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SOS refridgerator quit working



I came in this afternoon about 4 or 5, went to get some ice water, & the ice was melting!!
First I unplugged it, then cleaned out the coils, (yes, they were nearly clogged up with dust) & let it cool. The compressor was almost to hot to hold my hand on it. It cooled about 2 or 3 hours, still would not start when I plugged it in. It made a click, a few minutes later, another click. The fan is running, but not the compressor.
It's Saturday night, & Sears said it would be WEDNESDAY before a service man could get here.:censored:
Any ideas?? PLEASE?!?!?!

I believe you can get frozen CO2 at Walmart.

Else, have a party and eat everything in it! Then stock a small cooler with the basics or go without. Four days of hardtack, ramen noodles and anything else that doesn't require refrigeration will really make you appreciate it when it gets up and running!

I came in this afternoon about 4 or 5, went to get some ice water, & the ice was melting!!
First I unplugged it, then cleaned out the coils, (yes, they were nearly clogged up with dust) & let it cool. The compressor was almost to hot to hold my hand on it. It cooled about 2 or 3 hours, still would not start when I plugged it in. It made a click, a few minutes later, another click. The fan is running, but not the compressor.
It's Saturday night, & Sears said it would be WEDNESDAY before a service man could get here.:censored:
Any ideas?? PLEASE?!?!?!


OK Redneck, I'll try and help. I'm an HVAC guy, not a refrigeration guy, but I'll do the best I can.

OK...Unplug the fridge, wait 30 seconds and plug it back in. If it does not run, unplug it again. Then check the electrical connections to the compressor to be sure they did not get disconnected when you cleaned the coils. If the electrical connections to the compressor are OK, plug the fridge back in and see if the compressor will run. If the compressor will not run, but the condenser fan runs, then you need to check the compressor motor windings with a multi-meter to see if they are good. (If you do not have a meter, then you are going to have to wait for the service tek)

If you have a meter, let me know, and I will walk you through the test procedure.
I'd go buy another and put the old one in the garage when it's working again for the beer........... :mrgreen:

AW will love me for that one ...........!
a spare fridge in the garage is a great place for beer & bait!
plus at the holidays you have somewhere extra for your leftovers...
a spare fridge in the garage is a great place for beer & bait!
plus at the holidays you have somewhere extra for your leftovers...

Screw the leftovers! The beer fridge is for BEER!

Ya gotta have BEER ta go with the BAIT!!

But first, I gotta get this thing cooling again, so's the beer I got now don't go bad!! (I know, but I can only drink so much at at time!)

Got any suggestions about where, on line, to order a
I was referring to "extra leftovers" :hammer::mrgreen:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:hide:
a spare fridge in the garage is a great place for beer & bait!
I would LOVE for him to have his own freezer! You wouldn't believe (maybe you would) the stuff he claims as bait in my freezer :shock:
*too bad I had to throw it away when it defrosted*....shhhhh