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Spider repellent ideas ??


Just Plinkin Away the $$
Got a lot of spiders living in the pole barn, clean it up & they're back in a week or 2. Heard about putting hedge apples (Osage oranges) in buildings & basements to keep them away.

Anyone tried this....... does it work ?

Who has a hedge apple tree ?

Any other good spider repellents that work ?


Why dont you like spiders?
DUH! You walk into their webs in every conceivable corner of a building and attached all over the equipment you use frequently. Occasionally you get the spider on YOU and some of those suckers leave a nasty welt when they take a chunk out of you. I have permanent scars on my body from where spiders have bitten me, and it's not a pretty sight. I have a scar above the bridge of my nose from a bite, and it swelled up to the size of a golf ball. Had to go to the ER for a shot with that one.

When I go out to my garden I take a map gas torch with me and toast the suckers when I can find them so I don't get one on me while picking veggies. Removing webs does no good...you gotta kill the bastards.
Borax works. It's a laundry enhancer. Common brand is 20-mule team.

I use it everywhere. Just put the powder on flat spots or anyplace the spiders get to. I put on about 1/4-1/2" thick. After they (or any other bug) walks on it, it'll kill them. It's not harmful to other animals (it just works on insects).

It'll take about 2 weeks after you apply it before the bugs are gone. For instant gratification, I just use those bug bomb things.

I use it in the basement, on the sill plate as well as put it in any wall I'm building be it in the house, basement, garage or out-building.
PS on my previous post.

For more info on Borax (which contains boric acid) or what I'm talking about, do a google search for something like:
boric acid insects
boric acid spiders
DUH! You walk into their webs in every conceivable corner of a building and attached all over the equipment you use frequently. Occasionally you get the spider on YOU and some of those suckers leave a nasty welt when they take a chunk out of you. I have permanent scars on my body from where spiders have bitten me, and it's not a pretty sight. I have a scar above the bridge of my nose from a bite, and it swelled up to the size of a golf ball. Had to go to the ER for a shot with that one.

When I go out to my garden I take a map gas torch with me and toast the suckers when I can find them so I don't get one on me while picking veggies. Removing webs does no good...you gotta kill the bastards.

:unsure: I am sorry, I have just never had that much trouble with them.
Hedge apples come from the Hedge tree - also known as the Osage Orange or Bois D'Arc. They're the larger than a softball sized green brain looking things all over the road or along fencelines this time of year.

If you really can't find any, PM me your address and I'll mail you a box - so long as there aren't any laws against sending them to you.
i dont buy borax brand i just buy boric acid at dollar general store cheap and it works for most all bugs just put it where it wont get wet
Hedge apples come from the Hedge tree - also known as the Osage Orange or Bois D'Arc. They're the larger than a softball sized green brain looking things all over the road or along fencelines this time of year.

If you really can't find any, PM me your address and I'll mail you a box - so long as there aren't any laws against sending them to you.

Erik........Do they really work as a spider repellent ?

If they do........send me a box of 20 or so & I'll cover the postage.


In truth, I don't know - but dad always pet them in the garage for the winter to keep down the mouse population and he didn't seem to have too many problems.
I'll take a look around and see if they're dropping off the trees yet.

you sure you don't have any up your way?
In truth, I don't know - but dad always pet them in the garage for the winter to keep down the mouse population and he didn't seem to have too many problems.
I'll take a look around and see if they're dropping off the trees yet.

you sure you don't have any up your way?

There was a tree on my ex-inlaw's property.........not so sure I'm welcome there tho.........They aren't real common around here.
In truth, I don't know - but dad always pet them in the garage for the winter to keep down the mouse population and he didn't seem to have too many problems.
I'll take a look around and see if they're dropping off the trees yet.

you sure you don't have any up your way?

I've got a tree at the bottom of the garden. I mowed about twenty of the fruit laying on the ground today.

I've heard that people use them to control mice and insects but I've never tried it myself. It sounds like another of those old wife's tales but some of those old dears were pretty smart. :smile:
:flame2:This works to get rid of spiders, but not much good for the rest of the barn....unless you have some kind of a Barnaphobia, then it is great!
Moth balls. Not such a good remedy in a home because of the smell/fumes, but should work great in the barn.

Or how about some hungry kittens?
Buy a case of cheap hairspray, preferably Aquanet in the red can.
Spray the sunsabitches and freeze them.
Stand back and listen to them scream I'm dyinggggggg, I'm dyinggggggg..
Grab a broom and sweep them away.
The end.
I've got a tree at the bottom of the garden. I mowed about twenty of the fruit laying on the ground today.

I've heard that people use them to control mice and insects but I've never tried it myself. It sounds like another of those old wife's tales but some of those old dears were pretty smart. :smile:

the milky sap in the hedge apples is a kind of natural latex -- mice eat it and it poisons them slow enough they don't relate it to the fruit.
I have no idea what there would be about it to repel spiders other than odor.
On the flip side, mice eat spiders...
I always put hedge apples around the house and in the shed. It keeps mice and crickets away. I bought a book that talks about pests and give natural ways to get rid of them and it says they will repel spiders. It says for more uses look at www.hedgeapple.com
It also says to spray the spiders area with a soapy solution. It also says you can get cedar chips and put them in pantyhose and hang them around and it will keep spiders away. Another item is pennyroyal which is an herbal thing that can be purchased in a health store. Another suggestion is fresh chestnuts (packaged ones will not work). For corner areas it says to use 5% white vinegar and a teaspoon of coconut oil. The book also has some more solutions for specific spiders.
Folks, I'm sorry if I'm about to ruins y'alls good time here but the only real way to deal with spiders is to repeatedly disturb their environment or eliminate/reduce their food source (flying & crawling insects).

Spiders have no sense of smell and so consequently there are no "Repellant" qualities to materials (like powders or liquids) that would affect the spider. The surface area that their legs cover as they walk and their proximity to the walking surface make those applications ineffective as they never get enough on them to have any affect. If any of the methods you've used appears to be working, it's more than likely that you addressed one of the two things I mentioned. You've killed off their food source or disturbed their environment to the point where they're tired of dealing with your sorry butt and they're moving away...:yum:.

Take a look at the environment around you. Lot of rain = lots more flying insects = spiders. Increased critter activity (droppings) = increased flying insects = spiders.