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temper tantrums!!!

yea thelast few times i have punished rilry his dad stayed out of it cause i yelled at him...i told him he cant baby him when i try to get on him...i think he realized it worked..
I've gone round and round with the wife over this very topic. When he was a toddler she was trying to stop him from messing with a ceramic gizmo on the floor with constant No, no, no, no, no and so on. I snatched him up and swatted his leg and to this day he's never touched it again. His Mom has really had to crack down due to blatant disrespect and misbehaving. You hang in there and he'll be a little gentleman you'll be proud to take places, you don't and there'll be hell to pay.
We were driving home one afternoon when Sarah was being unruly in the backseat. The wife told her to knock it off over and over again. I had decided to keep my mouth shut since I am wrong so often. Finally when the 3 year pld said "no" Rhonda told her that if she said no one more time we were pulling the truck over. I thought "yeah right". Well Sarah said no and Rhonda said "stop the truck!" She jumped out and commenced to wearing a butt out on the side of the road. It was the first time she had come through on a disciplinary promise. Nothing works unless you back it up.
We were driving home one afternoon when Sarah was being unruly in the backseat. The wife told her to knock it off over and over again. I had decided to keep my mouth shut since I am wrong so often. Finally when the 3 year pld said "no" Rhonda told her that if she said no one more time we were pulling the truck over. I thought "yeah right". Well Sarah said no and Rhonda said "stop the truck!" She jumped out and commenced to wearing a butt out on the side of the road. It was the first time she had come through on a disciplinary promise. Nothing works unless you back it up.
yea i know thats my problem some days i just dont feel like fighting him....:furious:
When my kids were little and we were on a road trip. They were terrible, I told them I was going to stop the car and find a switch if they didn’t stop their bad behavior. They continued like I never noticed.
I stopped the car and went looking for a switch along the road and all I could find was about a twenty foot two-by-four. I picked that up and all I did was bump them foreword with the thing. They sounded like I had just killed them. They were little angel’s the rest of the trip.
Tantrums are mostly caused due to the child being frustrated and unable to explain what they want.....if a parent starts shouting back the child shouts and screams louder hence a stale mate....in most cases you need to understand whats causing the distress which can be hard if they are teething or having a tummy ache ect but also they want a toy or drink but cant find the words to express.

One way i found that works is to stay calm and when the problem is located find a picture of a tooth a toy drink ect (what caused the tantrum)and pin it on the fridge or a pin board....talk calmly and explain when they want this again they need to stay calm and point to the picture.

in most cases they grow out of this stage but i have found the more you make it an issue yourself the more of a problem it becomes....and yes as said before both parents and carers have to work together.

Pin point the reason and solve the problem.

Galv just sharing his random thoughts.
seems like we all have an idea on how someone else should raise their kids. but does anyone want to keep him for a month or two. :dizzy: i would just leave the room when he starts that stuff. it worked well for my granddaughter, she doesnt do that near as much. i would leave the room and when she stopped i would come back, pick her up, and spend the next 10 minutes hugging her and telling her how much i love her. by the way, you can ask her how much does pawpaw love you, and she will spread her arms wide and say, way much. cute no?:brows: