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Rusty's thought of the day thread

Morning Gina.
I don't think I've ever watched Groundhog Day, although I do like Bill Murray :-)

I saw it in the theater when it was originally released. It is a wonderful film, very well done and Murray's performance is both funny and poignant. It's on the Bravo channel today if you have that and care to check it out. :smile:
I saw it in the theater when it was originally released. It is a wonderful film, very well done and Murray's performance is both funny and poignant. It's on the Bravo channel today if you have that and care to check it out. :smile:
Unfortunately, (or is that fortunately?) I have to work today-- but I'll catch it sometime.
seems ive slacked on my thread...


I have cabin fever I want to go to mine and roads are impassable due to snow and ice keep it down south they enjoy it more!!!!!! than I do.

tom :bitterCol:snow2_smi
thanks tommu, LOL at least 2 inches per hour here when i was grillin. had to keep shoveling a path to the grill every 10 minutes :yum::yum::yum:

and housefull, im not quite sure what your post is all about, but if you are not a troll/spammer, then welcome to FF!
thanks tommu, LOL at least 2 inches per hour here when i was grillin. had to keep shoveling a path to the grill every 10 minutes :yum::yum::yum:

and housefull, im not quite sure what your post is all about, but if you are not a troll/spammer, then welcome to FF!

Now that is some dedication to go through that just to grill! Kudos! :smile:
thanks tommu, LOL at least 2 inches per hour here when i was grillin. had to keep shoveling a path to the grill every 10 minutes :yum::yum::yum:

and housefull, im not quite sure what your post is all about, but if you are not a troll/spammer, then welcome to FF!
Get up and keep shoveling m8. You and Tommu are in the hammer zone. LOL we ain't getting any!:yum: