages ages old.
I watch several people who are pro Tesla. They are saying close to the same thing.
The lies I see and hear from the naysayers are always to this point in time either irrelevant or opinion mixed with propaganda.
Legacy auto cannot compete in this space at a profit with inferior cars. Believe me with what is at stake they will lie cheat and steal to slow or stop the growth of Tesla.

If you don't possess critical reading and thinking skills, it is easy to get in lost in the FUD and propaganda.
This is also true of political propaganda particularly and is the reason some Republicans hate TRUMP.
They drank the cool aid. That recipe is words like "could have" might have" "probably" and my favorite, "could it actually be"
All bullshit that will protect the writer for a serious court case of slander and their reputation are on the line.

No one ever mentions the Power wall or the Tesla Mega pack either. Do any Legacy auto companies have that going on? Nope.

Especially true now with Tesla breaking into the light truck market, the only thing the majors can make a profit on.,
My money will stay invested in Tesla for at least another 3-4 years. So far a 3X multiple of my original investment. :whistling: :cool:
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300 H and H

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Musk’s New Controversy / Bullish Tesla Rumor / Celebrity Seen in Cybertruck / Tesla “Drama” on X​

21:04 min.


Well-known member
GOLD Site Supporter
I watch several people who are pro Tesla. They are saying close to the same thing.
The lies I see and hear from the naysayers are always to this point in time either irrelevant or opinion mixed with propaganda.
Legacy auto cannot compete in this space at a profit with inferior cars. Believe me with what is at stake they will lie cheat and steal to slow or stop the growth of Tesla.

If you don't possess critical reading and thinking skills, it is easy to get in lost in the FUD and propaganda.
This is also true of political propaganda particularly and is the reason some Republicans hate TRUMP.
They drank the cool aid. That recipe is words like "could have" might have" "probably" and my favorite, "could it actually be"
All bullshit that will protect the writer for a serious court case of slander and their reputation are on the line.

No one ever mentions the Power wall or the Tesla Mega pack either. Do any Legacy auto companies have that going on? Nope.

Especially true now with Tesla breaking into the light truck market, the only thing the majors can make a profit on.,
My money will stay invested in Tesla for at least another 3-4 years. So far a 3X multiple of my original investment. :whistling: :cool:
We get it - You’re a serious fan of EVs, and that’s great. Problem is, other than the people that drive trucks but have no reason to drive trucks, EV trucks are a LONG way from being considered serious trucks. Contractors, camper haulers, boat haulers, horse trailer haulers - none of them have any use for an EV truck. And that’s WITH the subsidies! Maybe someday, but not now.

300 H and H

Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
We get it - You’re a serious fan of EVs, and that’s great. Problem is, other than the people that drive trucks but have no reason to drive trucks, EV trucks are a LONG way from being considered serious trucks. Contractors, camper haulers, boat haulers, horse trailer haulers - none of them have any use for an EV truck. And that’s WITH the subsidies! Maybe someday, but not now.
Haters will ALWAYS hate. This is true of politics as well. You drank the cool aid for sure from your comment's.
Do you hate Trump just as much?
I am a farmer dependent on ethanol for a decent corn price EV's don't use. Tesla is my hedge.
What I really want is for market forces to let both exist. Then I win twice.
Wouldn't you if you were me? Of course, you would.

300 H and H

Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
, EV trucks are a LONG way from being considered serious trucks.
Cyber truck has only been in delivery for 10 days! :lmao:

Yet your crystal balls are telling nothing will happen with it. :lmao::tiphat:
Yup you are a hater. You're in denial and soon it will become anger. AS ICE is destroyed, you will go through the grieving process.
Much l Ike losing a loved one, denial and anger are the first steps. I bet you hate Trump too.
Am I wrong?
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Well-known member
GOLD Site Supporter
Haters will ALWAYS hate. This is true of politics as well. You drank the cool aid for sure from your comment's.
Do you hate Trump just as much?
I am a farmer dependent on ethanol for a decent corn price EV's don't use. Tesla is my hedge.
What I really want is for market forces to let both exist. Then I win twice.
Wouldn't you if you were me? Of course, you would.
If anyone has partaken of the “Koolaid” in this thread, it is you good sir. As you state, “Cybertruck” has been in delivery for 10 days - yet you have swallowed the marketing hype hook, line and sinker.

for the record, I DO NOT hate EVs - I may very well (willingly) own one someday. What I DON’T like, is being gas-lit by being told that EVs can compete with IC vehicles - in totality (not just acceleration). Until your “Cybertruck” can hitch up to a 10,000lb trailer and drive 500 miles, take a 10 minute refueling stop and drive 500 more, it’s not competitive. Period.


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…I bet you hate Trump too.
Am I wrong?

You need to stop making assumptions - you’re not very good at it.

my stance on Trump will be complicated to someone like you. I dislike the man, but I love his leadership. You see, two things can be true at once - Trump is an ass-hole, no two ways about it. HOWEVER, his leadership of our country is fantastic. In fact, I believe he is the only one that can salvage what is left of the country. So much like Coach Casto (my high school wrestling coach), I hate the man, even though he is the right man for the job… and I Will enthusiastically vote for him… AGAIN…


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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You need to stop making assumptions - you’re not very good at it. . . .

I've been accused of being a Trump hater. I've been accused of being a Musk hater. A Tesla hater. Etc. All wrong. But I'm willing to call out B.S. about people that I generally have a favorable feeling about, I have no problem mentioning hypocrisy and no issues saying when something is wrong, even if someone I generally agree with does it.

300 H and H

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GOLD Site Supporter
If anyone has partaken of the “Koolaid” in this thread, it is you good sir. As you state, “Cybertruck” has been in delivery for 10 days - yet you have swallowed the marketing hype hook, line and sinker.

for the record, I DO NOT hate EVs - I may very well (willingly) own one someday. What I DON’T like, is being gas-lit by being told that EVs can compete with IC vehicles - in totality (not just acceleration). Until your “Cybertruck” can hitch up to a 10,000lb trailer and drive 500 miles, take a 10 minute refueling stop and drive 500 more, it’s not competitive. Period.
Did you know for another $16K you can get another battery mounted behind the cabin that gives 500+ miles?

My Dodge Cummins Diesel might get 450 miles on the 40 gallons if the trailer is empty btw. In a head wind way less.

Did you know the Tesla truck has a drag coefficient of 0.42 more than 50% less aerodynamic drag than any conventional truck?

Can you hit any other truck with a hammer without damage? The Stats I have seen show it to be the leader of the pack.

300 H and H

Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter

I've been accused of being a Trump hater. I've been accused of being a Musk hater. A Tesla hater. Etc. All wrong. But I'm willing to call out B.S. about people that I generally have a favorable feeling about, I have no problem mentioning hypocrisy and no issues saying when something is wrong, even if someone I generally agree with does it.
Your choice of verbiage betrays you every time too. :whistling:

300 H and H

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GOLD Site Supporter
It really isn't that hard to do. Mostly closeminded and quite opiniated mixed with a healthy dose of attitude.
everyone here expresses themself. After a while you figure that out. Opinions get formed, true or not.

I see so much to admire in you at the same time. You keep busy being a volunteer and a foster parent. Your generosity most likely exceeds anyone here on this forum in both time and $$. I bet you were a good boss and manager who could walk that thin line with hired help that keeps the peace and happiness with workers. That experience I think made you a pretty good judge of people too.
I think before judging another one should look at with honesty and truthfulness and take a look at yourself first. For me, I think it has been valuable.

Actually I think we tend to be alike in many ways . :tiphat:

just my 2 cents
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300 H and H

Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter

That was 6 years ago and a prototype. If you're not too scared to see the truth, just watch the 'Tubes I have posted.
Obviously like Bob you didn't bother. And why should you since already know the answer. :tiphat:
But alas some just can't use an open mind and discern for themselves.

Journalism is not anymore.
What we have today is activist journalism combined with confirmation bias.
Another definition of propaganda in my book. It definitely is in this thread.


Well-known member
GOLD Site Supporter
That was 6 years ago and a prototype. If you're not too scared to see the truth, just watch the 'Tubes I have posted.
Obviously like Bob you didn't bother. And why should you since already know the answer. :tiphat:
But alas some just can't use an open mind and discern for themselves.

Journalism is not anymore.
What we have today is activist journalism combined with confirmation bias.
Another definition of propaganda in my book. It definitely is in this thread.
Man - you simply WILL NOT allow ANY dissenting opinions on you EV love! I admire your dedication to the losing end of the discussion😉

Do the “tubes you posted” show the “Cybertruck” pulling a >10,000lb load in sub-zero temps 500 miles on a single fuel/charge? And then refuel/recharge in 10 minutes and go another 500 miles? If not, YOU need to open your eyes to the TRUTH about EVs and their shortcomings.

Oh, and the extra fuel tank in my IC pickup cost me about $300 - not sixteen THOUSAND dollars… 🙄

300 H and H

Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
Man - you simply WILL NOT allow ANY dissenting opinions on you EV love!
Projection on your part. I am calm and thoughtful, your obviously not.
Losing end? I think that is yet to be determined. :lmao:

Your narcissism is clear to see. And you have spent a tenth of the time of others to search for the truth, and let the media form your opinion.

Show me a pickup that can do what you insist upon doing. My Ram Cummins diesel would fail your test as well.
I do get that whatever the case is, you simply raise the bar so as to be right about everything. The hate you have is palpable.

EV's aren't for everyone. I live 20 miles from nowhere. They would work fine for a lot of my local travel.

Democrat fascist socialists would love it if Elon were one of them. Thank the Lord he is not.
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Well-known member
GOLD Site Supporter
...Democrat fascist socialists would love it if Elon were one of them. Thank the Lord he is not.

“Democrat fascist socialists” are the very ones pushing -nay forcing- EVs on everyone. They started with subsidies and now they are moving to outright mandates. This is not so much about EVs as it is about control. That is what you seem to fail to understand - people like myself enjoy the freedom that IC vehicles provide, and we are unwilling to give that up no mater how much propaganda you shove at as. As I type this, I see that you have virtually spammed the forum with the very propaganda I speak of. As I said before - buy your EV and be happy. But for the love of God, give the climate crusading a rest, and tell your side to stop trying to force EVs on folks that have zero interest in them.

Oh, and the pickup that can go 500 miles between fill-ups? 2013 Silverado with a 30 gal aux tank. I’ve actually pushed it as far as 610 miles, but I like to keep a safe margin… I could probably go 700.

300 H and H

Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
.But for the love of God, give the climate crusading a rest, and tell your side to stop trying to force EVs on folks that have zero interest in them.

Oh, and the pickup that can go 500 miles between fill-ups? 2013 Silverado with a 30 gal aux tank. I’ve actually pushed it as far as 610 miles, but I like to keep a safe margin… I could probably go 700.
If you knew anything about me, you would already know how much I despise the climate change LIE. I have posted against it many times in this forum.

As for how many miles of extreme range you have to have, know that damn few people will replicate nor appreciate your requirements that only fit less than 5% of truck owners use.

Lastly, you must be unaware of how much I hate the left. How you do not seem to know this is quite frankly a mystery... :tiphat:


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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Oh, and the pickup that can go 500 miles between fill-ups? 2013 Silverado with a 30 gal aux tank. I’ve actually pushed it as far as 610 miles, but I like to keep a safe margin… I could probably go 700.
My pickup does roughly 450 miles between fill ups. My Audi sedan did 725 miles. My VW easily does 600 miles, and possibly more.

And I need that range. My 2022 truck already passed 35,000 miles. Heck even the lovely Mrs_Bob's brand new (3 months old) Venza is due for its 5000 mile oil change already.

When I did the "which EV is right for you" on one of the websites, as I was searching for and actually trying to find one what would work for me, the answer came back NONE. I had a deposit on a Fisker Ocean, which has 360 miles of theoretical range, and it turns out that is not enough for some of my day trips to some of my rental properties (which don't have EV chargers on/near the properties)

300 H and H

Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
My pickup does roughly 450 miles between fill ups. My Audi sedan did 725 miles. My VW easily does 600 miles, and possibly more.

And I need that range. My 2022 truck already passed 35,000 miles. Heck even the lovely Mrs_Bob's brand new (3 months old) Venza is due for its 5000 mile oil change already.

When I did the "which EV is right for you" on one of the websites, as I was searching for and actually trying to find one what would work for me, the answer came back NONE. I had a deposit on a Fisker Ocean, which has 360 miles of theoretical range, and it turns out that is not enough for some of my day trips to some of my rental properties (which don't have EV chargers on/near the properties)
Simple. You're not a match so don't buy one then.
All you ever do is whine about how they don't fit your needs. Why bother then?


Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
I watch several people who are pro Tesla. They are saying close to the same thing.
The lies I see and hear from the naysayers are always to this point in time either irrelevant or opinion mixed with propaganda.
Legacy auto cannot compete in this space at a profit with inferior cars. Believe me with what is at stake they will lie cheat and steal to slow or stop the growth of Tesla.

If you don't possess critical reading and thinking skills, it is easy to get in lost in the FUD and propaganda.
This is also true of political propaganda particularly and is the reason some Republicans hate TRUMP.
They drank the cool aid. That recipe is words like "could have" might have" "probably" and my favorite, "could it actually be"
All bullshit that will protect the writer for a serious court case of slander and their reputation are on the line.

No one ever mentions the Power wall or the Tesla Mega pack either. Do any Legacy auto companies have that going on? Nope.

Especially true now with Tesla breaking into the light truck market, the only thing the majors can make a profit on.,
My money will stay invested in Tesla for at least another 3-4 years. So far a 3X multiple of my original investment. :whistling: :cool:
EV still need to be charged can the grid handle it (not in my area) how do you generate the power to charge the EV? the anti-fossil fuel push by our government in the name of save the planet.

Let’s see how China is going to do their share LOL or any other country.

We have natural gas in my area a combined cycle plant was proposed engineered most of the state approvals were done and the builder pulled out because of last set of federal permits were so restrictive it wasn’t economically feasible they said the changes in the last 2 years were detrimental prior to that they said it was feasible but with this moving target they couldn’t invest and have the rug pulled out from under them.

300 H and H

Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
EV still need to be charged can the grid handle it (not in my area) how do you generate the power to charge the EV? the anti-fossil fuel push by our government in the name of save the planet.

Let’s see how China is going to do their share LOL or any other country.

We have natural gas in my area a combined cycle plant was proposed engineered most of the state approvals were done and the builder pulled out because of last set of federal permits were so restrictive it wasn’t economically feasible they said the changes in the last 2 years were detrimental prior to that they said it was feasible but with this moving target they couldn’t invest and have the rug pulled out from under them.
I believe in ALL forms of energy. Especially the naughty one, Nuclear power plants.
Cheap energy lifts ALL the boats!


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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GOLD Site Supporter
. . .
Let’s see how China is going to do their share LOL or any other country.
. . .
Both China and India have chosen to EXPAND their COAL FIRED GENERATION as it is cheap. Both also seem to be looking at Nuclear as a longer term solution, but for now, and given they are the 2 most populous and the 2 most rapidly developing large nation on the planet, their answer is COAL because it is actually available.

This is the problem that the climate "Karens" don't seem to get. Wind and solar are just not available (yet) in large enough quantities, to come close to replacing what we are using. We need Natural Gas generation. We need Nuclear.

I'm not opposed to wind/sunshine. But we'd need a wind-farm the size the entire midwest to get close to generating the power we need now. Quite literally covering 100% of the land mass of Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Iowa, Wisconsin, Nebraska and both Dakotas! Somehow I don't see that happening soon enough.

And of course we need the transmission lines to move it.

300 H and H

Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
I'm not opposed to wind/sunshine. But we'd need a wind-farm the size the entire midwest to get close to generating the power we need now. Quite literally covering 100% of the land mass of Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Iowa, Wisconsin, Nebraska and both Dakotas! Somehow I don't see that happening soon enough.

And of course we need the transmission lines to move it.
Wind combined with American made solar, and Tesla Mega Pack grid storage battery's would reduce the size considerably. Add in Nuclear and natural gas, and now your talkin' Keep the coal plants we have as well. Miners need jobs as well. :thumbup:


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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GOLD Site Supporter
Wind combined with American made solar, and Tesla Mega Pack grid storage battery's would reduce the size considerably. Add in Nuclear and natural gas, and now your talkin' Keep the coal plants we have as well. Miners need jobs as well. :thumbup:
I have not seen any evidence that this is correct.

I agree with everything else you said.

Nuclear is probably the ultimate solution.

But the electrical demands are set, due to the administrative plan to switch all home heating to electric heat pumps, water heaters to electric, etc, plus the effective mandates that eliminate ICE vehicles in the future, to continue to expand beyond out capabilities and the land mass, even with storage batteries to 'even out' the daily demand/supply cycles, will require approximately 10 of our US states to be virtually 100% covered with WIND and SOLAR farms


awful member
GOLD Site Supporter
I have not seen any evidence that this is correct.

I agree with everything else you said.

Nuclear is probably the ultimate solution.

But the electrical demands are set, due to the administrative plan to switch all home heating to electric heat pumps, water heaters to electric, etc, plus the effective mandates that eliminate ICE vehicles in the future, to continue to expand beyond out capabilities and the land mass, even with storage batteries to 'even out' the daily demand/supply cycles, will require approximately 10 of our US states to be virtually 100% covered with WIND and SOLAR farms
I was curious about that so I started googling.

Looks like Elon stated this also I'm curious how accurate. Did you have a source for your statement? I would genuinely like to research this more. When I Google I keep getting Elon statements. Not to say that he's wrong, I'm just curious


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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GOLD Site Supporter
I had seen an article that said for TODAY's use, to supplement our existing grid, but to eliminate coal we need to cover 4-5 states with wind farms. The article mentioned a land mass the size of IN/IL/OH/MI/KY specifically. I can't find that article.

Many articles say tiny amounts of space are required, but it seems like many are only measuring the size of individual turbines not the space between them.

But this one says up to 400,000 square miles (it would, of course, be less with battery storage)
