Yes, Kirk. Obama's miraculous, jobless recovery of the 13,000 DJIA is due for correction. But don't count on it before the election. Because Bufoon Bernanke is also due for a nice QE3 in September to keep the market artificially alive until November.
Like, hey, what's a party faithful to do?
Also, the Wall Street boys are turning cheek to Obama ... tired of being vilified. And the only way to keep campaign dollars coming is to keep the action hot and lucrative. Keep the printing presses running and that zero interest free money rolling into the Banksters pockets right up to November 4th.
Yeah, we're due for a crash. Cash in your shorts. But the road to recovery next time will be based upon confidence and tangible growth, not the smoke and mirrors that only the Big Banksters were to benefit under Obama and Bernanke.
The both of them should be in jail. Along with that thief Timmy Giethner. As a matter of fact, where's little Timmy been lately?