Well today the top scientist at NASA came out and said there is no such thing as "Global Warming"! He said that the Earth has natural changes that man has no effect on.
MTNMOGS No I dont feel all scientists are stupid. Just the ones that spew how man kind has created this "Global Warming". They are nothing but money hungy Enviromentalists that spew there diatribe to stay in the money from there Enviromental whakoe funders . Sorry if you disagree but thats how I see it. These are the people that have kept us from building Nuclear Power plants, The absolute cleanest source of power known today that we can create. These are the same people that have done more harm to this country than good. NOW having said that I do feel we need to lead by example and have the cleanest industrial nation on this planet which we do have. This (and I do give credit) has been brought about by enviromentalist but not entirely. I consider myself an enviromentalist just not whakoe about it. Anyway MTNMOGS I have tons of respect for you. I have read most if not all of your posts and find you very inteligent. I hope I have not offended you but this is truely how I feel. I guess we will see in 10 years who is right? LOL. Anyway I would want to see data from non biased scientists and those are far and few. I do belive the head NASA scientist is one of those people.