best plow truck i ever had is a mitsubishi fuso. 11 foot dump bed, 9' fisher blade. anymore i only plow about a mile of driveway, but some areas drift in about 3 to 4 feet deep. also have 2 skidsteers available with snowblowers. one is a mustang 2109 with a loegering blower, it kicks but. will throw snow easily 60 to 70 feet. i can be on one side of the road and put the snow on the opposite side, could have something to do with the 115hp perkins. the other is a JD 333ct, hp is about 87 i think, it has a JD blower that works ok, but will not touch the other one. i used to have a snow blade on my log skidder, it was great for plowing. with the skidder it doesnt matter if there is road under you or not, it just keeps going. had it for 11 years now and have never gotten it stuck, hell, i rarely even lock in the front diff-lock.