Stamp collecting ???


Gone But Not Forgotten
Ok ... I use to do this as a kid and thought I was pretty good at collecting . A while back my wife got a chest she inherited form her grandfolks . She never had the key and had never opened it . 20 years later Big Al comes along , heres the story and I picked the locked:w00t2::w00t2:. The stamp collection in it is off the scale !

There are countries in there that I have never heard of . It actually belonged to her Great Grandpa and was pasted down to her grandpa before she came into owning it . Most of the stamps are pre WW1 and many have no post mark on them . I have a feeling she is looking at a fortune . There are thousands of stamps . I think she should have it appaised .
Damn...I'd be getting that appraised if I were you. You might have a small mint sitting in that chest.

If you knew her Grandfather , you would understand . That man never did anything or bought anything that did not go up in value , BIG TIME !!!!.

She will never get rid of it as it will be passed along to our daughter . I just hope the daughter realizes what she is getting .
:ermm: I just had a vision of all those guys I see on that show "Pawn Stars" who inherit something of value and don't realize what they have so they walk in to the shop hoping to make a quick buck. Hope this doesn't happen with the stamps.
:ermm: I just had a vision of all those guys I see on that show "Pawn Stars" who inherit something of value and don't realize what they have so they walk in to the shop hoping to make a quick buck. Hope this doesn't happen with the stamps.

I don't think it will . Our daughter is well aware who her Grandfather and great grand father was . Her G Granddad was one of the few men that ever turned down the Queen of England for Knighthood . He once owned "Pig Island" in the Bahama's . I was there when Mick Jagger was our neighbor ,after pieces had beed sold off . Its now called Atlantis now . Before that her great grand father owned 70 % of all of Nassua .
Yea ,,, she is old family ..... but you would never know it .

Right after I met her she took me to Nassua . I was told by the biggest black guy I ever saw , that if I hurt her ,my life was shit .He just happened to be the biggest drug dealer in the Bahamas . Still is .. He meant it too . He offered us his 110 ' yacht for a week in the out islands but my future wife refused . Don't want to be ownin favors to a drug dealer .
I don't think it will . Our daughter is well aware who her Grandfather and great grand father was . Her G Granddad was one of the few men that ever turned down the Queen of England for Knighthood . He once owned "Pig Island" in the Bahama's . I was there when Mick Jagger was our neighbor ,after pieces had beed sold off . Its now called Atlantis now . Before that her great grand father owned 70 % of all of Nassua .
Yea ,,, she is old family ..... but you would never know it .

Right after I met her she took me to Nassua . I was told by the biggest black guy I ever saw , that if I hurt her ,my life was shit .He just happened to be the biggest drug dealer in the Bahamas . Still is .. He meant it too . He offered us his 110 ' yacht for a week in the out islands but my future wife refused . Don't want to be ownin favors to a drug dealer .
Good idea it would be my luck i borrowed the yacht and the coast guard or dea would pinch me with some of his merchandise still on board.
I think Stamp collecting is not as popular as it used to be. I remember getting bags of assorted stamps as a kid and sorting through them for "special" ones. The stamps from African countries were always pretty cool.

I have my Dad's stamp collection from when he was a boy and it has some old Canadian stamps. I'm just going to do the same as you Al - pass it along.