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Rusty's thought of the day thread

Eggs with green peppers and onion for breakfast. Franks and beans for lunch. Even the dogs leave you alone for supper!:clap:I used to throw in a bunch of old milwaukee to keep the fire burning. Now those were good ones!:w00t2:

Here ya go Rusty..
Blow the dust off before you open it.. mmmk?:yum:

Stop posting over me PG! I am old and have a weak heart! What a way to go.LOL
Rusty since I located up in the headwaters of the Susquehanna I started your beer off the back porch a while ago. Your water comes from Red Lion which sucks some of it from the river so it will be there in a little bit. Like I tell the Amish when their spring runs dry."I will pee more for you":hammer:
No. I keep coming up the old Pabst blue ribbon one.


Mabel the Waitress - During the 1950s Carling Black Label featured an attractive blond beer toting waitress named Mabel in a series of animated Carling Black Label beer commercials. When a customer wanted a beer they cried "Hey, Mabel!, Black Label!" Mabel the bartendress rarely spoke in the commercials but at the end of each spot she gave the TV viewers a friendly wink. The campaign was created by Lang, Fisher, & Stashower in the 1940s. Their ad jingle was written by Phil Davis. Actress Jean Goodspeed, a New York actress and model portrayed Mabel beginning in 1951. However, in the mid-1950s, Goodspeed ended her career to become a mother and Carling Black Label folks decided to animate the Mabel character but also thought it wise to insert images of the original Mabel (Goodspeed) for good measure. The ads ran successfully for twenty years.
Finally, in 1970, a new actress was cast in the role, but soon after, the Mabel character faded into advertising history.
The Carling Black Label slogan in the 1940s was "Pass Up 'Ladies Beer'....Be A Man About It, Drink Stag!" The "Mabel, Black Label" slogan was coined in 1951.
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be back in a bit. we just got a brand new computer, gonna let the lil lady take over. this thing is sweet! thanks pg, for helpin get us to 100 pages!!!
View attachment 41207:whistling:

Home > Index > Advertising > Mascots (People) > Mabel the Waitress Advertising Mascots - People
Mabel the Waitress - During the 1950s Carling Black Label featured an attractive blond beer toting waitress named Mabel in a series of animated Carling Black Label beer commercials. When a customer wanted a beer they cried "Hey, Mabel!, Black Label!" Mabel the bartendress rarely spoke in the commercials but at the end of each spot she gave the TV viewers a friendly wink. The campaign was created by Lang, Fisher, & Stashower in the 1940s. Their ad jingle was written by Phil Davis. Actress Jean Goodspeed, a New York actress and model portrayed Mabel beginning in 1951. However, in the mid-1950s, Goodspeed ended her career to become a mother and Carling Black Label folks decided to animate the Mabel character but also thought it wise to insert images of the original Mabel (Goodspeed) for good measure. The ads ran successfully for twenty years.
Finally, in 1970, a new actress was cast in the role, but soon after, the Mabel character faded into advertising history.
The Carling Black Label slogan in the 1940s was "Pass Up 'Ladies Beer'....Be A Man About It, Drink Stag!" The "Mabel, Black Label" slogan was coined in 1951.
Oh yeah. That reminds me how old i am.