I guess what I don't understand is why everyone is so upset with it. Back when abortion was voted legal I think all the pro-lifers were probably just as upset as the pro-choice people are now. Really when it comes down to it, it was personal opinion that allowed abortion, why can't it be personal choice to turn it over. Laws are created by majority of votes. It is just turned around right now. We have had other laws overturned, why not this. You don't need to have religion to be pro-life.
As for me and my house, I will serve the Lord. I beleive in God. A couple of previous statements said, "Prove to me that God exists". That is fine for you to say that, but I say prove to me he doesn't exist. Our forefathers founded this country on Christian Biblical beliefs. And I beleive that God is above our government and all our decisions should be based on Christian principals. Now many of you will get upset with my last statement but that is my belief. I believe there is life after this life and it is either heaven or hell. Yes hell is just as real as heaven. You can't believe in heaven unless you believe in hell. Mine and your personal relationship with Jesus and you accepting him in your heart determines whether you go to heaven or hell. It is free to all, you just got to pray and ask. I also believe that it is my faith and not my works that is important to Jesus. Reading the bible I strongly feel that God is against abortion and there will be a day we stand before God and will be judged.
With my statements above I probably will be the first person banned from FF but it is how I beleive.