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South Dakota making abortion illegal

I believe it is a womans choice. Not the government and surely not a bunch of men that should decide this issue. We do not carry that unborn child. We are not the ones attached to it. I leave this issue for the women to decide.
I guess what I don't understand is why everyone is so upset with it. Back when abortion was voted legal I think all the pro-lifers were probably just as upset as the pro-choice people are now. Really when it comes down to it, it was personal opinion that allowed abortion, why can't it be personal choice to turn it over. Laws are created by majority of votes. It is just turned around right now. We have had other laws overturned, why not this. You don't need to have religion to be pro-life.

As for me and my house, I will serve the Lord. I beleive in God. A couple of previous statements said, "Prove to me that God exists". That is fine for you to say that, but I say prove to me he doesn't exist. Our forefathers founded this country on Christian Biblical beliefs. And I beleive that God is above our government and all our decisions should be based on Christian principals. Now many of you will get upset with my last statement but that is my belief. I believe there is life after this life and it is either heaven or hell. Yes hell is just as real as heaven. You can't believe in heaven unless you believe in hell. Mine and your personal relationship with Jesus and you accepting him in your heart determines whether you go to heaven or hell. It is free to all, you just got to pray and ask. I also believe that it is my faith and not my works that is important to Jesus. Reading the bible I strongly feel that God is against abortion and there will be a day we stand before God and will be judged.

With my statements above I probably will be the first person banned from FF but it is how I beleive.

Murph....... you are entitled to your beliefs, but how do you reconcile your version of G-d with the other religions of the world? Do you believe that your religion is the only correct one and all the rest are wrong in there beliefs? How about the Jewish religion, upon which the Cristian religion is based upon???? How about the other religions around the world??? There beliefs are also different from yours..... are they all wrong??

PS......... we won't ban you for your beliefs or your religion even if we don't agree with it... That is the difference between this site and the other..
I believe in one God, the true God. The God of David, the God of Abraham, the God of Moses. Religion is different forms or ways of worshipping God and there is many ways. Some I agree with and some I don't. The Jewish religion I am not in agreement with it. Remember, the Jews rejected Jesus when he was on earth. John 3:16, you've seen it all over, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life" The bible doesn't talk about religions but God does say that strange Gods will come before him. How we worship is a matter of personal preference. There probably in our town is ten different churches that I will go to. And to add some religions do worship a different God that I beleive doesn't exist.

OkeeDon said:
The simple fact is that the Constition says that no law can be made regarding religion. That's easy; "no law" means "no law". The statements that life begins at conception and abortion is therefore murder are based in religious belief and cannot be established in a court of law. Therefore, there can be no law making abortion illegal. It's really that simple, and the Supreme Court has agreed more than once.

"Thou shall not kill" is also based from religious belief, so any laws against murdering adults and children should be overturned also? How about laws concerning stealing? Should they be overturned also?

A human life is important, both before and after it is born.
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AndyM said:
"Thou shall not kill" is also based from religious belief, so any laws against murdering adults and children should be overturned also? How about laws concerning stealing? Should they be overturned also?

A human life is important, both before and after it is born.

You certainly have your ideas about the separation of state and religion very confused. I also suggest that you reconsider your views of how laws are and should be written. Killing a person is to deny them of the life that they already have, and no one is saying that that is proper. The pro abortion people don't believe the same thing as the anti abortion people believe as to when life begins. To date, no state that I know of has any laws about killing a fetus, although some might like to have that law if the Supreme Court strikes down Roe vs. Wade. Until then, a fetus isn't a viable living thing in the eyes of the law. You can quote the bible and scriptures all day long, but that isn't the law of the land. If it were, then we would be having the same civil war that is presently going on in Iraq. One religious group fighting another religious group over religious beliefs. Is that what you want for our country? Is it proper that the anti abortion people kill the people that perform the abortions? Are those peoples lives any less significant? How about capital punishment..... I don't see the anti abortion movement people making a fuss to stop that killing.
Junkman said:
The pro abortion people don't believe the same thing as the anti abortion people believe as to when life begins.

Yeah your right, but who is right, I sure don't think the pro-choice people know when life starts either. So why do it. The bible tells me it is murder, again my personal opinion.

Sitting in a bar over in Wisconsin reading the paper. A town of about 1,000 people based on the fact it had three bars. Anyway reading the paper there was a big article on South Dakota making abortion illegal. Planned Parent Hood and some other other groups has already vowed to fight it and take it all the way to the Supreme Court. Evidently South Dakota is getting all kinds of money sent to them to fight back. One person and one person alone has donated a million dollars. South Dakota has had to create a separate account for all the money coming in. However, since there will be a law suit the law can not go into effect until the Supreme Court hears it which could take up to 4 years to get there and by that time South Dakota could have a complete new administration in place.

junkman said:
I don't see the anti abortion movement people making a fuss to stop that killing.

Your talking about some person that probably has already killed another person or is a major danger to society versus some innocent child that has not had a chance to life. Bad scenario junk. However if I remember right just no too long ago there was a big stink over some guy out in California who was sentence to the chair and a lot of the pro-choice people were protesting that. This guy was a person responsible to killing a lot of people and in control of many gangs.:confused:
