Deadly Sushi
The One, The Only, Sushi
Thats right. Big Al and I are going to his island... building a Sand Cat out of bamboo, sucking down seafood.... beverages and check out DA ladies!
wait.... when is this??? Where???
weeeee !!!! Its about time we got together and started scratching each others eyes out and punching on each other in the head !!!! We can't agree on anything from our post and you want to get us all in the same room ????
Think Man Think ... For God's sake
No, I don't think we should have a meet-up as I would have to be nice to the people that I don't like on the forum or be an ass like my true colors, and the ones that do like me, then would not..................
Go get em tiger
I think many will be surprisedweeeee !!!! Its about time we got together and started scratching each others eyes out and punching on each other in the head !!!! We can't agree on anything from our post and you want to get us all in the same room ????
Think Man Think ... For God's sake
I agree with Mtnpooper and Galvanize .
What about all them dudes with guns??? We know BD has em . And Bogus Bob may have 1 or 2 but I think they are pink and quite cute .I even heard PG has a straight razor stuffed down her .... uh... aaahh ....well you get my point . Nope ....I'm a big target but not stupid .... Well I may be stupid but i'm not that stupid ... ok maybe I am that stupid .
I think many will be surprised